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Posts posted by KED

  1. I agree that LGBT members tend to migrate to urban areas - I know I did as soon as I could. However, I think that just as I have seen evidence of LGBT moving to the suburbs, as the U.S. begins to recognize equal rights nationwide, I think there will be more LGBT deciding to live in less urban areas. I think the same in Thailand - LGBT tend to migrate to Bangkok / Chiang Mai and Phuket from smaller villages.

  2. I am currently back in the U.S. and usually return with some USD with much of that in 100 denominations since I get the best exchange rate. I haven't seen a discussion about Thai Exchange Counters not taking any USD $100 issued 2003 or earlier - but I have come across this problem - so now I always check the issue date and bring only after 2003. Is this common knowledge? If I do manage to have some bills that they don't accept, I have found that the U.S. embassy will accept them for payment of Passport renewal fees or any other fees paid to their cashier.

  3. Although my Thai partner can read in English, his comprehension is far better in Thai. I would like to find some western literature to share that has been translated into Thai. I found a Thai language copy of "Catcher In the Rye" at Kinokuniya but asked the desk about other titles such as "To Kill A MockingBIrd" but the representative checked her computer and said that there is no current translation in Thai available to order.

    I am not looking for old classics like Shakespeare or Homer but also not looking for popular culture authors like Ludlum - I am looking for authors like Ray Bradbury, Conrad, Faulkner - any ideas?

    Maybe some university bookstores would have?

  4. If you let your retirement extension die and start over with a tourist visa - then it is an extra trip to immigrations because you must first show all your documentation as being qualified for the retirement extension and have your tourist visa converted to an "O" visa - which will be good for 90 days - then you will need to come back after 60 days and show the same documentation again to have the "0" visa extended for one year based on retirement. I did this the first time and since I was using a pension income, had to get a letter from my embassy which costs me THB 1500 and then after the 60 days with the new "O" visa - I had to show yet another letter because they would not allow the same letter to be used. So, it is possible but, in my opinion, more of a headache to start over - I would advise getting a reentry permit and then you have 6 days to extend your original extension without having to make two journeys. As a second option, you could get a single entry "O" visa in Europe and that would give you 60 days entry and then apply for an extension after the first 30 days. That would mean only one trip to immigrations and only one batch of supporting documents.

  5. I am not a lawyer, and I try to be objective, but I fail to see how a majority of the members of the Supreme Court cannot see the obvious parallels for gay marriage and civil rights - that two people who are in a committed relationship, regardless of their gender , should be allowed the same rights as only straight-marriage has had in the past. I have given up on Scalia and Thomas - but I think the others can and should support this as a basic civil right -

  6. A friend of mine from Indonesia was in Thailand for a week. His flight back was on AA out of DM at 8 PM - He caught a taxi at 5:30 PM on the last Friday of the month and it took 90 minutes. I don't mind the fact that DM on the check-in side still looks 100 years old (but departure side is refurbished) - I hate the fact that just after the long-awaited airport link is open to Survanabumi - 25% of the flights are now moved to another site which does not offer anything but taxi/bus/ox cart -

  7. If you have that problem in your lower back, then we have the same problem,

    except that i have it every day of my life.

    You can eventually prevent it, if you build muscles,

    but whenever you exercise, make sure to lock your back before you do your reps,

    that is, do not bend your back at all in any exercise, just give it a static work/load.

    Other things that help, massage, tramadol, creme that generate heat,

    (put a shirt on for more heat)

    Yes - from my internet research - building up core muscles and back muscles should help - will definitely start concentrating on this area.

    I have been using SalonPas and it works really well in dulling the pain.

    Have you been able to get your condition successfully diagnosed? sciatic nerve? disc degneration?

    I would feel better if I just understood more what is causing the back pain.


  8. For the last few years, I have had a recurring back pain which reappears about every 4-6 months in the same area of my back. It starts as a dull pain and a stiff back, but after a few days, the pain is so strong that I cannot stand or walk for a few days. After a few days of bed rest and the use of a heating pad, the pain diminishes and finally is gone.

    I went to BNH Hospital two years ago and explained to the doctor my symptoms and concern that it was perhaps a kidney problem or herniated disk/slipped disk or something serious. His reply was "so what do you want to do?" I'm not sure if it was a cultural issue, but I was looking for him to be more pro-active about how to proceed since he was the doctor. So, I ended up getting a regular x-ray which did not show any obvious spine/vertebrate problems.

    Recently, I have had another episode and this one has lasted much longer than ever before. I have felt strong pain for almost two weeks now - and am only just now feeling better.

    Now that I am more mobile, I would like to get to the source of this back pain. But, after a less than stellar experience with the previous doctor, any suggestions on what type of doctor I should make an appointment. Should I be aware of what tests I want done?

    I have been very lucky in my 50 years not to have any serious illness and am grateful that Thai medical expenses are so much less than in the U.S.; however, I need to find someone who can explain to me what the problem could be and how to proceed.

    Many thanks for any suggestions.

  9. It is just inconceivable that any Thai government would continue to support this failing scheme. What logic shows that a business that has 2600 members now at 1 million Thai baht (and many of these were free VIP cards), would project that after raising the price to 2 million THB and lowering the beniefit - that it would attract 7500 additional members This is insanity - how more Thai newspapers and government officials do not expose this is fraud- i do not understand.

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