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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. North Korea says denuclearization pledge not result of U.S.-led sanctions

      SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Sunday its intention to denuclearize, unveiled at a historic inter-Korean summit, was not the result of U.S.-led sanctions and pressure, warning the United States not to mislead public opinion.


    The North’s official KCNA news agency said Washington was “misleading public opinion” by claiming the denuclearization pledge was the result of sanctions and other pressure.


    “This act cannot be construed otherwise than a dangerous attempt to ruin the hardly-won atmosphere of dialogue and bring the situation back to square one,” the spokesman was quoted as saying.




    Of course he has to say that. Did you nothing learn about Asia? NK is also an Asian country. It's all about face. 

    I don't get it anyway why people still quote propaganda media. They were wrong as they said Trump would never be president. They are wrong since 2 years in every way. Don't people recognise that? That's amazing. Every decent company would fire all the journalists and analysts. Either they are plain stupid, or they follow their agenda.


    And KCNA news agency is now considered as a credible source as long it fits their constructed narrative? Give me a break.


    Can't wait for midterm elections.


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  2. From Wikipedia
    The English are a nation and an ethnic group native to England who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Angelcynn ("family of the Angles"). 
     I have no idea why it is not a hate crime to deny the Brits their history and culture. It is very hateful, but yes I know these days every race and culture are allowed to be proud of their country and heritage except for white people. Trump, I imagine will change this despicable hate of whiteness during his 2 terms. 
    Thank you for your honest comments. This gives a little hope.

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  3. Presuming he wants Trump's support he could hardly say ' Trump had nothing to do with this, if anything he made it much harder' now could he.


    And as Al just pointed out, he didn't even say it himself.

    Sure, it's your right to deflect yourself. I don't like it, but I have to accept it. Think a step further. Where do you want to go from here?


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  4. 8 hours ago, stud858 said:

    Interesting to see the public vote here on Thai visa.  52% winner winner chicken dinner. Trump stays then. Case closed. 


    Yes. And many supporters are very quiet. Finally, they'll go out and vote for Trump and the democrats are surprised - once again.


    Why are people quiet? People loosing their job because they support Trump. Others get beaten up by liberals for wearing a MAGA hat. Twitter loves to 'shadow banning' and censoring. That are fascist tactics. Like it or not, it's the reality of 2018.


    Too many liberals suffer from cognitive dissonance. That's why they are so easy triggered. It will backlash in midterm and 2020 elections.  :thumbsup:

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  5. Let's see if the Dems can bring these 20 anonymous people to tell there stories.
    Until then it's all B.S. and just another smear tactic, which no doubt will come back to bite them in the A** at the next election. 
    The populous is not a stupid as the Dems seem to think, and they are getting pretty fed up with what they are trying to do.
    No way the Dems deliver proof. That would be very uncommon for them. As you said, just another smear campaign.

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