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Posts posted by PapiRico

  1. Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

    Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

    Who are the "serious people" you?

    No, I am silly. Thats why I moved to Thailand.

    DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?

    Yes, of course they do. It doesn't make me Einstein either, but less ignorant, of course.

    You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here.

    That is quite a distinction. I will treasure it.

    arrogance is largely a western trait,

    I doubt that is actually true.

    JingThing Has Spoken!!!!!!!

    Thank you that was a funny post and right on target.

  2. I would be interested in the views of others on the skills/knowledges/intelligences/cultures of their 'significant others'; of course I am a man writing about a woman.

    My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

    1. Has never heard of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Westlife, Mao Zhe Dong, Stalin, Shakespeare, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Peter Pan, Phaulkon, Nuclear Power, Mr Obama, Einstein, The Grand Canyon, Antarctica and does not care

    2. Thinks Algerians, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Americans etc.etc.are all the same….just Farang and blacks are black…and does not care

    3. Cannot find the way, in Chiang Mai, in a car, from Doi Saket to Hang Dong, nor from Tapae Gate to the Airport. Can't read a map.

    4. Can read and write English and French but can speak neither!

    5. Can take a motorcycle entirely to bits and put it together again

    6. Can cook 200+ dishes with no recourse to a cookery book

    7. Has designed and had built, with, as far as I know, knowledge of neither architecture, structural principles, nor materials, a beautiful 250square metre house. She had the builder remove all the foundations and start again as she said to him: The cement looks too wet and you have not waited for it to dry……..which was about right.

    8. Can cut and stitch together a dress with no pattern and no machine

    9. Has driven from Rome to Lisbon and LA to Maine, without a driving license, and is indignant that ' Driving in Thailand is the nearest I have come to death'!

    10. On the first leg of that voyage saw the Colosseum, Pont Du Gard, Barcelona, The Alhambra, etc. Just buildings. Just another Farang Country. Liked Fado, and Basque singing though.

    11. After eating all kinds of restaurant and fast food in Europe…. Pizzas from Ask, Pizza Express etc wondered…why would Thai people eat that rubbish from Pizza Hut…..and then would never eat MacDonalds, Chester Grill, KFC ever again having thought, aged 20, they were the height of fashion.?

    12. Says computers are boring, but can download 1000 songs onto a new Mobile without looking at the Manual

    I could go on!! But why don't you!!?

    All this "graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………" means nothing when you are a closeminded Thai...regarless of money or university degree....there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.They are like the Indegenous people from Latin America. Ignorant not caus they dont have to tools to learn but because they DONT want to learn or care about any other culture, there for they are stuck on stupid.

    I am sooooo happy that they don't want to learn about other cultures, I am soooo happy that they don't all go to university to invent all kind of things which some other fool will make to use as a military `thing`.

    I am soooo happy between the indigenous people of south america ( that is where I am now) It is not that they don't want to learn, they don't feel the need to. They are more happy without all the wealth and gadgets and whatever that it is that we think we need, to feel the same.

    And do we do?? We create the need, by introducing all kind of things they could have lived without.

    We with the superior way of thinking, destroy more than we do good. Yes we help to build/rebuild countries after we bombed the shit out of the place. Intelligent??

    Who is ???

    And why should people become more intelligent? They have more knowledge of being just happy and content, being closer to nature and have an absolute stunning social intelligence, which to me is far more important than the intelligence the western society brags about.

    Look how intelligent we are, the great nations on this earth are at each others throat/policing the place and having intelligent wars. Forcing their ways upon othres. We intelligently use up all the earth resources and cannot be forced out of our fat big intelligent cars. Other intelligent examples?? 1000 th`s of them.

    Look at the absolute mess we made out of our very intelligent world. People as described are not at war, no reason to, they don't even know the other is there, isn`t it great ?

    This is black and white, i know. But some people just see their own little world, but blame others who do exactly the same, but on a different " less intelligent " level.

    I wish there were less intelligent, and more `social intelligent` people.

    Ok i agree in some of your post (i lived in Latin America for some time too), the fact that they have way more social Intelligence and a feel for the earth and what really can make a human happy with out much gadgets and technology, But you dare ask "why should people try to be more intelligent"???? come one man, thats crazy to even ask, but i will answer you in terms of the indegenous way, the reason why you want people to learn and try to be more intelligent is because if your daughter is dying from Cancer or Diabetes you would love to have the advancement of technology to cure her, rather than take her to the local Shaman (witch doctor) to cure her, so thank god for the people who decided to "try to be more intelligent".

  3. Look, the culture is different. The values are different. Intellectual curiosity is not valued here. Serious people are not valued here, you know, the kind that reads difficult books and knows that not all farang countries are the same. What to do? Be amused.

    Who are the "serious people" you? papirico?......... NOT! DO you seriously think that extensive travel and learning about different cultures makes you less ignorant?5555. I assume that you are well traveled like many members that use this forum and You have to be one of the most ignorant and arrogant members here. Thais don't care about the world around them! Good for them! They may be ignorant and lack knowledge in certain areas and most people who live here can tolerate that, but it is the arrogance or exaggerating ones importance that many farangs exhibit that most find intolerable and arrogance is largely a western trait, so it should come as no mystery to you as to why some Thais may think all "farang" countries are the same. Put that in your pipe and take a few puffs!

    Haha, since you picked traveling i will school you in some facts ok boy.....first, I have a major in World history and a minor in psychology, meaning that I had to learn a lot in college about other countries etc, why things happend and what not,but if i never traveled than I could only assume these things I learned were true, but since i did travel (everywhere), you learn about different cultures,ways, social differences of the world,different mind sets and what not,if it was not for my traveling i would be IGNORANT about a lot of stuff.....and I am just talking about traveling, thats one of the things Thais lack, and dont let me start on what else they lack.....your post made no sense and you contracdidcted your self over and over, you must be half Thai your self. Stuck on stupid.

    Most people who are ignorant are happy to be ignorant cause thats all the know, ignorance, thus the sayin, ignorance is bliss....

  4. there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.

    in general, i agree with this, though i do know some thai exceptions. & there are a lot of ignorant americans as well who could use some travelling.

    i don't think it is a reflection of their intelligence, but of their lack of intellectual curiosity, as chiangmaibruce says.

    Oh, It is about their intelligence, studies have shown that the avarage Adult Thai is as smart as a 14 year old from a first world country.....but like you said it has nothing to do with their intelligence, right?

    Ignorance= The lack of wanting to learn more about anything.

    Ingnorant= Lack of Intelligence

    p.s.s. This dosent apply to all thais, just the ignorant.....hahahahahahaha

  5. "However he is no leader, thank goodness too, as I am a Celtics fan so it was nice, and totally expected, to see him fold in the NBA Finals. I'd love to hear Phil Jackson's uncensored comments re: Kobe's leadership qualities. Were I an NBA GM and I could have my pick of players I would avoid Kobe Bryant like the plague, and I'd encourage my no. 1 rival to choose him as their team 'leader'. He's the A-Rod of the NBA."

    "Were I an NBA GM" YOU'RE NOT, what a load of garbage pal. Kobe hasn't had a team around him since the Shaq, Fischer, Horry, squad and this year he definitely stepped up as the leader of that team.

    I have a feeling you are a bandwagon Celtics fan,(you're from Boston?) and you should be thankful that there is so much parity in the east that you can add three quality players and win the finals. hel_l, the Heat did it with an overweight Shaq. San Antonio, Dallas, Phoenix, Utah are all better than 99% of the east.

    The Truth Has Been Spoken!!!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. YOu are NOT a NBA GM!!!!!! (good one!! :o:D

    p.s.s. didnt Kobe make it to the Playoffs every year in the west with a not so good team, are like the worse of their division in the weak east? Lakers standings before going into the playoffs is usually 45W 37L give a or take a few wins, hat would usually put the lakers in the No. 2 spot in the weak east. And Paul Pierce has the balls to say he is the best player in the planet, dude cause he won a ring with Garnett and Ray allen, if thats the case ,me and Huggybear Garnett and Ray allen would bring a championship too.He wasent even wanted for the olympic team.....

  6. I would be interested in the views of others on the skills/knowledges/intelligences/cultures of their 'significant others'; of course I am a man writing about a woman.

    My lovely wife, aged 30, mother of our two beautiful daughters, graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………

    1. Has never heard of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Westlife, Mao Zhe Dong, Stalin, Shakespeare, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Peter Pan, Phaulkon, Nuclear Power, Mr Obama, Einstein, The Grand Canyon, Antarctica and does not care

    2. Thinks Algerians, Germans, Russians, Swedes, Americans etc.etc.are all the same….just Farang and blacks are black…and does not care

    3. Cannot find the way, in Chiang Mai, in a car, from Doi Saket to Hang Dong, nor from Tapae Gate to the Airport. Can't read a map.

    4. Can read and write English and French but can speak neither!

    5. Can take a motorcycle entirely to bits and put it together again

    6. Can cook 200+ dishes with no recourse to a cookery book

    7. Has designed and had built, with, as far as I know, knowledge of neither architecture, structural principles, nor materials, a beautiful 250square metre house. She had the builder remove all the foundations and start again as she said to him: The cement looks too wet and you have not waited for it to dry……..which was about right.

    8. Can cut and stitch together a dress with no pattern and no machine

    9. Has driven from Rome to Lisbon and LA to Maine, without a driving license, and is indignant that ' Driving in Thailand is the nearest I have come to death'!

    10. On the first leg of that voyage saw the Colosseum, Pont Du Gard, Barcelona, The Alhambra, etc. Just buildings. Just another Farang Country. Liked Fado, and Basque singing though.

    11. After eating all kinds of restaurant and fast food in Europe…. Pizzas from Ask, Pizza Express etc wondered…why would Thai people eat that rubbish from Pizza Hut…..and then would never eat MacDonalds, Chester Grill, KFC ever again having thought, aged 20, they were the height of fashion.?

    12. Says computers are boring, but can download 1000 songs onto a new Mobile without looking at the Manual

    I could go on!! But why don't you!!?

    All this "graduate of Thailand's premier university, from a family of learning, money and class………" means nothing when you are a closeminded Thai...regarless of money or university degree....there is so much more to learn, from Traveling, which they dont do, wanting to learn from other cultures so they dont stay ignorant, which they dont do, they are all usually self absorbent about only their food, culture and that they are the center of the world, when in reality the are one of the most ignorant cultures in the world.They are like the Indegenous people from Latin America. Ignorant not caus they dont have to tools to learn but because they DONT want to learn or care about any other culture, there for they are stuck on stupid.

  7. I have to agree with the other poster that Wade is the best player on the USA squad. Over the last 3 years, when he was healthy, he was the best player in the world. I came to that conclusion in 2006 when I watched an unbelievably weak Miami Heat team win the NBA championship. Basically the other Heat players just handed the ball to Wade every game in the 4th quarter and he single handedly took apart the Mavericks. No other player could have done what he did with the crap team that he had. After that I started to watch Wade and how he fared in his individual matchups; especially when he and Kobe went head-to-head. I love Kobe but Wade won the match-up every time. Give him any kind of team and he is unstoppable.

    First of all I was In Miami watching those games,but we will get to that soon, now let me get this stright, you said that Wade got the best of Kobe everytime they played against eachother? wow dude where were you? watching it on Bad Youtube video? kobe bryant was the only player on that team that was great,Lamar Odom just vanishes at times, so its Wade, Jason williams and Shaq Vs Kobe and smush parker and luke walton.....hmmmm interestung bro that you wold say that, becaus ethe first game the lakes lost by 2 points,so kobe did everything he had to do, and he always stole the show, and I am sorry but where was wade after this championship that was given to him by the referees and stolen from the Mavs???? so where was Wade last year? where is wade this year? who is Wade again? oh i see, the guy who is good and got lucky......but never will be what Kobe is. Sorry bro but its your opinion againts the facts.

  8. Now about wade being the best player??? wow.....not even, its actually Kobe who guards the other teams best player, always. Thats what He pledged and thats what he has done, wade lebron and the whole squad plays well, but the leader will always be Kobe, ....

    I was basing my comments strictly on having watched all the games so far, and now just off to watch the final preliminary round game vs. Germany. I had not seen the U.S. Men’s team play until the first game against China, and while they looked wonderful on paper, I really had no idea how well they would play together, and how well they could have implemented a FIBA-oriented game-plan.

    Dwayne Wade is averaging 17.75 PPG v to Kobe Bryant’s 12.5 PPG while playing fewer minutes. Wade is also shooting a much higher percentage; he was 7 of 7 on FG’s vs. China. He plays with much more intensity.; when he comes in, in the first quarter, the U.S. sprints away.

    Kobe Bryant is a great individual player, no question maybe number 1/1A in the NBA. However he is no leader, thank goodness too, as I am a Celtics fan so it was nice, and totally expected, to see him fold in the NBA Finals. I’d love to hear Phil Jackson’s uncensored comments re: Kobe’s leadership qualities. Were I an NBA GM and I could have my pick of players I would avoid Kobe Bryant like the plague, and I’d encourage my no. 1 rival to choose him as their team ‘leader’. He's the A-Rod of the NBA.

    A Kobe hater no doubt, there is nothing people can say to Kobe hater that will make'em changed their Ideas about him...so I will leave you will all the US basketball team comments (including your boy Wade)..."wow, he is playing (kobe) so thats gold for sure" Lebron said" I am looking foward to his leadership on the court abd to set the tone for our offense" Carmelo said " If he is playing it makes you want to play much much harder due to the caliber of player he is"....Wade said " He is our leader and i am just happy to be part of history and to be able to play with him in the Olympics"............ I dont recall Kobe saying anything remotely similar about them, Not that he dosent have respect for them, but when he is around he steals the show, why do you think everygame is the NBA is sold out (every dam_n game) when Kobe comes to rown, I would know, I been to tons of his games. No that the US team couldt have won with out him, I am sure they could of, but his mere presence on the court demands respect from everyone, wade and some other players could of been simply replaced, but no kobe....I would og gladly taken Ben Grodon or Tracy Mcgrady for wade, but who for kobe? he is priceless to this team. Nough said bro.

  9. I still dont believe how there was any doubt in anyone heads that the US was had a Gold Medal in Basketball....come on

    Yeah it's great having all the naysayers in this thread eat their words.

    JimJim, best not give up your day job for a sports prognosticator position.

    Koheesti, completely off the mark.

    Vegas, when talking about the American team being "kicked out" I guess you have a case due to the unsportsmanlike thrashings team USA has been dishing out.

    This is 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!

  10. I still dont believe how there was any doubt in anyone heads that the US was had a Gold Medal in Basketball....come on Yall, really? Did you really think otherwise? The minute Kobe Bryant sign that he was gonna play it was a wrap, gold 110%! The world basketball is good, good enough to beat the C class NBA players etc, but this this team is a statement to the world: "dont get it twisted, we are the best and we are gonna show you that, so pls dont get carried away cause you played good in the past".

    Now about wade being the best player??? wow.....not even, its actually Kobe who guards the other teams best player, always. Thats what He pledged and thats what he has done, wade lebron and the whole squad plays well, but the leader will always be Kobe, wether he plays the best that night or not he is the guy, he dosent have to pass the ball, he dosent have to set anyone up, he can take the whole team by himself, but he is playing Team ball....can anyone remember him scoring 40 or more points in 16 consecutive games in the NBA? with NBA defense and star power? not including the 81 point game he had? The Lakers or Boston Celtics team can beat any world team or country team, and thats real. So I said it the first time and i will say it again, Its a GOLD MEDAL IN THEIR POCKET FOR THE USA BASKETBALL TEAM.......

    I am saying all this cause everyone got all excited thinking the US lost its "world hold" in basketball cause of the 2004 Olympic and the 2006 world champioship....Pls, it was a huge mistake to send class B and C players,How are you gonna have your best player in the 2004 squad (carmelo anthony, aver. 37points per game) come into the NBA in 2003? See what I mean? And even though this squad is kiiling the competition, what if other superstars would of came? Garnett maybe, he can take Tyshun Princes spot then what would happend. so stop with the whole the US aint gonna win or what not , this is a statement.

  11. What would be the reactions in your homecountry if thousends of more or less old, rich foreign man would come to your country and marry with more or less young, poor girls from your country?

    How would people look at this?

    I don't think many "poor" Australian girls would be interested. They have other dreams and other options and would see many disadvantages to marriage with a much older person, if financial gain were the only motive.

    One exceptional group might be girls living in extremely disadvantaged indigenous communities. This would soon produce some interesting reactions.

    It all comes from how you where brought up, what ethics etc. What are you goals etc, if there was no escape from poverty and you couldnt take it anymore and you want to "get out" any way you can, then marrying a rich guy would be the way, but thanks to the USA you can be poor but work hard and come up in the world without the help of a rich man.

  12. Ofcourse you can find a nice girl from decent background or "higher class" the reason why most of you dont is because they are not desperate or have to "settle" for a farang that is lets say fat, ugly etc, they have many options farang or not. But the other girls we will take anything then can, thats why you see alot of "what the hel_l is she thinking??!!!!! Around Thailand.........

  13. The trouble with generalities is that they are generally right. Pointing to exceptions doesn't disprove the rule.

    The English don't wash

    The Scots are all mean

    The Irish all drink to destruction

    The Australians are lousy lovers ( brace yourself Sheila )

    The Americans are all loud

    The French are all great Chefs

    Yeah Right!!!

    You actually got most of those right (most, not all), but i can add way more.... :o

  14. Tell your wife to tell the lady that if there is any other damage done to any other car (make sure she knows what the dogs she is feeding are up to) that will make her liable to pay for the damage. Maybe if there is monetary payment involved she will quickly stop.

    Seems like it would not be possible to actually collect money from this women though, and she is probably well aware of that, so i doubt she would be too bothered.

    And when my wife nicely asked the women (in the presents of several committee members) not to feed the dogs, the women asked my wife which car was hers (implying "next time i'll be sure to throw the food on your car"). So you can see the kind of person we're dealing with here.

    I am sorry but what exactly does "The committee Members" good for? isnt this the type of problem that they suppose to stop? Do they have power to "fine" ," pressure" or even "kick out" this person causing damage to cars by feeding dogs? Myabe you should put a lot of bird seed around her house and see all the pigeons crap all over her window and entrance.....but honestly if this continues I would threat to poison the dogs if this happends again. I mean its not the dogs fault, they just follow food like all street dogs,so the problem is that lady, i hate to say this but sometimes you can "end violence only with violence"...

  15. At my condo building there is an ever increasing number of stray dogs hanging around the parking lot. A few days ago some of the dogs attacked several of the parked cars causing some deep scratches, punctured tires, ripped mud flaps, ripped cars covers etc... (quite a lot of damage). And i have become quite worried as I park my car fairly near to the location where this happened.

    We watched the video tapes to see which dogs did the damage, and just before the dogs went crazy an old women who lives in the building who seems to feed the stray dogs on a regular basis went outside to this area and dumped a bunch of food on the floor (so it seems like the dog got into a fight over the food causing the damage to the cars).

    My wife is on the condo committee but no one wants to call animal control and have the dogs removed (apparently no one wants the bad karma on their head, which seems totally ridiculous to me). Instead they went and told the women not to feed the dogs on the condo premises. 15 minutes after being told not to feed the dogs she was feeding the dogs...

    I just know that the next car to get mauled is bound to be mine, and i'd like to try to prevent this before it happens.

    Or god forbid it be a small child next time.

    What would you suggest be the best course of action? Baring in mine that there are a few residence who seem to like the stray dogs (although they wash their hands of any wrong doing that the dogs do) and would potentially seek revenge on anyone who had the dogs removed.

    Tell your wife to tell the lady that if there is any other damage done to any other car (make sure she knows what the dogs she is feeding are up to) that will make her liable to pay for the damage. Maybe if there is monetary payment involved she will quickly stop.

  16. I dont have a This partner (Thank god) but I seen this, that when there is a Motorcycle accident ,wether the guy is dead or gets right up and drives away, people run around and around trying to catch his "spirit" that has left his body in shock so they must catch it with nets, baskets, hands or anything they can use. This is done by poor to rich Thais....weird yo.

  17. so i hear thaskin is burying a lucky flower or something under the manchester city field to make his team lucky, and i remember him and other prominant Thai officials consulting fortune tellers and i have met many many intelligent Thai people who still believe in this type of stuff. it causes a problem for me because only morons believe in this stuff. now my GF says "This condo is not good because its infront of a temple and thats bad luck."...Great, babe.

    How can smart people can be superstitious?....well how can dumb people be in power....I herd Bush was in Thailand by the way..........

  18. They (USA) literally ran away with the game... outran and outshot the Chinese team...

    At one point late in the game, the broadcasters showed a graphic saying the USA had a 12-2 lead over the Chinese in steals...

    It certainly wasn't perfect play, but the USA guys actually looked like a TEAM...instead of just a bunch of superstars playing as individuals... That was kind of heartening...after some past years...

    Despite some miscues, there was some great ball handling to be seen.... making me remember why basketball is an American sport at heart... Some of those plays...I found myself saying... HOW'd he do THAT????

    PS - Speaking as a white guy former basketball player, were there any white guys who made it into the game on the USA side???

    Do you still play ball??? looking to start a team, sponsored and everything

  19. Im a Miami heat supporter, Alonzo Mourning is my favourite player, hope he plays one more season. He is what a real player is about. No player has more heart then Zo.

    Top 10 players in the league

    1. Lebron James

    2. Kobe Bryant

    3. CP3

    4. Wade

    5. Amare

    6. Howard

    7. Anthony

    8. Garnett

    9. Duncan (used to be 3rd for me but last season he dropped off)


    True about Zo, god bless him and its amazing what he has done...but there is people with a bit more heart and and dedication,somepeople would say Allen Iverson,but no...there is two Better canidates for that "heart and dedication" talk.

    1.-Kobe Bryant.- Never takes a day off, does no take vacations but trains everyday, because he knows he is the best and to stay there he has to do what no other is capable of doing, he went through so much, he was the golden child, the ordan of his era, but the fued with Shaq, and the rape case took al that away from him, he was hated, by everyone, almost everyplayer, the media, his own teammates and even his coach!!! but what did he do? he let his game do the talking, anyone else would of crunmbled in that kind of pressure, but not him, he shut all his critics up and now look at him, MVP and the best player ever.

    2.-Kevin Garnett.- He has more heart than a whole team put together, he even took a pay cut (millions of dollars) so the Timberwolves could get him better talent and sorround him with people that could make that team a championship contender, he gave his heart in and out of the basketball court,no one feels as much as him when he plays wether hi wins or loses, he is all heart.....third would be alonzo he came back and played after his kidney transplant but the the same can be said about Turiaff (lakers) who had open heart surgery , they changed his heart and then came back 6 months later and is playing.

  20. Woah! woah! woah!.....First of all I hate to sound like a arrogant Maericam but hey its GOLD medal in our pocket. Like I said earlier, in the 2004 Olympics and te 2006 world championships we sent our B and C class players, Yes the world has cought up to those players,but as the years go by we have lebron and dwight howard etc that get better and better, much better than what they were in 2004 or 2006, and now Kobe and the gang, its a wrap, if Kobe decides to do what he promise to coach K (which was he said " I want to guard the other teams best player) then its a done deal, and they have won every exhibition by just playing and having fun, now when it comes to get ready for game time....sorry to tell you but its Gold in our pocket.

    And yes this IS the Dream Team of this decade....maybe not better than when Jordan and them played, but its the best team we have sent since.

  21. Of course does the US team have the biggest names and best individual players. But they also had them in 2004 and the World Championships before and didn't win. This puts a lot of pressure on the players. But they are really hungry for gold as stated by lots of the players.

    Will be interesting games to watch anyway if we are able to see them here what I also don't know.

    Not true, the NBA sent the B class and C class players to the olympics in 2004 (Garnett,Kobe,O'neal,Tracy mcgrady,Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, etc) did not go in 2004, insted they had Stephon Marbury as starting point guard etc, so the world is better than the B and C class NBA players (as you saw Argentina win gold) and then again we sent bums to the world championship were Spain won, so This ime around the best players in the world, the dream team 2 is trying to win, and yes they will get gold.

    The European do have good players, but not as many as this basketball team the US sent to destroy opposition. I am sure they will blow out everyone as they are already doing VS russia and turkey etc.

    Hey huggybear...i am back...hahahahahahahha

  22. What do you figure the infection rate is among female sex workers? I have read 40 percent for the male sex workers.

    I have also heard that the Thai HIV strain is much more deadly and quicker than the western strain; yes. there are different HIV strains, so, no it is not like having a cold.

    Back when I was in my 20s there was no treatment at all, so people were dying like flies, often within months of diagnosis.

    I dont know, let me google that for you...hold on.....ok i dont know the right % number but here is an idea..

    As of January 2004, 231,712 AIDS cases had been reported, of whom nearly 80% were in the age group 20-39 years

    At the end of 2003, an estimated 1.7% of the adult Thai population aged 15-49 years was infected with HIV

    According to projections for the next five years, nearly 50,000 new AIDS cases will occur in Thailand every year.

    According to UNIFEM, almost one third of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand are women, and a large proportion of them are women who would otherwise appear to be at very low risk of HIV infection

    ok so this is what i just found, i guess you can make your own % number...so sad.

    Oh yes,he only joined yesterday from Yanksville and here he is depressing everyone with stats on aids in Thailand.

    Mods,i resectfuly ask can this guy be banned,i dread to think what his next post will be on.Suicides in Thiland pherhaps?

    Banned? for what? just cause youdont like what the thread is about, dont read it man. its simple.

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