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Posts posted by PapiRico

  1. How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

    How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

    I havent been here that long, but if you are gonna get Jumped by a bunch of thais, then just try to play it off and make peace as fast as you can,no eye contact and play dumb,maybe give him some money, It all depends on what you did to make him that pissed off,if he is trying to rob you and got a mask on (that would usually means he means business) just give him whatever he wants, you dont want to get shot here and die or go to a Hospital here ,on the back of a pick up truck. If he is just one then scream at him in your native tongue and Handle yours, Man up, dont let him punk you out,but mostly I found that Thais are peace makers, not fighters, farang in the other hand....all you got to do is man up to the situation.

  2. Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

    And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

    Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

    He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :o you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

    Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

    Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

    This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

    Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

    I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

    Good luck!

    aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

    Hey Man, I have been reading some of your posts, somethings you say are crazy, I am not saying they are true or not true, but why does everyone hate you? Whats Up?

    Because I mentioned that I had materials things, they got mad at the Flashy American,the hate me and envy me, the tried to test me and I replied, because i stand up for what I believe in, because they dont understand how it can be that a young dude can have almost everything, because they are stuck here, not all, but most are, because to them my life is only a dream that they cannot reach, because I keep it real and I am from NY and dont take BS from anyone, no matter where you are from,because I worked my ass off and now i have everyhting and they cant understand that, cause they are old and I am young, cause they are short and i am tall, because I roll with the best in NY, because my job is exciting, because I married a Model, because I type slang ans speak slang and they cant understand, etc, because when I leave to bigger and better things they are still stuck here, should I go on? .......

  3. Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

    And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

    Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

    He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :o you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

    Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

    Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

    This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

    Mr. PapaRico, What is wrong with you! I've been coming across your rants and posts for a few days now. Please, please tell me you're not really an American! Out of more than 300,000,000 which includes all the people in jail we somehow get you. If you are who you say you are I'm sure most here feel truly sorry for you. If your presence is some kind of cyber joke I think it has run its course. It appears the moderators have taken a few days off.

    I personally, IMHO, believe you are a teenager who lives offshore with your single mom. You may have heard of Thailand on the Discovery Channel and may have been through here once but by your writings you know nothing of the culture, history, geography or what you are talking about. My advise to you is stay in school but find another outlet, perhaps Playboy Magazine, for an outlet for your teen angst.

    Good luck!

    aawwwww...I am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt yor feelings ok? but you can go at me, its ok, I dont care, like i said before, it dosent change a bit about who I am and where I am going,what I have and what I know,what I been through etc. So keep you silly comments to yourself, and dont forget to Call me Mr. like you did from now on, ok? I guess If someone stands up for what they believe here they get punished? I mean its ok for others to bash right? But when the Flashy American does, then he is the bad guy...right? Stay Happy stuck here in your crappy little lives.

  4. In front of a class of 75 university students, I loudly (over the P.A. system) asked one of my students (a weekend rock band musician), "How was your gig in Udon Thani last weekend?"

    Of course, I meant: gig = scheduled musical performance event

    The students, of course, interpreted it as the Thai word: gig or gik = a casual sleeping partner, a one-night stand

    Response: Gasps from 75 students :D and a mortified rocker. :o (Who probably experienced both.)

    dam_n funny....

  5. american--------------------- soccer.

    doesnt that stink lads

    hey man,buddy.now thats crap language to anybody.

    zee instead of z zed.

    sometimes the thai language can be a bit loud and irratable but give me that against an american accent especial the southern drawl.

    We would call Soccer -Football, if the name wasent already taken by the real mans sport American Football,but yall have a close one to this, but its more like sissy ball chansing called Rugby, right?

    Yet Mam...the F***k You in Thai Language sounds like a reatard from the south trying to say "yes ma'am"...

  6. Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

    And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

    Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

    He should be very easy to spot! His name is pipi I think. Last i heard he was riding a little red wagon. Probably the biggest TROLL :o you will ever see. He is a chronic story teller and very delusional. You may want to smash him in the face, but that would be like assaulting someone with a developmental disability.

    Don't try to start a conversation, because nothing makes sense to him. It's not his fault. He likes to call people "boy". His vocabulary is underdeveloped, because he has been hit by the stupid stick one to many times.

    Enjoy your stay in the LOS.! :D

    This Guy is the Farang Dad that I posted about and his Family, check out the pics again on the first page of this post, thats the main one to watch out for here in Thailand. hahahahha...he is a bad ass behind a screen. ...oh and he is from Boston and you know what that means, right?

  7. Fat Russians Men in Speedos and Fat Russian Women in Thongs....

    And Euro Trash in Pattaya....

    Keep an eye out for some stupid 6ft 6inch yank who thinks because he owns a bike and an attractive bird he is cool.

    Actually you should keep I eye out for me and watch out for me cause i dont play that!...then again if you are from Brooklyn like you said then you should know that, right?

    On the other hand watch out for PoshThai who thinks being posh is having a 135cc Yamaha Icon or whatever and thinks Shopping in high class places means Windon Shopping at Emporium...hahahaha

  8. What do you call things in your country that might be offensive or funny to other countries....

    Example 1... Brits call cigs "fags"...in america that means Gay..

    Example 2....Brit to another Brit: "I am tired of waiting for the girls, they take so long to get ready, lets go outside and blow some Fags." WOW!!! hahahahahahahaha

    Example 3...Can I get some spotted dick to go please...

    Example 4....Can I get a side of Faggot pls (i think they are meat balls)

    Example 5....In mexico you call a sweater a Chamarra and a car a Coche, In guatemala Chamarra means Bed cover and Coche means Pig

    Example 6....Mexican To Guatemalan:" hey S, I have to go and wash my Coche and then wax it.

  9. List of supermarkets from nice to Ghetto in America and Thailand...

    America Thailand (that I know)

    1)Target 1)Tops

    2)Whole Foods 2)Carrefour

    3)Sears 3)Big C

    4)Wal-Mart 4)Tesco Lotus

    5)K-mart 5)7-11

    6)Dollar General

    7)Mom and Pops stores

    8)Bodegas in Harlem

  10. Just read this today, http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D92KLN780.htm

    Can you still live in Thailand after reading this?

    Half of all food produced on farms near 70% of all cities in the developing world don't have access to water so they irrigate thier crops with untreated human waste.

    Surely this includes Thailnd.

    I really wonder if I can now live in a developing country. I mean, drop a lettuce in your, no, another man's toilet, wash it off then serve it up. Could you eat it?

    I'm looking forward to the posters who will say, "hey, don't worry about it, I've never been sick" but really? You don't mind?

    I love living in Asia, but not at the expense of eating a daily diet of Somchai shi.t.

    Any farmers out there like to enlighten us as to how widespread this is in Thailand.

    Is that why most of the vegetables and fruits here in thailand are small and "crappy"?

  11. i cant think of one famous mexican

    i must be uncultured

    oh antonio banderas

    Hugo Sanchez

    Moctezuma II


    Paulina Rubio

    Salma Hayek

    Now name me a famous Thai known world wide please.....

    Tiger Woods's mummy.

    I thought Amis weren't snobs...


  12. i cant think of one famous mexican

    i must be uncultured

    oh antonio banderas

    Hugo Sanchez

    Moctezuma II


    Paulina Rubio

    Salma Hayek

    Now name me a famous Thai known world wide please.....

  13. tesco lotus = walmart

    same everything

    A world of difference.

    Walmart = "Every Day Low Prices!"

    Tesco Lotus = "Every Day Low Price"


    List of differences between wal mart and tesco:

    Walmart: More Selection, Open 24 hours, Way more staff, Cleaner, More organized, They sell EVERYTHING imaginable in Wal Mart

    Tesco: Less Mexicans, rude staff, no selections, advocados are too expensive, no lemons, repetitive annoying thai songs (everyone knows that song), thais cut you in line and think they can get away with it

    Ps: I could go ON and ON and ON about why Wal Mart is MUCH better then Tesco...

  14. i must have been hallucinating but i could swear the check out girl was named Shemeka

    hahaha, no i think her name was Rasputia Jenkins.. Tesco is GHETTO, because it is English, we need a Wal-Mart up in here!

  15. Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

    Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

    Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

    Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

    Oh please troll, Make no sense? Just look back at some of your posts ole boy! I graduated with a degree in Psychology and worked as a counselor for 10 years in the states before moving here. You may be book smart, but that's about it college boy! Major is world history???? Did you learn anything?You certainly don't know squat about Thailand. What do you know about the rest of the world? Are you typing away from your dorm room now?

    The way you come off, I think it is fair to assume that your travel experience has been limited to the back of moms station wagon.

    FYI: Born and raised in Boston. 100% Irish American chump. Now go learn something more than stupid!

    You know I herd some where that its not were you are from but how you come, and you are coming just ignorant, and thats ok bro, I am 100% from NY bro, so I guess I have to one up you again,regardless of what you learned or your experiences your post lacks that, so just chill and relax, the whole Big Fonts and what not make no difference,i mean I obviusly struck a cord and you got all mad, relax boy, breath...breath....ok, so like i was saying, you can assume all you want, but the fact still remains that you made no sense in your posts,i set you straight, just learn from the experience, go back and read and make corrections, know what you are talking about and come back with something solid...ok boy? and i didnt know you were a "100% Irish American Chump". hahahahahahahahaha...so i guess i did learn something else then stupid, that you are a Irish chump.thanks.

    I'm sorry, maybe I came off rather hostile papirico, but I am not angry with you. I think it is you that need a reality check, because it is you that makes no sense ole chump (I mean ole boy). Do not ask others to make corrections when you obviously lack even basic grammar skills yourself. The spell check icon should be to the right of your screen. Look for it. You're smart enough to find that aren't you college boy? It is obvious that you lack basic social skills and I do not hold that against you. I can only imagine what a tough life you must have. Trolls usually do. You setting anyone straight is laughable, . Remember it's "than stupid" not "then stupid". " I heard somewhere" not "herd some where". I hope this basic grammar lesson has helped you since I do not want you sounding "stupid" when you are writing your future meaningless posts.

    If you need a course in Thai culture my Thai brother in laws would be happy to assist you so feel free to PM me! The next time you're in NY let me know. Boston is only 3 hours away. Southies love meeting people like you! Have a nice day! :o

    Ok so you gonna hate on the way I type, its called SLANG, but you wouldnt know anything about that chump....and the truth is we dont have to wait till NY dude, we can do this right here you and your Brothers in law, come on so I can spank yall...take it to the streets boy.....NY style.and I am about to PM you too....talk to you soon chump.

    YOu feeelng froggy?? then leap!!!!!!!hahahahahahahahaha

  16. Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

    Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

    Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

    Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

    Oh please troll, Make no sense? Just look back at some of your posts ole boy! I graduated with a degree in Psychology and worked as a counselor for 10 years in the states before moving here. You may be book smart, but that's about it college boy! Major is world history???? Did you learn anything?You certainly don't know squat about Thailand. What do you know about the rest of the world? Are you typing away from your dorm room now?

    The way you come off, I think it is fair to assume that your travel experience has been limited to the back of moms station wagon.

    FYI: Born and raised in Boston. 100% Irish American chump. Now go learn something more than stupid!

    You know I herd some where that its not were you are from but how you come, and you are coming just ignorant, and thats ok bro, I am 100% from NY bro, so I guess I have to one up you again,regardless of what you learned or your experiences your post lacks that, so just chill and relax, the whole Big Fonts and what not make no difference,i mean I obviusly struck a cord and you got all mad, relax boy, breath...breath....ok, so like i was saying, you can assume all you want, but the fact still remains that you made no sense in your posts,i set you straight, just learn from the experience, go back and read and make corrections, know what you are talking about and come back with something solid...ok boy? and i didnt know you were a "100% Irish American Chump". hahahahahahahahaha...so i guess i did learn something else then stupid, that you are a Irish chump.thanks.

  17. "However he is no leader, thank goodness too, as I am a Celtics fan so it was nice, and totally expected, to see him fold in the NBA Finals. I'd love to hear Phil Jackson's uncensored comments re: Kobe's leadership qualities. Were I an NBA GM and I could have my pick of players I would avoid Kobe Bryant like the plague, and I'd encourage my no. 1 rival to choose him as their team 'leader'. He's the A-Rod of the NBA."

    "Were I an NBA GM" YOU'RE NOT, what a load of garbage pal. Kobe hasn't had a team around him since the Shaq, Fischer, Horry, squad and this year he definitely stepped up as the leader of that team.

    I have a feeling you are a bandwagon Celtics fan,(you're from Boston?) and you should be thankful that there is so much parity in the east that you can add three quality players and win the finals. hel_l, the Heat did it with an overweight Shaq. San Antonio, Dallas, Phoenix, Utah are all better than 99% of the east.

    The Truth Has Been Spoken!!!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. YOu are NOT a NBA GM!!!!!! (good one!! :o:D

    p.s.s. didnt Kobe make it to the Playoffs every year in the west with a not so good team, are like the worse of their division in the weak east? Lakers standings before going into the playoffs is usually 45W 37L give a or take a few wins, hat would usually put the lakers in the No. 2 spot in the weak east. And Paul Pierce has the balls to say he is the best player in the planet, dude cause he won a ring with Garnett and Ray allen, if thats the case ,me and Huggybear Garnett and Ray allen would bring a championship too.He wasent even wanted for the olympic team.....

    Obviously "you'can't handle the Truth", and neither can Kobe! :D And clearly the word "hypothetical" is missing from your dictionary. Obviously I am not an NBA GM; how many of them want Kobe Bryant? (hint: rhymes with "hero"). I am not a Kobe-hater, whatever that might be, but rather one who appreciates a real leader, a winner and team players. Unfortunately Kobe Bryant is none of those things. Quite frankly he's a bit of an embarassment, ball-hog, show-boat, lazy on defense, crappy rebounder, tell me again what an assist is", but of course he puts up the points in meaningless NBA games.

    Kobe missed quite a few easy lay-ups, dunks and open shots in tonight's game, and I did see Dwayne Wade (6'4" guard) playing defense on Dirk Nowitski (7'0" point foward).

    But in the end it is the results that matter, NBA championships and Gold Medals, among other things.

    I am a life-long Celtics fan, from ~ 1965 and a long-time season-ticket holder in both the old and new Gardens. No bandwagon here. I think we're 9-2 against the Lakers (of various ilks) all time in NBA Finals. 'Nuff said.

    Dude, you know so much of basketball as your Little picture shows....nough said bro.

  18. I have to admit, I adore SARCASM. I am well aware as I have read it many places and also tried it out on Thais, that sarcasm and Thai culture are not a match.

    Assuming you agree with this, can anyone explain why this culture is so averse to SARCASM?

    I have tried that too,and it was like they didnt get it, maybe its that its not in their culture to be sarcastic, like in America the "little white lie" is big,everyone does it, get it and its funny at times, but I feel like this culture is not funny, but they are funny among themselves, i guess i grew out of the Mr Bean Humor long ago, what I have found funny they have not, like sarcasm.

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