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Posts posted by TonyH

  1. You accuse others of being damming yet you throw up ridiculous hypothetical statements the other way????

    I was only pointing out that there could be any and many reasons why this man was accused, I agree with you you are correct, I should not have given any examples or hypotheses of my own. I just hope justice is carried out whichever way it goes.

  2. I expect this whole forum will be people damning this man before anything has been proven, how can they take the word of a 4 year old and say the man is guilty. The boy could have easily been coached by the mother who could stand to gain financially by this perhaps someone found out he was gay and figured he would make a good target?

    We don't know until he is proven guilty, and that will be very hard to prove.

    After this forum has become out of control and filled up with bigoted slander, abuse and hearsay it will be taken down and none will know the truth as this forum never follows up.

  3. Are you from a different planet perhaps Mars?

    Check your facts before disputing facts.

    English translations don't always include all that was said

    Politicians are always the ruling elite even under communism

    And btw who is the "you" you mention, is it everyone outside of your little fantasy world?

    would they be the same people, who tried to "assassinate" him a year ago, around songkran, in an empty car?

    or those who missed sondhi with 180 bullets?

    all looks like a cheap set up to make martyrs from themselves and to boost own popularity

    "The minister also said the society will not support the claim by fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the red-shirt protest is a class struggle."

    ups minister, don't mention a class struggle - when it really starts, you won't be able to stop it. A large part military and police will be against you, defending their own class interestes, which contradict yours and the rulling elite

  4. Yes thats about it in a nutshel.

    what happen to the million+people that where meant to turn up(did the Thanksin) bribe funds run out heard about 100000 people at the most turned up.

    You mean 100,000 people accepted the 2,000 - 3,000 rent a crowd offer, jumped on the bus / pick up, got off at the rally site, had some free food, listened to hours of repetitive hatred speeches without logic from the red shirt leaders plus more hours of taped previous hatred with no logic, got on the bus and went home to their village.

  5. And it has been lower than 37.

    When I sold up everything in the UK in 1986 it was down to 22 !!!!

    I had sold my appartment in Wembly for 76,000Pounds - its now worth more than a Million...

    Wow did I get it all wrong!

    YIPPEE :)

    Good news for me - I'm going to the UK this month.

    Also, when I send money home to my mother, she gets more.

    It isn't too bad for the pensioners - it was only 37 baht to the pound when I first came here in 1992.

    It might make a few of the undesirable stay away from here, or go back too.

  6. Looks to me like she is hiding a couple of bombs under her shirt.

    and you'll be quite happy when they close down Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Twitter

    Do those sites host videos from mad bombers, too?


    I'm having difficulty finding any bomb threats on those websites.

    The closest I got was someone calling herself Atom Bomb on Hi5.


    which, while she may be considered to have dangerous curves, doesn't seem to pose any immediate hazard.

    Is there some special hidden section on those social network websites that I'm unaware of where they post videos of people threatening death and destruction?

    I do know that that sort of thing is available elsewhere on the Net, but I have never seen any on the websites mentioned that even vaguely resembles what the Thai bomber threateningly said in his video.

  7. The good thing and the bad thing here (Thailand) is the law is there basically for Police Co., Ltd. to sort of do with it the way they want... if the cheif dissagrees with a particurar law he will say to the accused we dont want to take this any ferther because I dont think this is a good law so just pay me the fine now and ill let you go... This is a great system as the mor you become budies with the local cop shop the more discounts you can get after breaking the law

    The law should be enforced as it was written (or intended). Write laws that can and will be enforced, and only those that will be enforced - to do otherwise opens up the system to corruption.

    That's Thailand! 10_1_138.gif

  8. Just went to Tesco (pattaya) Thaparasit rd/Sukhamvit , and just over the road on the corner to soi khaow Noi it looks like the reds are starting to build there stage again on the big plot of land that used to be a market a few years ago.

    amazing they got persmison to do it there after the trouble they caused at the summit last year .

    Its actually Soi Kho Talow, and Sukhumvit Road there is a large red shirt presence selling shirts and other red parafanalia including water etc i will be staying away from this area tomorrow as i live on Soi Khowtalow

    "and other red parafanalia including water etc"

    Yes there might be plenty of red water, they dont need to sell it!!

    Hopefully the army will move in and dispose of the red shits.

  9. "However, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Governor Suraphon Svetsreni said yesterday that the agency had already taken measures to cope with the turmoil."

    What they plan is to hand out automatic weapons at the airport the spokes person has been quoted as saying "we have found ourselves in the lucky position of being in posetion of lots of korean automatic weapons so we would like to make good use of them, rather than exposing our beloved Khon Thai to danger we can conviniently get rid of the Farangs and the red shirts all at once" We will be charging the Farangs extra for the bullets"

  10. I agree... Back in London last year the place is a shit hole. The Black druggies seem to have taken over and the cops cant do anything about it because of the stupid civil righs rules they seem to want to follow. Lets hope Thailand does not just copy some other system they have been fooled into thinking works. Next you will see cameras everywhere opperated by private companies to collect money for the "system" Anyone heard of George Orwell ?

    Don't the British Poice have enough to do in the UK where crime is rising year by year?

    The British Home Office have no idea what they are doing.

    According to a BBC Programme broadcast this year the told their Minister,

    " Crime is rising because the economy is booming. There is more to steal."

    The Minister asked what would happen if the economy was dropping?

    "Crime will rise, as people are getting poorer!"

    What an attitude.

    Better to concentrate their efforts in the UK without swanning off to Thailand.

  11. Now the Red Shirts, mainly from the rural north and northeast, want to see the return of Thaksin, who is living abroad to avoid a two-year jail term for corruption.

    If truly the RED shirt wanted to have Thaksin back as so called a good prime minster, then why they care about the verdict. The verdict is nothing to do with Mr. T. political ambitions , only his pocket book. I think Most of the supporter also know this that is why the number of RED shirt demonstrator has shrunk to almost nothing

    Because the red shits are being paid millions of baht per week. The "cash" has been smuggled in over the border without fail for many many months. if his money is confiscated, Thaksin will have to pull back on the purse strings and rely on the moneys that are not included in the return of state monies. There wont be much to splash around anymore.

  12. Yes but the report came from the PATTAYA DAILY NEWS... they always distotrt the news, I think just to spice things up a little, to piss good people off and just create hatred generally. Its Pattaya Daily News that should be locked up.

    This fugitive was a member of Mad Dogs for only about a year ....he is not representative of bikers in Thailand or in fact the Mad Dogs who are represented in about 5 countries in Asia. The Mad Dogs are not a gang but an MC and Tom Leber the President is a respectable business man and a respected member of Pattaya society as any check will quickly show.

    This guy could just as easily been a golfer but he just happened to ride a Harley. If anything what this indicates is that bike clubs in general should be more interested in quality rather than quantity when accepting members who should by rights be vetted over at least a year as a "prospect". Incidentally I am not a member of the Mad Dogs!

    Lord Snooty

  13. gallery_327_1086_12624.jpg

    Iranian arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport for smuggling 42kg of 'ice'

    BANGKOK, Jan 6 (TNA) - An Iranian man on Wednesday was arrested at Thailand's main international airport for smuggling 42 kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine, commonly known as "ice", worth over Bt17 million (about US$500,000), into the kingdom.

    Customs Department Director-General Somchai Sajjapong inspected the impounded drugs seized from 33-year-old Ghanavatirajabnejad Keyvan in the international arrival terminal of Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    Customs officials said they observed the Iranian man behaving suspiciously after he disembarked.

    As the suspect went through luggage scanning process, officials found that the bag was unusually thick, so they examined it and found the crystal meth hidden in a specially-made compartment in the luggage.

    According to the preliminary investigation, the Iranian national said he was smuggling the drug into the kingdom for the first time, but Thai authorities did not believe him, as it is reported that the accused has travelled to Thailand 11 times.

    Thai authorities are now investigating the case further to find whether there are accomplices in the kingdom.

    The Customs Department reported that it has arrested 31 people smuggling illicit drugs into Thailand via the airport throughout 2009. (TNA)


    -- TNA 2010-01-06


    11 times into Thailand previously... If he smuggled similar amounts before that comes to 462Kg at a value of 187 Million Baht !!!! Not silly at all. but good they got him in the end and welcome to the lovely Bangkok Hilton.

  14. Just had a condo finished and one of the things I insisted on was a water heater out of the way (under the sink area), rather than using those shower type heaters. From this I'll also be very very vigilant when in hotels etc that have this type of heater.

    It seems there are too many electrocutions in Thailand that are so easily avoidable. I hope things start to change for the better soon, this developing country still requires a significant amount of HSE development and actions need to be proactive rather than reactive.

    Such a shame and so avoidable. RIP.

    Just having the shower unit out of sight will not prevent shock when the heater goes faulty and does not have a proper grounding connection the ground should be connected to the chassis of the unit and an earth link to the internal boiler unit is important.

    When a fault occurs electricity from the "live" supply will travel from the shower unit through the plastic water pipe (water conducts electricity) through the victims heart and body to ground. (bathroom floor)

    Everyone should ensure all their appliances are wired correctly and grounded.

  15. Yesterday in Bangkok I twice used a zebra crossing; one of the newer ones with traffic lights. When the lights changed some of the traffic did not even bother to stop, in fact one black Vios increased its speed past an already dangerous velocity to beat me attempting to cross the road, and in doing so almost hit me.

    Every time I use these crossings I am extra careful as Thai drivers have little or no regard for the pedestrian.

    I was crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing in Bangkok some time ago and a police pickup accelerated towards me hooting his horn, I had to run !!!

    I think the rule here is SIZE MATTERS... 6 wheeler trucks and buses have priority, then cars, motorcycles then down the highway food chain are cyclists & people on foot. This could be a sort of social thing "If you are on foot then you must be worthless".

    The only reason most Thai drivers avoid pedestrians is because they dont want to damage the car.

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