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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. I want to thank everybody for their contribution to this topic. Lots of helpful information from everyone. Seems that this isn't too uncommon as many of you have got dual citizenship for your children. To play it safe, I will just follow in your steps and not even mention i have a Thai citizenship.

    As I said before the info on the embassy website does not mention anything but the birth certificate. You could contact the embassy and ask if the birth certificate needs to show you as a US citizen. I think the answer will be no.

    As Samran wrote you need to register your child's birth using your Thai ID and house book.

    As ubonjoe writes : contact the US Embassy....they have people who are familiar with these issues

    The US considers everybody born on its soil as a US ciitzen...but for a child born from an American father outside the US you should make NO mistake

    I guess you do not want your child to run in the future for US president but an old article in the New York Times explains you have to know what you do ...


  2. Why many Thais believe everything quickly ?


    most of my thai friends don't understand why i can't get a thai visa in thailand and have to go abroad... and no these are not utter-mongoloid people, they simply don't know jacksh*t about these things. those of them who have been abroad had all practical matters handled by agents and pay for it. keeps them away from getting SILIOUT....

    Please inform your "not utter-mongoloid people" :

    You cannot get a Thai visa in Thailand because only Embassies of Consulates of Thailand can issue visas allowing you to enter the country.

    However in Thailand you can obtain an "extension" of your visa at the Immigration Office of the area where you stay.

  3. Police to Thai driver going the wrong way on a one way street: "Don't you know this is a one-way street?" Thai driver: "But I am only going one way, my way!"

    Since Thailand is one of the Countries noted for having 6 way traffic on a one way street why is anyone surprised?

    When crossing the road remember the Thai road drill for crossing a one way street as the traffic can come from all directions: Look left, look right, look up, look down, look behind, look straight ahead.

    I always say that one day the teachings of Charles Darwin about selection (and adaptation) of the species will be proven in Thailand : people will grow eyes on the back of the their heads to survive in the traffic....

    • Like 1
  4. Those Germans are indeed idiots.

    This call to prayer was introduced during a time in history that Muslim people had no watches or loudspeakers and lived in small communities.

    However I have absolutely no problem that the Muslims try still to follow this instruction despite the fact we live in a time that everybody has alarm clocks...but I must admit that it can be for me very stressful if I stay a in hotel room facing a minaret where from 4 a.m. to 05.30 a.m. the sound blasts at more than 100 Decibel (measured by an instrument of a Muslim friend who was shaking his head)

    There is no need for such high level noise as there are at short distance other (competing?) mosques.

    Lesson : I choose now my hotel and room taking into account this "risk"

  5. I was a Gold Car member on TG for 20 years but two years ago I stopped flying with them.

    Do you think TG made an enquiry although I still had 40.000 non used mileage for upgrading etc...nobody seemed to care...

    As far as I can remember the sliding down of TG started when they finished their cooperation with SAS...from that moment there was no longer a outsider looking on the fingers of the management and the staff.

  6. I think that many of the replies by TV members depend on their own experience :

    a) if they went themselves through a divorce with their children going one side or another

    B) if they entered into a marriage with children from a previous marriage

    c) it they are 25 years old bachelors or spinsters who faced one of the situations described in a) and B)


    Each situation will be different and so...

    ....I think in the end the OP must decide for himself and not try to depend on opinions of people mentioned in a) B) and c)

    May-be the stepdaughter is a wonderful young lady...may-be she is not so wonderful....we simply don't know ..

    ...and even if we would be their friendly neighbours or close friends then we still may not be in a position to judge what is best.

  7. The 5 points I have stated are "facts reported CNN and BBC" : you probably prefer to believe the airplane has been taken away by "aliens" as in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

    I do not think it is stupid speculation to say that this plane was not on autopilot but controlled by a "person" with experience of flying a B-777

    - "disappearance" happened at a grey area between Malaysian and Vietnamese monitored air space

    - the return flight over Malaysian territory - with switched off transponder - made it look like an UFO... avoiding carefully Thai territory

    - the deep dive made over the Strait of Malacca was made to avoid detection by other aircraft

    - the flight around Aceh was made to avoid Indonesian airspace

    - the plane went consequently to an area of which the "person" knew it was the very deep, unexplored Indian Ocean... outside intense satellite supervision.

    It all looks as if that "person" wanted to bring the plane down and make it look like an accident (so that insurance would be paid to his family?)

    "I do not think it is stupid speculation...so that insurance would be paid to his family..."

    But your post is.

  8. I do not think it is stupid speculation to say that this plane was not on autopilot but controlled by a "person" with experience of flying a B-777

    - "disappearance" happened at a grey area between Malaysian and Vietnamese monitored air space

    - the return flight over Malaysian territory - with switched off transponder - made it look like an UFO... avoiding carefully Thai territory

    - the deep dive made over the Strait of Malacca was made to avoid detection by other aircraft

    - the flight around Aceh was made to avoid Indonesian airspace

    - the plane went consequently to an area of which the "person" knew it was the very deep, unexplored Indian Ocean... outside intense satellite supervision.

    It all looks as if that "person" wanted to bring the plane down and make it look like an accident (so that insurance would be paid to his family?)

  9. I have since several years an Extension of a Non Imm "O" visa (based on marriage) and the actual Extension will expire end of May so that I need to re-apply before middle of May.

    However mid April I would like to go with my Thai wife to my home country until early July to take care of my old mother who needs to undergo an operation early April.

    In this case I cannot show up at Immigration mid May .....but I will need to obtain again my Extension Non Imm O after my return early July.

    Can I ask Immigration for an interruption or is there another way to prevent the loss of my right to an Extension?

  10. Wat Dee writes :

    Should ask the girl. If She want's him to come, you have no right to try to block her relationship with the biological father.

    Thailandist writes :

    If it wasn't for him she wouldn't be alive and you wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing her...or even the wife depending on paths she might have chosen that might not have led to you. Take it easy.

    According to this thinking the only duty of a (biological) father is to drop some semen in mothers womb ...and from then on he has some "holy" rights and no more duties such as financially contribute to an expensive education ....However I agree the feelings of the daughter are important...but keep in mind soon she will want to fly on her own wings - certainly if she has a boy friend - and the father who pays for the coming expenses will be the favourite ...and for the daughter the past will be the past....that is what I have seen in several similar cases.

    certainly if she has a boy friend - and the father who pays for the coming expenses will be the favourite ...and for the daughter the past will be the past.

    why does this sound a lot like the descriptions of all the seedy thai females TV posters love to bash?

    the boyfriend, the "daddy" who pays more becomes the favorite?

    isnt this precisely what TV men complain about?

    choosing the man with the most money, uh huh

    I wrote the first line


    Certainly if she.......


    This was not at all intended only Thai teenagers (boys and girls) ...I was thinking on what happened to a friend in the Netherlands.....

    Everybody with experiences in divorces will know that once the involved children become teenagers they will become very sensitive to who provides them best what they want.

    I am not saying this is the case with 100 pct of the involved teenagers...

  11. Totally know the feeling. It seems very uncool to lose it here. But at the same time, Thais can be very forgiving. They understand we're all just human and everyone has their bad days. I suggest rolling with it, rather than making a big deal about an apology. Maybe just a small, private gesture to let your employee know you appreaciate him/her.

    ...I hope those "forgiving" and "understanding" ways infiltrates the mind of the hot tempered red and yellow shirts who divide not only the country but also my Thai family

    • Like 1
  12. The not so Easy Pass still sucks. They still have to man the booths because of the occasional hiccup in the electronic reading of the cards. Sometimes the lines are longer in the Easy Pass lanes than the cash ones. When will Thailand get it right??

    ..in several cases the lines in the Easy Pass lanes of the Chaengwattana Express Way were longer because cars without the prepaid electronic system stayed in the reserved lines for Easy Pass until the very last moment and then cars in the other lanes refused to let them enter in their lanes

  13. Wat Dee writes :

    Should ask the girl. If She want's him to come, you have no right to try to block her relationship with the biological father.

    Thailandist writes :

    If it wasn't for him she wouldn't be alive and you wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing her...or even the wife depending on paths she might have chosen that might not have led to you. Take it easy.

    According to this thinking the only duty of a (biological) father is to drop some semen in mothers womb ...and from then on he has some "holy" rights and no more duties such as financially contribute to an expensive education ....However I agree the feelings of the daughter are important...but keep in mind soon she will want to fly on her own wings - certainly if she has a boy friend - and the father who pays for the coming expenses will be the favourite ...and for the daughter the past will be the past....that is what I have seen in several similar cases.

    • Like 1
  14. I understand your feelings having been put in a similar position. But you fully have to understand that she has 3 parents, not 2. If you go the high road and support her in her wish to have her "other father" at the graduation it will make your life much easier. I would recommend you encourage her to have some relationship with her father.

    19 years ago he may have been the worst of all people. After 19 years he may have changed and is a great guy. If he is still a "bad" guy, your daughter will see that it he may not get invited to anything in the future.

    You have many events in the future to look forward to, like marriage and grandchildren. What you do now sets the precedence for the entire future.

    Best of luck mate.

    I hope it is not true in this case ...but my experience from several other cases learns that at the age of 19 the daughter will go where the money is....

  15. Let us also add to the debate that the tensions with Russia about Ukraine have given new life to NATO which was loosing coherence certainly after the US - UK invasion of Iraq.

    The appearance in Crimea of "self defense units" disguised as bank robbers with heavy machine guns and driving around in trucks from which they initially forgot to remove the Russian registration plates was enough to unite NATO again.

    Not only German Chancellor Merkel did use strong language but also Swedish Foreign Minister Karl Bildt was very outspoken.

  16. Now the ethnic Russians in East Ukraine are "attacked" ....preparing another glorious arrival first of disguised "self defense units" and then of course the Russian army itself ("training" is going on already..-

    Next could be stirring up incidents within ethnic Russians of the Baltic States and then we are really again the cold war.


    Do not misunderstand me, I am in favour of Russia taking complete control of Ukraine ....so that they face the debt situation rather than the EU countries.

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