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Posts posted by floridaguy

  1. Assuming your system is not too new, you should have the option at the screen where it shows you the last couple of days to "Show more dates" or something to that effect. Look around on that screen where you are choosing dates and it should be there. Then it will show you upto about 6 weeks back.

    Also, since you messed with a system folder, you may want to boot to safe mode and then do the restore.

    Hope that helps.

  2. I brush with tap water. I make ice cubes with tap water. I eat the ice in my drinks. Once your body gets used to any differences in water quality, all will even out. But if you are a big wimp and constantly avoid the water, then your body will never truly adjust and you get the complaints about the water being bad. Just use the water. Tough it out for a week or 2, and then you will never have a problem again.

    • Like 1
  3. They are everywhere. I had to have my neighbor call aroundfor me, they are only in Thai. They chargeby distance, the size of the truck, and the amount of labor involved. Don’texpect them to come pack up your things, and don’t expect insurance or reimbursementfor any damages.

    Last year I had 2 guys in a large enclosed truck come to myhouse in Bangkok and move a freakishly large and unbearably heavy woodenwardrobe from the second floor to my brother’s house in Kanchanaburi. Cost me2000 baht plus 200 baht tip, plus drinking water while they were sweating away.Total distance one way was 100 kilometers.

  4. Thais are more touchy feely than westerners. Look at the way Thais hold hands and arms and have their arms around there necks, both men and women. This translates to these playful hits. Most Thai women do it. Men do to, to each other.

    Western women do as well. Didn't your mother every tell you when you were a kid, if a girl is hitting you, she likes you?

  5. I agree with Noise. I used my Thai phone in Michigan this year. Popped out the Thai sim and popped in a prepaid one that I bought for $20 at Best Buy. I was good for the week I was there. Just send her the activated sim. You can track it using any carrier, UPS, Fedex. It will get through just fine, no customs on a used sim. They probably won't even open it. The phone is more likely to be taken.

  6. "The passenger, aged around 20, fired four bullets at the bus driver. He was accompanied by a few friends, and they fled to cross a flyover and took a taxi to escape along Vibhavadi Road."

    And how does that happen? Taxi driver didn't notice a bunch of young guys running away from a probably hectic scene at the bus and think "What is wrong here?"

  7. Even after just entering my 16th year living and working here there's still a part of me that every day feels like I'm on holiday.

    This is exactly it for me. I work hard for a demanding western company here, but everyday I feel like I am working while on holiday. Only here do I feel it is ok to get totally drunk on a Tuesday.

  8. Thanks FG,

    That is very helpful. My only worry is that you and your brother seem to have income in Thailand or at least regular deposits into a Thai bank account. Seeing as we have been living in Canada for the past year, we have not used our Thai account. But it is good to know that they consider your income abroad as well. What did you show them as proof? A bank statement from the US or your pay stubs or...?

    I spoke to him on your behalf. As for my brother's income, although he was depositing a portion of it here, the banks still considered it foreign earned income. For proof of income, we both used both pay stubs and bank statements. They were mostly interested in the bank statements. I hope the your husband has deposited the majority of his income in this account to prove the income. Also, they may want to see both your and his paystub to separate what income is yours and what is his. They may use your income if you request. Siam Commercial, Bangkok Bank, UOB and Thai Military Bank offer loans to non-Thai citizens who have a Thai spouse.

    My brother did have a little trouble with the local bank. They are a small town bank, with no foreigners in the area. It took alot of work to get them to wrap their head around the idea of give a mortgage to a Thai foreigner with foreign income. To make things easier, I would deal with large bank in Bangkok, regardless of where the property is. They will have more experience in dual citizens. Be persistent, it can be done, but it will take some work.

    Keep me posted how it goes.

    Good luck.

  9. Thanks a lot to everyone for your comments, and I'm sorry I got someone bored by my story.

    I've actually decided to lose the car and save up to buy a new one next year. And I will divorce her when she's ready to bring my daughter back to school in Bangkok. My daughter has been out of school and is currently living in the village. I went there to see my gaughter, but was asked by her family why I came. Because my daughter is only four in two weeks, and I know she needs both of us was the reason I put up with her cheating for a long time.

    Thanks once again.

    Phil, sorry man. But like she did with the car, don't wait for her to bring your daughter back. Fight hard, get a lawyer, get custody. Material possessions, they can be replaced, but never your children.

    You have my full sympathy. Good luck, and all the best.

    • Like 1
  10. I agree with the consensus, bikes are for fun and convenience, cars are for when it is necessary. I like in Bangkok, I have a company car and a Steed and a Phantom. I drive the Steed 90% of the time. I can make the 7km trip to the office in 15-20 minutes on the Steed, 45-90 minutes in the car. I never drive the Phantom anymore. It was my learner bike here in Bangkok, so it is going up for sale as soon as I touch up the paint. The car is only for rainy days, when I am taking long trips, or ferrying passengers about.

  11. There is no equivalent to Newegg in Thailand. Newegg has a professional web site, generations ahead of the amateurish thai sites. That's the first obvious thing everyone notices. I mean how ridiculous is it to shop for hard drives and not have a button to select the capacity of interest? And Thanni requires payment to a personal bank account, that's shady. A consumer should at minimum be able to use a credit card giving protection and ease of use. InvadeIt got this one right.

    Prices are WAY more expensive than Newegg. The video card & router mentioned are not high end at all, yet you would save 1000 baht or more at Newegg on EACH of them!!! And it's wrong to say hard drives are as cheap in Thailand. They're not even when the hard drive is MADE IN THAILAND so get over it. I don't know why some people feel the need to defend substandard mail order sites and overpriced items. There are a zillion reasons Newegg completely outclasses Thai mail order.

    No body is defending Thai mail order, we are just answering the OP's question. Read his post.

    And if you love Newegg so much, as all of us who lived in the US and used them probably did, then order from them, save the 1000 baht, and see how much you save after customs. Total order prices will be lower ordering from here than the US.

  12. Let the both of them go. The car is not in your name, nor is the loan, right? She is not really a good wife, now is she? Let her go too. That is harsh, but if she is willing to end a 6 year marriage over a car, then let her have her way. Count yourself lucky it was just a car that you only paid 10 months and a down payment on, and not a house that is paid off, as so many TV'ers have fell into that trap. I assume that you got some use of the car before she freaked out.

    Why fret about the car? You don't have use of it now, so why worry about whether the bank will take it or not. She has the car, let her deal with the bank and the payments. I wouldn't put anymore thought into the car. My brother had the same problem. He bought a car for his wife's brother in his own name, loan and all. The bank called him a year later demanding the 4 late payments or they would take the car. After it was all cleared up and out of his name, he was able to immediately get a bank loan with a different bank. They don't really have a credit rating system that goes system wide. He was screwed with that bank for a little while, but the banks don't really share credit histories with each other.

    Now the wife, what are you going to do? I think that may be the real reason for your post. You want to help her by paying for the car, and you want TV'ers to give you moral support? You won't get moral support here.

  13. I also use SCB to transfer money out of Thailand. I made the arrangements myself at the branch. There are 4 options on why you are transferring money out. I can't remember all of them, but the easiest one is family support of members outside of Thailand. I had 4 staff members and the bank Manager over to help me, and they were glad to assist the Thai who couldn't read Thai! Anyway, once it is set up at the bank, you can make transfers yourself online. It is very fast, convenient. The fee was 1000 baht per 100,000 baht I believe.

  14. I also am a Thai national, with US citizenship as well. I live and work here in Bangkok. I believe the answer is yes to your question. Earlier this year I went to Siam Commercial Bank and applied for a Beyond Platinum card. My income consists of US dollars paid to me in the US to a US bank, and Thai baht paid to me here. It was necessary to use both incomes to qualify for the higher income requirement of that card. The bank did not have any problems including my US based income to my income calculation. They approved me for the card. Because of this, I would assume that your husband could do so. He may need to give his mother power of attorney to do so, but I am not sure.

    To add further evidence to support this, my brother, also a dual US/Thai citizen, earns all his income in US dollars as a retiree of the US military. He receives some of the money in the US on a US bank account, and some of his income is mailed here in check form with he deposits into a Thai bank. He used both incomes to receive a loan to build a house from a Thai bank. He was required to show proof of both incomes, at least 6 months worth of income before he could qualify for the loan. As I understood, they didn't have a problem with his actual income, they just couldn't understand how a Thai could earn money while doing nothing! They don't really have a pension system here.

    So I believe he can.

  15. Dunno if you are a farang tourist / traveller or wot.

    I can't understand why people want to go to KSR.

    The place is full of sruffy farangs boozing and whoreing.

    No decent transport connections, blaisé food places..

    I am a farang, but never stay with similar peoples where ever.

    REgular visitor, cupla times a year.

    My preference, Silom area.

    WHY bother travelling?

    He is in Pattaya, he is used to the booziing whoreing falangs. But he didn't ask if he SHOULD go there or where he should go, so we should shut up and and answer his question on how best to get there.

    Anyway OP, google maps, you can see each place and you can decide for yourself how you want to travel to Khao San. Each one offers a little different experience. I find it easiest to get there by taking the BTS to Victory Monument then taking a taxi. For you, you can take the bus there or MoChit and taxi it. Taxi should be about 100 baht if I remember correctly, I haven't been there in over a year.

    • Like 1
  16. Ok, just went and compared prices for the last 2 items I bought between Thanni and InvadeIT.

    Linksys WRT320 Thanni 3855 Baht including 135 Baht 1 day shipping

    InvadeIT 4300 Baht before shipping charges

    ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB GDDR5 Thanni 4615 Baht including 135 Baht 1 day shipping

    InvadeIT 4990 Baht before shipping charges

    You all had me worried. I had never heard of InvadeIT before. I am glad I chose the cheaper vendor.

  17. First, I am in no way affiliated with any products or services that I may recommend on TV.

    When I was in the States, Newegg was always my go to place for great products at the best prices, and fast shipping. Now, I use Thanni. Not nearly the amount of products, but good here. I took a list of 10 items to Pantip and Fortune Tower and couldn't get lower prices than Thanni, even after haggling in Thai (I get the "Thai" discount). Shipping in Bangkok by messenger is very fast and only 135 baht. I place an order and immediately transfer the funds and I usually get it the next day. Granted I am in BKK, but they ship the next day. They are also very fast to respond to emails, usually within less than an hour.

    I have also used shop4thai, but not as much product, and prices are always higher.

    Tried pantip market place, all in Thai only, but they seem a little shadier, so I avoid that place other than research.

    Good luck

  18. OP, have a Thai friend look for you. The cheap places are only advertised in Thai. You should find plenty in that area for that price. hel_l, you can find that price in Bangkok with air-con.

    Like Craig pointed out, many TVers will not know of places in that price range.

  19. I have seen a few posts on this subject in the past few weeks here. Some say that the Apple Store in Singapore is the best (price and availability) place to buy iPads and iPhones. There have also been some posts on iPad prices at MBK. A search might yield more details. I think the iPhone 4 is being launched here later this week (Friday?).

    iPhone 4 officially launches this week, 24 Sept. Both True and AIS are having launch parties at midnight. Invited guests can receive their iPhones at 12:01AM Thursday 24. A recent comparison by Richard Barrow shows that MBK has dropped prices on all models of iPhone 4. They are now within about 5000 baht of what the official prices will be at launch. 32gb models are going for 31000 ish I believe. Prices are now lower at MBK than in the UK, and at par with the US.

    OP, you can buy all models in almost any quantity at MBK of both the phones and the pads. Be aware, they have both factory unlocked and Cydia unlocked models. Software unlocked models have Cydia installed, hardware unlocked units will not. Check first, the vendor may not know, or will lie.

    So which is best factory or Cydia unlocked? And why. Thanks.

    Factory unlock for sure. Software unlocks are essentially a hack, a legal one, but still a hack that Apple constantly tries to disable. With a hardware unlock you never have to worry about updating your phone or pad. Apple frequently updates their software, and pushes those updates out to their devices, iPhones, iPads, and iPods. These updates can remove your software unlock and jailbreak. As happened recently, and also last year, a software update rendered software unlocked devices now unlock-able. Meaning the device will not take a SIM card, so the iPhones are now just a fancy iPod.

    A factory unlocked phone costs the same as a locked phone here in Thailand, because phones prices to consumers are not subsidized by the service provider, like the US or UK. Factory unlocked devices can always to jailbroken to use non Apple software, and you can use any SIM card from anywhere in the world on them. When I went back to the US, I popped out my AIS card and popped in a prepaid card I picked up for $10 and it worked perfectly. So there is no reason to buy a software unlocked Apple device here in Thailand, unless you couldn't wait for the factory unlocked devices to appear on the market. All official iPhones sold in Thailand are factory unlocked. So those who couldn't wait until 24 Sept when they will begun being officially sold by True, AIS and DTAC, they may have bought software unlocked phones if MBK couldn't supply them with a factory unlocked phone. Software unlocked phones can be gray market phones and thus cheaper for the vendor to obtain. By gray, I mean stolen or otherwise illegally obtained from a country that subsidizes their phones. Buying an iPhone 4 for 6100 THB in the US and then selling it here for 35000 THB makes a good profit, but it is locked and must be software unlocked.

    Sorry for rambling, but there is always some confusion and I have learned the hard way what to look for.

  20. I have seen a few posts on this subject in the past few weeks here. Some say that the Apple Store in Singapore is the best (price and availability) place to buy iPads and iPhones. There have also been some posts on iPad prices at MBK. A search might yield more details. I think the iPhone 4 is being launched here later this week (Friday?).

    iPhone 4 officially launches this week, 24 Sept. Both True and AIS are having launch parties at midnight. Invited guests can receive their iPhones at 12:01AM Thursday 24. A recent comparison by Richard Barrow shows that MBK has dropped prices on all models of iPhone 4. They are now within about 5000 baht of what the official prices will be at launch. 32gb models are going for 31000 ish I believe. Prices are now lower at MBK than in the UK, and at par with the US.

    OP, you can buy all models in almost any quantity at MBK of both the phones and the pads. Be aware, they have both factory unlocked and Cydia unlocked models. Software unlocked models have Cydia installed, hardware unlocked units will not. Check first, the vendor may not know, or will lie.

  21. I have been booked over 30 times in Bangkok, mostly for not being in the left lane of the frontage road, but about 5 or 6 times for being on an underpass, expressway over a bridge I was not supposed to cross even though I was following a stream of bikes over it. Just because I was on a big bike makes no difference at all. I try to avoid being on them but sometimes I have accidentally gone on ones I am not supposed to be on. I have also talked my way out a few times.

    Following my gps one day when I accidentally got lost and ended up on an expressway, I even had a police escort off it, . He opened up a gate along the way, and told me to follow him. . I followed him over the footpaths in heavy traffic when the cars were blocking the road, through one red light when it wasn't changing for a while, (with other bikes also going through), all the way to the picture theatre I was trying to find. With no fine that time he waved me good bye.

    The police can travel along anywhere they like, even on a small bike but on my CBR1100 and now my Harley I can not. I have talked to many police about this and their usual answer is it is dangerous to travel along them, you are not allowed to and you must travel in the left lane on frontage and all roads.

    I don't think Florida guy has been in Bangkok long or has been extremely lucky so far. I would if he keeps travelling where he likes his luck won't last much longer.

    I believe that if this changed there would be around 30% less death and injuries from motorcycles in Bangok. Maybe I should put this on a new thread.

    I have been in Bangkok almost 2 years, but only driving a motorcycle for 4 months. I may be lucky, true, but I also am aware of my surroundings. I do avoid those areas if I see a group of cops stopping people, or I just drive around them. I have very little patience with police that are just looking for a payout. I have been stopped on my bike three 3 times, once paid the 100 baht fine, second everything was in order and they let me go, the third he chased me down on his little scooter and asked if I had paid my tax. I just pointed to my current tax certificate and drove off. He didn't follow. All three times I was in the far right lane on Sukhumvit. The fine was for my Xenon headlight.

  22. Thanks for the heads up, I go down towards Chonburi from time to time. The darn frontage roads are really bad in some places, so sometimes I'd like to try driving under the motorway.

    Hey, hope it's not too off topic, but what are the rules about using the road under the Motorway? I see signs in Bang Na forbidding bikes, but further on there are none.

    So what's the rules please?



    Seeker, I have never been bothered using an overpass or flyover or being under the motorway, but I think it has more to do with the size of your bike. Size does matter! The BIB usually leave the big bikes alone, but will stop the scooters. I see many big bikes under the motorway, but very seldom see a scooter. I never see anyone stopped. In fact on that last trip, I passed a couple of different police officers on their own police motorcycles under the motorway. They never even looked twice at me. I always use these roads throughout Bangkok on a daily basis. The frontage road is just too hectic when you have a smoother sailing road 10 meters to your right.


  23. Just FYI, I just road back in from Chon Buri on the Bang Na Trad Road. I was under the motorway, not on the Frontage road. There is road resurfacing going on between somewhere around Bang Wua and Bang Phli. At first, what got me was the ridges in the road from the resurfacing machine. They run parallel to the direction of traffic, and my tires kept pulling from one track to another, jerking my bike sideways. I could deal with that, I just slowed down.

    But the biggest problem is the pot holes. There are hundreds of very large pot holes, mainly on the left side of the road where I was traveling. I have a Steed that is a hard tail, and I bottomed out several times hard before I could get on to the Frontage road. My kidneys felt like I had just gone 3 rounds in the boxing ring. It wasn't until after I got home that I saw the damage. My tire had scraped the fender, and it was down to the steel treads in a couple of spots. I am lucky it didn't blow out.

    Probably wouldn't be so bad on a bike with shocks or different tires. I have a 200mm tire in the back and it is hel_l in grooves in the road.

    My suggestion, if you are riding into Bangkok under the motorway on Bang Na Trad, as soon as you see some road work after the Chachoengsao exit, get to the Frontage road until Bang Phli.

    Happy riding.

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