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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    if the DNC had not screwed up so badly

    That's a big if. And what did they learn from the disaster? Nothing. Who with a sane mind would vote for the dems? The democrat party is just unelectable. And tomorrow is the great awakening and the dems don't even know what happened. Just blame the Russians and hoping for Mueller and Stormy. This will help for sure????



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  2. 1 hour ago, oilinki said:

    So these people are willing to walk thousands of kilometers to get a possibility of a better life. Not 200 meters, which seems to be a challenge for most people these days. Not 2 kilometer or even 20 kilometers, which is something a fit person would do in one day. No, thousands of kilometers.


    These people are highly motivated and they are escaping the mafias running their own countries. It's been 20 years since I was in that part of the world, but at that time the crime was abundant and I guess it's gone worse ever since. These folks are not the MS-13, these are the people who are willing to leave their homes and their roots behind, to be able to live in a place where MS-13 doesn't rule. 


    I'd say the ones who survive the long march, are most likely going to be highly motivated people with high stamina to do the hard work in the country they'll end up. 



    Trump orders 800 Army troops to the border. It's necessary. He knows what he does, so, 800 should be enough for now.

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