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Posts posted by TonyH

  1. Please set me striaght...when there are free elections before the end of the year, won't the majority of the Thais vote "Red", which most likely will be another "thug". And this "thug" will "pardon" Thaksin to return to Thailand????? So a year from now, Mr. "T" may be on Siam soil. Yes or NO???


    Does anyone really think that the roadmap to new elections doesn't include constitutional reform? Given that the "thugs" will be out vote buying again. If you know anything about the N and NE you know they will. It's a given. So even if they get a plurality (which is not a lock), then are able to form a coalition (big if) they'll be back out on their asses.

    vote buying and executions of opponants are the norm in the south. you not know because many of you falang never leave bangkok to see it and anyway don't like to listen. this why democrat so strong here

    ok clever falangs, ask your thai friends what is famous in surathani and nakorn si tammarat and they will tell you HIT MEN. 100% of thais know this and most bangkok falang not know anything about country away from tourist bars. people in south might want free election as well and if democrats all go to jail, maybe they vote free.

    Us "clever farangs" pritty well invented everything civilised on the planet from democracy to flush toilets (oh sorry you dont know about that one yet)

    So YOUR hit men are our best bet for Thai democracy then ?

  2. If he came back, maybe we could start all over again: Instead of an illegal military coup which further fragmented the country, throw him out by way of the democratic process--elections. IF they could muster the numbers. :)

    A lot of you have bought the government's and PAD's demonizing of Thaksin--hook, line and sinker. They just want to put a face on the multi-faceted social problems to give everyone an easy target. If Thaksin didn't exist, there's a lot more grievances among the disenfranchised millions of the north and northeast for this social fragmentation just to vaporize. The problems are much, much deeper than a renegade billionaire PM who used his position to line his pockets.

    If he did come back he will be either jailed or killed by one of the many millions of people who now hate him with passion. So yes Taksin come back and meet your fate.

  3. yeah, the ugly and corrupt side of new Thai politics is such an improvement. Abhisit is about 26 years late, but I guess double-speak and thought police are better late than never. How does elimination of freedom of press and speech equate to democratic?

    Abhisit is the best thing thailand has going for it and you are retarded :)

    100% agree with you, and it upsets me when I see so many people trying to distroy this very decent man. What wrong with these reds cant they see Abhisit is a very good PM. "What a shame for Thailand"

  4. Some here have very short selective memories...When Prime Minister Abhisit' wanted to go to Chang Mai just 3 months ago, the threat of violence was so great he had to cancel. Now for those of you that think Thailand is not falling into anarchy, then please explain when the leader of a country wishes to address his countrymen and you have the red shirts making serious enough threats against his appearance that he is forced to cancel? Is this democracy?Maybe the thing to do is the grant Issan independence, and let them have their own country? The could even grant their great patriarch Thaskin citizenship that way. With their black shirt guards, great bastions of learning, I am sure they could show the way to really run a country.
    I agree. But include the North as well. Thaksin will become life long President of this new country and make it prosper. LONG LIVE PRESIDENT THAKSIN!

    Or- The Thais might have to get used to a salute with the right arm extended forward and a click if the heels.

    Or- Perhaps they should call him The Great God-Emperor Taxsin Ruler of Heaven & Earth.

    Or- Hale Caesar the Omnipotent one

    Or- Perhaps as I do Evil Scumbag


  5. More stability.

    Farmers now gathering outside Army barracks (un-related to red protest :D ) demanding he see them personally or they will not disperse!!!

    What was the monty python song. "when danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned away and fled, brave brave khun abhisit)" They'll be saying Nii, next :D:D

    What on earth do they think the country think of them and the CRES hiding in a bunker fortified only to keep the Thai people at bay!!

    Army spread even thinner.

    Pattani notice this and increase in attacks.

    Go Abhisit or the Cambodians will take all their disputed territory away next. Army would have killed all the reds by now if they were going to.

    Give it up and lets have and election with the UN involved.

    You are completely <deleted>-ing Bonkers. :)

  6. I think the main reason that the Army isn't doing anything is because they're waiting for the Democrats to be banned when the court decides that they've committed fraud. Abhisit and his cronies will then be banned from politics for 5 years.

    Anupong is trying to play it smart. If the Democrats get banned, he'll jump over to the new Phuea Thai coalition.

    Unfortunately you might be right, it does look like most of the army (conscripts) and most of the police (Taxin's brothers) are double faced liars and have no intention of being loyal to this government or Great Kingdom.

    Thailand is now in a dire situation and I fear the progress that has been made recently by what I consider to be one of the best governments this Nation has ever seen will all be trashed, tourists won't come here, international trade will drop, the majority will suffer at the hands of these ignorant people. and the economic depression that Abhisit cleverly avoided for us will take hold.


  7. Foreign diplomats to visit rally site : Nuttawut

    By The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- Foreign envoys of 40 countries will visit the red shirts protesters at Rajprasong rally sites, red shirts leader Nuttawut Saikua said Friday.

    The visit scheduled on 4pm clearly showed that the reds' fighting for democracy has been monitored by the international community.

    Nuttawut said if PM Abhisit Vejjajiva wanted to disperse the red shirts protesters, he should have it done during the diplomats' visit.

    He told the protesters to be a good host by cleaning up the rally sites from Lumpini Park to Ploenjit intersection to welcome the guests.

    He said he would invite the diplomats to be on stage during the visit.

    -- The Nation 2010-04-23

    Do these diplomats realize what danger they would be in ? It would be like going into a hungry lions cage!

    The reds have already proved they are a bunch of blood thirsty revolutionary's against ruling elitists.

    But it could work out quite well for the governments image if the reds kidnap or even harm some diplomats, as this would perhaps bring world attention to the reds true colours (pun intended)


  8. A farmer from Issan ??? I dont beleive with what i know about a m-79 could be that good with it. I used one in Viet nam , you have to know waht you are doing to hit a target with it ////

    Don't forget about subscription.

    Many Thai farmers have been in the army done their time and have gone through rigorous training with weapons.

    I would not be a bit surprised if half the men in the red camp are well trained soldiers.

    Unfortunately that make this whole civil war issue very real.


  9. Would like to get the Red Forum members opinion on this Thai Actor who was caught with weapons and has now confessed (according to the other English paper) to shooting at the soldiers on April 10, as instructed by the red leadership?

    I will believe that when I hear it from his own mouth. Also I am not quite sure he is supposed to have said it was instructed by the red leaders.

    A coerced confession, following on from the pathetic propaganda from the government and army. the saddest thing is that people actually believe all this. This must be the only country in the world where EVERYONE admits to the offence under police questioning :) We also know this police force could not find their own <deleted> with both hands yet we are expected to believe that people just readily admit to offences when questioned by them.

    on the other hand if he is guilty then let him be dealt with.

    And people should believe this!!!

    Its quite normal for the Investigators to say to a suspect " Tell us the whole truth now and we will push for a reduced sentence" So he blabbed it all out. :D

  10. New elections and the show is over.But this government know they will loose.

    a) This is an elected government.

    :D Calling immediate elections gives the win to the terrorist Thaksin thugs. Nobody wants that.

    c) Abhisit is a true democrat, negotiated peacefully and offered 9 months. They did not take it because it was not what they wanted. Thanksin ordered a civil war. Full stop.

    Wow. Do you really believe that? Amazingly selective memory. Did you forget about the coup in 2006? The changes to the constitution and how they came about? As for who wants what? To you, they may be "Thaksin thugs," but to other people they're just protestors who want their democracy back.

    Perhaps new elections NOW would solve the problem, at least temporarily. It doesn't look like the Red Shirts are going anywhere.

    "It doesn't look like the Red Shirts are going anywhere."

    Except perhaps UP in a cloud of smoke, soon. :)

  11. sorry, but i wonder a little bit of these grenades.

    Is it so easy to get them? Maybe the government should follow where they came from....IF they really want too.

    Never heard they sale this weaponry in 7/11 or Lotus :D

    YES I am sure "They really want too"

    If you are suggesting a conspiracy why don't you just come out and say it?

    As far as I can see the Government the Police and the Army want the this to just stop peacefully, do you have information or theories to the contrary because I am sure every one would like to know?

    BTW How would they trace these weapons if they are tucked away in the red encampment?


    Yes I have some breaking news for you and a theory , you might even call it proof as to why this government wanted this confrontation last night and is responsible for what happened.

    Ask yourself why ,, under any circumstances ( unless they wanted to provoke something ) would the government allow the yellow shirts to get close to the reds.

    IF Silom road has been blocked off with barricades and troops and declared off limits to reds ,,, why were the yellows allowed to enter , protest ,, and congregate there ??

    Think about it ,, why the double standard ? And hence if the government can allow this ,,, and dont try and say it was incompetance ,, no government can be that stupid,,, it really really leaves open the question of who started the gernade throwing .

    There is no proof yet and probably never will be.

    We have Abash_it to thank for that.

    They probably allowed the Yellows to congregate because its a free country and favor the legitimate government. The reds were allowed there demonstration as well, the only difference now is the reds are not demonstrating any more they are inciting violence, plotting treason, threatening innocent people with weapons, killing people, etc... Cant you see the difference?

  12. Thai emergency services have refused to confirm the government's claim that three people died in Thursday night's violence.

    They say one woman died.

    Well, what is going on Abhisit.........the situation is clearly out of control and all kind of misleading information is being issued by your govnt!!!

    don't be a douche...."the situation is clearly out of control and all kind of misleading information is being issued by"....EVERYONE!

    of course... but a government who lied has no reason to be trusted by the Thai peoples... and when the "red" government has problem with corruption or problem to manage the country, the yellow use all their energy to ban them from politics... but when a PM yellow is in "charge" of the country and failed completly then no problem is the fault of the other never your own fault.

    This PM preferr to see innocent peoples dying for his cause and stay seated in his good chair as a PM than solve the problem (disperse the manifest) and probably quit the government after because if you are normal human you cannot accept peoples died. And if you show a little bit of human sense, they will reelect you in the next vote..

    I would be most appreciative if you could enlighten me to the thought processes that brought you to these enlightening and entertaining conclusions?

    And may I be a tad bold to ask you, whence did you come out from the fine institution where you were being taken care of by nice people in white coats? and when will you return?


  13. The Australian Government has today upped the travel advisory warning level to Thailand, as a rusult of last night's activities, to "reconsider your need to travel". This is for all of Thailand & not just Bangkok! This is just one small step away from the top warning level of "do not travel", which is already in place for Yala, Pattani & Narathiwat.

    Irrespective of the rights & wrongs of this, the damage to the Thai economy must be huge and with no end in sight, the country's international credability must be in question.

    Even with an immediate solution & cessation of demonstrations etc, the tourism industry in particular is going to take a very very long time to recover.

    Do protestors on all sides really know & fully appreciate the current & long term damage they're doing to their own country?!

    Well ,, to answer your absurd question ,, NO, I dont think the protesters know or care what the damage to the tourist industry is, . Why should they,, I would think the social justice and political aspirations of the reds is more on their minds and in ref to the yellow side they are thinking about keeping their privliadged elitist status quo and will do whatever it takes to discredit any group that wants to change things.

    The entity that should care about the thai economy is the government ,,, and if it really

    cared ,, it would never have let the yellow shirts get near the reds last night ,,, WAHT WAS THE ARMY THINKING ??

    The government it seems wants to fan the flames of crisis by allowing this ,, If it can declare Silom road off limits to the reds ,,, why in he_ll did it allow the yellows to come in

    Additionally if the government cared about the economy , Abash_it would have done the right thing a long time ago and compromised and allowed for new elections.

    Rubbish -

    If the Government could stop the Yellows, Multi's, or whatever I am sure they would have, seems to me they cant stop ANYTHING. When the Greens and Browns get going they wont be able to stop them either. :)

  14. sorry, but i wonder a little bit of these grenades.

    Is it so easy to get them? Maybe the government should follow where they came from....IF they really want too.

    Never heard they sale this weaponry in 7/11 or Lotus :D

    YES I am sure "They really want too"

    If you are suggesting a conspiracy why don't you just come out and say it?

    As far as I can see the Government the Police and the Army want the this to just stop peacefully, do you have information or theories to the contrary because I am sure every one would like to know?

    BTW How would they trace these weapons if they are tucked away in the red encampment?


  15. Abhisit/Government have already lost control of this country. The army and the police do nothing to stop the protests - for the simple reason they support the "reds" don't they. Anyone can see that.

    The chief of the army already suggested that Abhisit dissolve the house. That was to allow him an opportunity to save face. Beacuse the next military coup is about to happen instead. I give it three days at the most.

    So dissolve the house, and then? As you say the police supports the red, so will they be in charge after the reds take over? That will be fun. I'm not yellow but I hate the corrupt police and thats why I hate the reds. They must be corrupt because the police supports them and of course their dear leader Thaksin.

    I totally agree with you regarding the brown shirts motives, I don't know of any brown shirt who joined for the love of law and order on the contrary they all join the force because of the fat bonuses they get from extortion. (same in Brazil)


  16. The last time the army warned people like this, 25 died on Saturday... so of all the false warnnings I've heard - and there are a LOT... this one has some credibility.

    Bets on exactly when the crackdown will be? I say sometime today or latest tomorrow morning... tomorrow is when the multi-colored shirts rally... and the army should crack down to avoid any more large emotional gatherings!!!

    Personally I think it will be at 3:00am tomorrow morning, when the reds are off guard and with hangovers. the press is thin on the ground and the tourists and night owls have all gone home, it also gives them time to clean up before dawn. (only an educated guess) :)

    TonyH, I beg to differ.

    I've been listening to the red stage for over 2 weeks now and there is somewhat of a cycle every day.

    It is quiet about 6-7 in the morning, then relatively bearable in the morning and afternoon with about an hour's break around noon. However in the evenings, the speakers start getting louder and louder with peaking (I am 800-900 meters away and their speakers are shaking my windows and walls!) from about 2.30-3.30 am.

    Just before that they have music performers with some of the World's worst singing abilities between the usual screaming of hate speeches.

    So I surely do not believe 3 am would be the best time for it from alertness point of view. Agree on the rest about the tourists and press, but then if there was a military operation like this happening when the redshirts depart home, how long would it take for them to return and surround the soldiers?

    I would rather choose time when they are all in one contained area than when very few are in and majority can come back on a moment's notice.

    Remember how the operation jumbo drop from SC Park hotel ended?

    Still, while I would like to see a bloodless solution to this, stepping back and factoring in all the events of the last couple of days, I don't think there is a chance of that anymore.

    Trouble is however this turns, the "outcome" won't last more than max. a couple of months, when the whole cycle will start again by the losing side taking to the streets. Be it red or yellow or pink or whatever.

    There is a real possibility of a civil war and the army/government will need to choose one of the bad options.

    I can see you have first hand experience with this, I am sorry for you and the thousands who have to live near the horrible noise. I was only theorizing using normal people as the model. Of course these people are far from normal.

  17. quote]

    if they are so scared as you say then why are they there? to bow to the reds and beg forgiveness?

    Obviously the multicolors gathered last night and now at sala daeng to show opposition to the reds. But the vast majority were BEHIND police lines.

    by contrast the red stand in FRONT of those police lines, quite a number in front of their own barricades. they were not ignorant of the risks; many told me to seek shelter behind the barricade because they felt it was too dangerous where they stood.

    big difference between those reds and those multis.

    Earth PIG

    Please reply to my earlier "Brain Teaser", its important that we know your answer. :)

  18. one more thing when evaluating the reported numbers of red shirts, beyond the suspiciously low numbers reported in the press.

    walk among the reds manning the barricades on one side of sala daeng, then walk among the multicolors marching in their demonstrations on the other side of the intersection. you will never see a more different group of rivals in the same country.

    the multicolours are obviously middle class.

    now look at the reds in their straw hats and ruddy faces.

    what i see in the faces of the multicolors is fear; in the faces of the reds, anger.

    an angry you man is worth three scared ones.

    Here is a little brain teaser for you, see if you can get the right answer:

    Which one of these two animals are likely to win in a fight to the death situation ...

    A... A Hamster (with a pea sized brain)

    B... A Tiger (Millions of years of evolution which resulted in a creature that is very cleaver, cunning & with a hunger to always succeed)

    Don't worry if you get your answer wrong it is a hard one isn't it? :)

  19. The last time the army warned people like this, 25 died on Saturday... so of all the false warnnings I've heard - and there are a LOT... this one has some credibility.

    Bets on exactly when the crackdown will be? I say sometime today or latest tomorrow morning... tomorrow is when the multi-colored shirts rally... and the army should crack down to avoid any more large emotional gatherings!!!

    Personally I think it will be at 3:00am tomorrow morning, when the reds are off guard and with hangovers. the press is thin on the ground and the tourists and night owls have all gone home, it also gives them time to clean up before dawn. (only an educated guess) :)

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