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Posts posted by TonyH

  1. How can one that would indicate disapproval of a criminal and selfish act act in the same sentence advocate for illegal criminal acts as well? Either one is for law, order and justice consistently or one is not.
    May they spend the rest of their days taking it in the bum at the Bankok Hilton.

    Rape is not amusing. What does it say about a person that finds the forced insertion of a penis into an unwilling person's rectum acceptable? Think about it. I would be more worried that a person who thinks rape is ok was walking the streets. Perhaps this is a sexual fantasy. However, it really is quite creepy.

    And to those that want to bring up the issue of the heroin crop in Afghanistan. The fact of the matter is that the Taliban has always allowed the cultivation because it kept various warlords happy and it was those warlords that could make or break the Taliban. The money siphoned off goes along way in paying for the various dueling factions. Human vbeings are greedy, whether they are in a turban, dashiki, hotpants or a singlet.

    it may surprise some to know that most of the heroin makes it way to Europe, Turkey and Iran. North America still sources most of its heroin from the Golden Triangle. All about logistics. Iran wants the trade stopped just as much as anyone else because of the damage being done to its communities.

    And everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I would hope that people in here have enough respect for the concepts of law and order and justice to allow a fair trial and not go on the statements of the local police which have a credibility problem. Maybe these 2 are guilty, but let's have a trial first before they are executed. Thanks.

    I think your comments are spot on geriatrickid.

    I only wish the police here did not need to announce the catches so quickly (perhaps they are trying too hard to fix the public image) In some other countries the police would have kept a lid on it and squeezed more info out of them and been able to trace back to the real culprits not just the mule (I guess these people are only the messengers) perhaps they could have set up a sting operation to get the bosses.

    Or have I just been watching too many movies and lost all sense or reality ?

  2. Wow. I mean. Wow.

    What goes through someone's head to WRITE DOWN a recommendation for political assassination on foreign soil?

    I mean everyone new that they had considered it, but with written proof, doesn't the Foreign Minister now open himself up to a variety of criminal charges?

    I think there might be a slight misinterpretation from the Thai statement, surely he meant to say "Eliminate the Taksin problem" not assassinate the man! I know there are a lot of people who would like to see the back of him, as he is really damaging to Thailand and the Thai people.

    Takki is a very clever person yet at the same time appears to be extremely stupid.

    'he meant to say "Eliminate the Taksin problem" ' is that a personal view or do you hace a source

    No I have no source, its only my guess, perhaps a qualified person can shed light on what was really said (translation).

  3. Wow. I mean. Wow.

    What goes through someone's head to WRITE DOWN a recommendation for political assassination on foreign soil?

    I mean everyone new that they had considered it, but with written proof, doesn't the Foreign Minister now open himself up to a variety of criminal charges?

    I think there might be a slight misinterpretation from the Thai statement, surely he meant to say "Eliminate the Taksin problem" not assassinate the man! I know there are a lot of people who would like to see the back of him, as he is really damaging to Thailand and the Thai people.

    Takki is a very clever person yet at the same time appears to be extremely stupid.

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