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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. Who will trust the lying US government. It's better to believe in Santa Claus. But it's up to NK.


    Maybe the Chinese could convince Kim for a change showing him the example of the positive Chinese economic development since Deng. The advantage for Kim for a deal with the US, more economic freedom and he wouldn't be forced to give up his dictatorship, and at the same time the NK people would be more happy.


    It seems Trumps wants his name in the history books, although he already has one, a completely negative one. The main reason Kim Yong-Un for changing his atomic policy is not the LOTUS (Liar of …. ), but his own atomic ambition. The last explosion was „a little bit“ too strong, so that this ground and material cannot be used anymore. So it's easy for him to give up the atomic policy in exchange for some "advantages".


    BTW, Pompeo forgot the Chinese will have a saying in this „deal“. How naive!

    There are many nonsense posts here. But yours is clearly over the top. China only follows oders by Trump. China doesn't like it, but have to.

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  2. If we can not trust CNN, MSNBC or BBC, what we going to trust then? 
    Please give me som examples.
    Im not talking about wrong facts about who slept where and when, or 300 usd or 240 usd, Im talking about the conspiracy so many people believe in, and live by. 
    Let's try this. Read articles and comments from both sides and then, use your mind. Now you might ask what is the other side. Unfortunately I can't mention names or links here. Otherwise I may get suspended.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

  3. Trump arrogantly took the world to the  brink  of  disaster in is  agitation  of  NK.  At  the  appropriate  moment  China defused  the  situation ( probably  by  assuring  NK  they  would  intervene   in a  situation  of   aggression  by the US as well as  in  the  interest  of  China  who would  prefer   no  crap  in their  back  yard.  No  win   for  Trump in real terms  because  he  would  have preferred assumed  accolades  for   yet another  war the USA  would  never  win.

    So now his  itch to scratch  is  Iran  via Syria. 

    The  pathetic aspect  of this  is that it is  also assumed this  eminates  in origin  from  Trump.

    I seriously  doubt  that.

    I think  he is  being  fed  a  dumb dog  diet   by  others  who manipulatively cater  to  his ego.

    Sadly dogs are  easily  trained  to   perform on  command.




    Lol you watch wat too much CNN. Or msnbc? It's even worse. 

    So far NK dies cooperate nicely. It was the right strategy of Trump. That said, of course he deserves the Nobel prize. Who else? Merkel? [emoji23]


    Maybe you guys missed some important news since CNN or TV doesn't report about it. Don't worry. Trust the process.


    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.






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  4. 3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    It’s not just Pelosi. Conservative commentator George Will criticized Pence, dubbing him the worst person in government:

    The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America’s most repulsive public figure.
    — George Will, The Washington Post, 9 May 2018

    (Oleaginous: oily, excessively ingratiating.)

    This was after Pence did his Spiro Agnew impersonation, telling reporters that it’s none of anyone’s business if outside interests want to buy access to the president.

    Not to compare.


    1. Will is an journalist and not the leadership of the opposition.


    2. There is nothing wrong with criticizing, as long it's constructive. They don't do themselves a favor with taht behavior. They are not even rudimentary innovative. They consistently against every step GOP does. Not one democrat voted for the tax reform.


    All that and much more will backfire at midterm elections. But no problem, just blame Russian bots.



  5. 4 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    The deal is dead ???

    No. Washington has pulled out of the deal, but the rest of the world is still 'in' with the deal. Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, the rest of the world, is still 'in' on the deal.

    It's a bit like saying that "just because Washington reckons that global warming is not taking place, just because Washington reckons that burning coal is okay, well, that's Washington, it don't mean to say that other people feel the same way". 

    And indeed, most Americans don't agree with Washington, most Americans do actually believe that global warming is taking place, most Americans do reckon that sticking with Obama's nuclear deal is the correct thing to do.

    ' “I don’t trust these three EU countries either,” Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted in English. “If the govt. wants to make a contract, they should ask for a guarantee, or else they will all do just as the U.S. did.” '


    Khamenei is right. You can't trust those European countries. They are just overwhelmed with that issue. Apart from that, there are other serious hurdles to keep the deals running. Thea deal is dead. It really doesn't matter what the EU is thinking or doing. It's only some noise. Like interference on analog radios.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:
    Meanwhile hidden amongst the news of Trump's Folly: News from Michael Avenatti      



    Donald Trump atty. Cohen Got $500K From Moscow Oligarch

    ' I can smell collusion coming up.'      Cohen got also money from AT&T, Novartis and others. The oligarch is living in Switzerland. Novartis is a Swiss company. In your logic Trump colluded with these company's? Or even worse, with Switzerland? You see, it doesn't make sense. What we will learn soon, Trump had nothing to do with those payments. Easy.


    Actually it's great news. And here it's why. Democrats are too busy with that nonsense to prepare themselves for the midterm elections. And when they wake up, it's easy too late. Isn't that funny?


    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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  7. Mr. Nobel Peace nominee just violated the Iran deal with no justification at all for doing so. Iran did not violate the terms. He's heading for war almost inevitably at this point. 
    So, you have inside information? Would you share it?

    And then : Obama: Leaving Iran deal 'misguided'

    What a clown.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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  8. This whole thing is so ridiculous on both sides.  Why should anyone care if Trump had an experience with a prostitute and paid her way too much money.  SD is just doing it for the publicity because she needs the money.  DT is known for this kind of behavior.  He should have just said at the beginning, "Yah I did it, and I tried to pay her off as well.  So what is your point?"  The whole thing would have died immediately.   As usual the cover up is worse than the crime.
    Maybe it's to deflect Democrats from creating a election program. If so, it works perfect.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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