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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. Don't Lionair (or Thai Lionair )fly between DMK and CGK? They are low cost. Kuwait Airlines flys from BKK also and can be reasonable.

    No Thai Lionair does not fly Don Muang to Jakarta...a pity because earlier this month I had a good experience to fly with them to Medan via Hat Yai on a day that Airasia did not have direct flight Don Muang to Medan.

  2. One should mention also that probably the most important factor is the quality of the cement which has been used. I guess there are regulations in Thailand about this issue but are they respected and do inspections take place?

    Disastrous earthquakes in Turkey and Iran were of course depending on the number on the Richter scale but also on the use of sub standard cement and other building materials.

  3. I think you're getting confused.

    If you have unlimited internet running at 10Mb it doesn't matter what "volume per hour" you are doing.

    That should be sufficient for IPTV.

    However, if your ISP only gives you say 10Gb a month before throttling down to a minimal speed, then obviously you are only going to get about 7 hours of usable TV.

    You need to look at your ISP's "Fair Use Policy".

    Thanks for spending time on my case...but my Thai wife says it is very clear that TRUE can cut the service is a certain volume per hour is downloaded and this according to the price which is paid for the service.

    We need somebody able to read Thai and who can see all the "terms and conditions" which i indicated in


  4. The lady was the daughter of a Muslim father and a Christian woman : the father left the family when the lady was a girl on only 6 years so that it was normal that her mother educated her in Christianity

    The Shariah Law Court of Sudan has ruled that the child of a Muslim father MUST be also a Muslim otherwise it become a case of apostasy punishable by death.

    Interestingly another and more famous person i.e. President Barack Hussein Obama is the son of a Muslim father who also left the family and the young Barack was then educated by his grand-mother as a Christian : he better stay away from Muslim countries where he too could face arrest because of apostasy

    Islam came into existence about 600 years after Christianity and it is amazing how they imitate now Christian laws who were enforced in Spain about 600 years ago against Jews and Muslims.

    Islam still has to go through a period equivalent to the Renaissance and the Enlightenment which made Western culture dominant....but in fact Islam had a brilliant culture during the 9th and 10th century of which the Greek and Arab knowledge - through the Caliphate of Cordoba - was transferred to Western scholars.

  5. I need to upgrade my ISP to have better reception of IPTV

    The TERMS AND CONDITIONS of True Ultra Hi Speed are only in Thai language

    Click the link next to INFO


    I try to understand from art 1.8 that for instance in case I buy a download speed of 10 Mb the total volume allowed per hour will be maximum 1.350 Mb

    Is 1.350 Mb enough to allow one hour of IPTV?


  6. The usual attempt to divert the topic. This thread is about Obama's foreign policy. He has already been in office for going on 6 years. rolleyes.gif

    Very well said. The walls are falling in on this administration and they still insist it is the fault of Bush and Cheney.

    This US administration has limited powers to take new initiatives because it has no majority in the House and needs most of the time a 60+ majority on the Senate.

    As we are talking here about US foreign policy I think that ending useless and costly (money and lives) conflicts in the Middle East and refusing to get caught in new ones ....is already a performance.

    About Ukraine the US administration can pay only lip service with the usual demand for fair elections....because geography dictates here that Russia will dominate (the same way as the USA dominates its own close neighbours, including the Caribbean islands)

    • Like 1
  7. Obama is still trying to figure out what foreign policy is. Do us a favour Obama, stay in America you cant stuff it up any more than it is now.

    Of course his predecessor G W Bush knew what foreign policy was...after Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld told him how lucrative for the subcontractors to the defense industry ..... a regime change in Iraq would be.

    It is not yet sure if G W has at present already understood the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims (according to Bob Woodward he did not know the difference during discussions a few weeks before he ordered to attack Iraq)

    • Like 1
  8. I came back from Hua Hin where I spent a weekend.

    I was surprised that in my hotel I certain foreign news broadcasts were not cut censored : I could see France 24 (morning), BBC World (late afternoon and evening); Australian TV, Russian TV and Al Jazeera etc..even the toxic Fox News Channel was available but with a sign it was censored.

    If the Thai military leaders think it is important to cut out in BKK certain foreign news broadcasts then it is their right because it is their country.

    However I am now more interested in the very dangerous crisis of Ukraine than the crisis in Thailand which is - I think - under control.

    English Al Jazeera brings an excellent view from a Middle East point of view : does somebody know how to receive it in BKK?

    Al Jazeera seems to be aceptable to the Thai military otherwise how could it be allowed in Hua Hin (but it is not on TrueTV)

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The UN has their head in the sand on Thailand. Thailand is not in a "possible" breach of human rights, freedoms, political expression, and speech.

    Navi Pillay is a citizen of South Africa. I imagine she can recognize breach of human rights, freedoms and political expression. She doens't need to be the Director of the HRC.

    With the kind of tax free monthly UN salary she gets ...she has to say something to prove she is not totally useless...

  10. I could understand all this if the intention was to lock them all in a room until they had a solution that they were all agreed on.

    But its a job to understand where all this is going

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    I could understand all this if the intention was to lock them all in a room until they had a solution that they were all agreed on.


    Yes they could do as the Catholic Church after Pope elections could take months even years with internal power struggles : lock up the cardinals until they have a solution 5555555

    • Like 1
  11. If you want to play MKV's, you'll need a bluray player I expect.....

    Correct : you need a Blu ray player : I use Samsung BD-F5100 which can play everything including MKV and MP4 but not the latest TS format

    I bought it in BKK and I had to go on the internet to find a trick to make this a region free player for all kind of DVD

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