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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. Do not think the operator of the so called smart phone is so smart if they think it is all the doing of Trump... A lot of other people have done more...

    It hurts a lot to see Trump winning every day. Right?


    And it must be very frustrating for ignorant democrats to realize that they are doing everything wrong.


    Relax and enjoy the show. We are living in great times. Thanks God I'm smart enough to join the right side.


    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.




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  2. And it's not just CBS. Here's some more lies from that socialist propaganda outpost otherwise knows as Fox News:
    Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

    Large majorities of voters favor granting work permits or citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, according to the latest Fox News poll.

    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients, or Dreamers, who do not apply for renewal in time will lose their status starting in March 2018. President Donald Trump announced Sept. 5 he was ending the Obama-era program giving Congress a six-month window to act on the program.


    You call fox News a socialist propaganda network? You have to do plenty of homework. [emoji12]

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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  3. Why should we thank Mr. Trump? The only reason this is happening is that China went in and put pressure. Trump have only created chaos here, and will probably do that in the upcoming meeting too. As he always do, wherever he walk and talk. It´s Trump that should apologize to the people for beeing a president for one of the worlds strongest countries without knowing one single bit regerding politics.
    And why did China put pressure on NK? China couldn't care less about NK. What has China motivated to put pressure on NK? Come on, it's really not that hard.

    It's not enough to read the news. It's necessary to connect the dots. It isn't rocket science. At least I thought that.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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  4. Seriously? I'm literally speechless. Please dear so called democrats. Take a deep breath and count to 10. I don't think it will help, but it's worth a try. It's for free anyway.

    I wish you a fantastic Thursday. I go to pickup my brother from the airport who arrives from NY [emoji3] That will definitly be my highlight of the week.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

  5. Trump retweeted a funny tweet.


    ' Daniels and her attorney, Michael Avenatti, unveiled the sketch of a man she says threatened her to keep quiet about her claims she once had an affair with Trump. '






    Left: Police sketch of the non-existent man allegedly threatened Stormy. Right: Her boyfriend


    lol. That's super stupid. But it's even more stupid that Dems give Stormy a higher credibility than Potus.


    Case closed :D





  6. 'News outlets, including Business Insider, routinely report on the progress of the investigation, often citing anonymous sources whose knowledge of the investigation is often unclear and extremely biased to readers.'


    We all know what that means. Mueller is about to wrap up. Now he prepares the Dems for the reality. There is no collusion.


    Democrats must be strong now. :thumbsup:


    Edit: That's how they fabricate 'inaccurate' (others call it fake) news. One would think those 'news outlet' would do a better job - would act accountable. But I know, I asking too much. Nowadays they even earn the Purlitzer. So, it's up to us to exercise critical thinking. I see, that's hard to do for many. But the good news is, it's for free ;)

  7. 5 minutes ago, JCauto said:

    Yes, I agree he failed when he chose to reveal the information about Hillary and swung the election to Trump. And you're of course outraged about that and the way he damaged democracy even though it ended up getting your man Donald in, right? Is there no end to your hypocrisy?


    He said he wrote the book  because "I was never going to write a book. But I decided I had to write this one to try and be useful. That was my goal after I was fired, to be useful. And it occurred to me maybe I can be useful by offering a view to people, especially to young people, of what leadership should look like and how it should be centered on values."  Remember when conservatives like yourself used to care about and espouse values? Which values that you advocate does Donald embody? Fiscal conservatism? Threw that out with the last Trillion Dollar budget giveaway to the Rich. Religious piety? You're kidding, right. Moral virtue? Uh huh. Non-involvement in Foreign Wars? That's gone. Actually, can you name a single conservative value that this guy possesses and has presided over in this greatest of presidencies?

    Please read my post again. It's not that complicated. He should have done his job. Like a professional. Easy as that.


    Apart from that, feel free to open a topic about conservative values.

  8. 6 minutes ago, JCauto said:

    Self-serving? This guy dedicated his entire life to working with law enforcement and reached the highest level of the FBI. 



    And, this guy finally failed badly. Emotionally overwhelmed. Then he wrote a book. For what reason? To revenge him self? Did he really nothing learned form Clinton and Bannon? He should have done rather his job instead to think about what's bad or good for presidential candidates. It wasn't his job to do politics. However, now he is exposing himself. People with some common sense will remember him just as a......clown.

  9. An ex-FBI Director 'kissing and telling' in a book?  what has the FBI come to?  disgraceful and I don't trust Comey one iota.  It's ALL politics and , no, I don't like Trump who is a disaster. 
    Clinton, Bannon, Comey,... Who's next? Pelosi, Stormy? [emoji23]

    Comey made a huge mistake. It only proofs his desperation. They lost their moral compass.

    And now.... guess what will come up... [emoji38]

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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