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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. The election now and Feb 2nd is a waste of money again. If the voting is done in february it will be unlawful because of the lack of candidates or similar. The shinaclan is losing ground all the time.

    As a farang I do not want to take sides in the ongoing political

    confrontation but....

    Can somebody confirm that the next parliament - if elections take place on 2 February - will not have enough members to form a majority and a government.

    I understood at least 475 elected members have to show up and - as far as I know - this number will not be reached.

    So why would the actual majority push so hard so that elections can take place if they will be useless anyway...or do I miss something?

    PS : I am a registered member of TV ...why can I open a new topic in this Forum?

  2. Regret to say we were refused a good Belgian beer with our food at HOBS (soi Aree Sampang) after 2 p.m:

    do you mean they serve beer between 2 and 5 p.m. ? That would be a nice surprise..

    All bars do- the ban on alcohol sales at these times only applies to stores.

  3. The answer is that we do not know and that we can only have faith.

    We cannot easily erase the information put on our virgin brain between the age of 0 and 5 years (mostly by our mothers)

    I am educated as a Christian and my wife is educated as a Buddhist : in Buddhism the existence of God is not an issue because it is a way of life ...

    My conclusion is that mankind must learn to differentiate the meaning of the words "to know" and "to believe"

    - we can say that we "know" if we can have access to and measure the size, the temperature, the colour, the weight, etc...of things

    - if we do not have this access then we must decide to believe or not believe

    About God we are all believers : "yes believers" and "non believers" because nobody on this planet has the brain power to come up with scientific evidence which proves or rejects the existence of God.

    In the end I consider this as an ultimate justice so that everybody from the humblest of minds to the most powerful brains has the same hurdle when facing the "WHY" of our existence...and facing God.

    That is why the deep and devote faith in God of my father and mother (both born in 1912) who could hardly read and write, was certainly as good or even better than the faith of me, their more educated son.

    If you and your wife live according to the 10 Commandments (putting aside the first Commandment about which everybody needs to make his own choice) I am sure you both will be OK because the God I believe is not Saddam Hussein or Pol Pot or Hitler. Indeed in my opinion God will not reject the more than one billion people in East and South East Asia who are born as Buddhists or Confucianists or even atheists...more important will be how those people have lived.

    Those Commandments have roots in ancient countries such as Egypt (and so many other things such as Creation in the Jewish holy books have their roots in the Gilgamesh Epic) :

    See :

  4. Be aware that you first need to apply online at following link (and then download and print out the form you filled in)


    You better contact the private company in Bangkok which has been assigned by Embassy of India for visa service.

    They can tell you if they accept applications done by travel agents

    Building name: 253, Asoke, 22nd floor,
    Opp: Rutnin Eye Hospital,
    Soi 21, Sukhumvit, Bangkok

    Tel: 026641200
    Fax: 026641201
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: http://www.indiavisathai.com

  5. Every male person should have from age 45 or 50 a blood analysis at least once a year and ask the urologist (or general physician) to include test of PSA and free PSA)

    I know there is a lot of discussion about the useful information provided by test of PSA levels but I was happy enough that 7 years ago - here at Bumrungrad - rapid increasing levels warned me on time that I had cancer.

    The treatment was done on time and successfully

  6. In his recent book "A Universe from Nothing" (about what is known of our universe), the atheist Prof Lawrence Kraus mentions that - when he wrote the book in 2012 - only about five percent of our own universe is more or less known and and the remaining 95 pct are dark matter and dark energy.

    With "dark" they do not mean "black" but simply things they have no clue about and - at this moment - no way to access.
    I will try to make a comparison...
    Suppose the medical world can only study or have access to 5% of the human body ...would any medical scientist dare to make serious and final conclusions based on this?
    My opinion is that mankind must learn to differentiate the meaning of the words "to know" and "to believe"
    - we can say that we "know" if we can have access to and measure the size, the temperature, the colour, the weight, etc...of things
    - if we do not have this access then we must decide to believe or not believe
    About God we are all believers : "yes believers" and "non believers" because nobody on this planet has the brain power to come up with scientific evidence which proves or rejects the existence of God.
    In the end I consider this as an ultimate justice so that everybody from the humblest of minds to the most powerful brains has the same hurdle when facing the "WHY" of our existence.
    • Like 1
  7. "then you may be made to buy a return ticket on arrival or refused entry."

    Basically they're saying they will let you fly but once you're there it's on your head.

    The airline cannot say " once you're there it's on your head" : if a passenger is refused entry because of visa regulations then the airline will be forced to fly him (or her) back to origin.

    Therefore verification should be done at check-in ...of course by competent staff.

    • Like 1
  8. The truth is all the EU countries don't sing from from the same songsheet.

    That is true ...not all 28 EU member states are members of the Schengen Agreement.. (also not all EU members have adopted the Euro)

    The Schengen agreeement has been ratified by 27 states including 4 non EU states ( Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein and Switzerland)

    I can assure you that the 27 states of the Schengen area singing from the same song sheet and that directors of the consular departments in the 27 Foreign Ministries meet regularly for consultations.

    Some good information can be found at following websites :



  9. This is not unusual. It allows the developer to maintain control. As you have rightly stated their interests and the interested of the co- owners is usually polar opposites. How can you get the Jp to enforce issues against the developer if they are one of the same. Probably friendly with the auditor as well. Control the cash , lack of transparency, failure to rectify defects under warranty etc.. Poor transparency . What your friend has to do, is work out on the committee how many members are the developers 'friends" and those who are just co- owners. I will guarantee that the majority will be with the developer. First of all find out who is the chairman..another relative/ close friend for sure.. Had to kick our developer out..

    Yes....control the cash...in our condo we had similar situation during more than 10 years until it was discovered by a new co-owner with experience of the Condo Act..... that 5 million Baht of monthly fees for common area were missing...

  10. Of course, but I think the OP is asking whether or not her past foolish actions will make getting one difficult.

    Be assured that the member states of the Schengen Agreement exchange all information.

    However she only tried to enter Greece and was not caught inside the Schengen area, so she did not commit any offense.

    She will find out if there are consequences as soon as she applies for a Schengen visa...which has to be done in the Embassy of the first Schengen country which she plans to visit.

  11. iirc in the very recent past Belgium went along quite happily for over a year with no government. Thailand could easily do the same and sort out the constitution in the meantime. No need to be continuously passing new laws - the old ones are just fine wink.png

    you are right, Belgium was more than a year with only a caretaker government and not much harm was done to the economy because the institutions of the country continued to work as normal... unlike in many "young democracies" the Belgian institutions serve the interest of the nation and not the interest of a small group of people ..red shirt or yellow shirt .....even if those are elected people (think of the Marcos democracy in Manila).

  12. he may use in his defense that he is suffering from "affluenza"

    this is an illness now used as excuse by very rich young and drunk driver in the USA...who are VICTIMS of their families wealth

    From www.ac360.com this morning


    Teen drunk driver uses "affluenza" defense after deadly crash
    Outrage after a 16-year old drunk driver escapes jail time for killing four people last June. At the time of the crash Ethan Couch's blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit and he was speeding.
    The teen was facing four counts of manslaughter and up to 20 years behind bars.
    But a judge sentenced him to ten years of probation after his lawyers argued that he was a victim of his family's wealth.
    An expert witness they put on the stand termed it "affluenza," and the judge bought the argument. Randi Kaye has the story.
    Eric Boyles' wife and daughter were killed by the car Ethan Couch was driving.
    This is the first time he is speaking publicly about what happened.


    • Like 2
  13. The procedure of "legalisation" can be considered as cumbersome but it goes as follows :

    A French wedding certificate will normally be issued by a local authority in France (city hall for instance)

    Before it can be used in Thailand, this certificate has to be "legalised" at the Foreign Ministry in Paris which keep copies of signatures of all French "officiers d'etat civil" i.e. registrars of marriages (and births and dead).

    Next step is to get it translated into Thai language by a translation office accepted by the the Embassy of France in Bangkok.

    Then you submit the certificate to the consul at the French Embassy in Bangkok who has a copy of the person who has "legalised" it before at the Foreign Ministry in Paris.

    The same consul can certify the translated certificate as "conform to the original"

    You can try the paperwork now for use by the Thai Foreign Ministry or Immigration Department.

    Certain is that to be used by local Thai authorities the paperwork has to be submitted to be "legalised" by the person at the Foreign Ministry in Bangkok.... who has a copy of all signatures of the Thailand based consuls who are in charge of legalisation.

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