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Posts posted by floridaguy

  1. I know, the topic title is corny, but the issue is serious for me and I could use help.

    I have a Honda Steed 400, always starts and runs great. I had let it sit about a week last week without starting. It took about 4 tries to finally start it; it has never done that before. It ran great on the ride to the office of 4 kilometers. Leaving work, it started right up. Then about a kilometer in to the ride home, it started acting like it was out of gas, kind of sputtering. I checked, full tank. Gas cap was tight. I switched to the reserve tank just to make sure. Still the problem at speed. It idles great, then takes off fine, but as the RPM's climb, it starts to sputter. It helped to ride at a higher RPM, but still a couple of coughs. I can pull the clutch in, sitting still or at speed, and it revs just fine. Also, if I squeeze the clutch in a little and just maintain that speed, it doesn't splutter at any speed.

    I don't have a tach, but I guess it starts spluttering at around 2000 RPM and calms down at about 4-5000 RPM.

    So before I go poking around and wasting time (I don't have alot of time right now, working too much), what are some of the things I should look for? Pinched fuel line? Water in tank?

    I changed the fuel filter and spark plugs about 2000 kilometers ago.

    I had the carburetter cleaned and balanced 1500 kilometers ago.

    No problems since that maintenance until now.

    Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

  2. Minimum wage is dependent upon the province. Higher in Bangkok and Rayong and Chonburi, but cheaper in the north, etc. But welding is not normally considered skilled, like in the States. I have paid minimum wage to welders, carpenters, brick layers, etc. These are considered trades in the US, and I paid for that distinction there. But here, it is more the experience than the function. I have known some Laos/Cambodian/Burmese laborers getting 100 baht a day (not by me) that were more skilled than their Thai counterparts making double or triple that. I know of skilled engineers with Bachelor's degrees making 10-15000 a month. It really is different here.

  3. if you subscribe to mobile me service, it can locate your phone. otherwise, if you had tracking software installed, you could find it, but you would know if you did, since these apps are not free so you would have paid for it and installed it yourself. if not, then it is gone.

  4. I have seen many around Bangkok, higher end cars, like Audi R8, Porsche Nissan 300Z. Yesterday I saw a flat black Lotus Elise on Thonglor. I painted my Phantom flat black earlier this year, looks great, no fingerprinting problem, but it does attract dust.

  5. feed them, it works every time. i had a dog always try to bite me when i lived at On Nut. after trying running (he was faster), yelling (he was louder), beating him (couldn't hit him with that darn stick he was so fast) and poisoning him (couldn't bring myself to be that mean), i fed him. i would stop at the street vendor and buy 10 baht worth of meat on the way home for him. after the third time, he left me alone. i fed all the soi dogs my scraps of food, no matter whether i thought they would eat it or not (some of it was quite spicy). they ate it all up. good part was they moved about 10 yards closer to my gate, waiting for food, and therefore were serving to guard my house now as well.

  6. probably is your imagination, since any real damage and you would know by now. to be safe, do as the other suggested, get an oil change and look for water as milky drops. change your air filter. one thing not mentioned is the radiator fan. slow and steady is better through water. if the water hits the fan, then it can cause the blades to break if they are plastic or bend and/or break if they are metal. the funny noise could be the blades rubbing on something, and if it is overheating, it would be sluggish running, but you would know that also. to be safe, you may want to check the spark plugs, look for fouling, long shot but can't hurt.

    also, check your brakes. they can rust very quickly, and if they are sticking, that could contribute to drag, making the car feel sluggish.

    hope this helps.

  7. This is a very scary example of "what can happen." You know, your mother tells you to wear clean underwear, and wearing your seat belt or helmet, looking both ways when you cross the street. You never think these things will ever happen to you until it actually does happen. I am sure all of us are checking and scanning and buttoning things up as we read this.

    Thankfully all was well, and they took you for relatively minor amounts.

  8. Many people are exploited all over the world.

    Some would claim we are exploiting our 'much younger' Thai wives and girlfriends.

    Wow, I cringe at your assumptions. Who said we all have younger Thai wives or girlfriends? Who said we exploit them if we do? Who said exploiting people, or doing any wrong doing, is ok because someone else is doing it?

  9. Please let me know if you are successful in having those repaired and where. I have a pair I bought for about 4000 baht and 1 month later snagged them on something and ripped the cord out of the ear bud. After reassembly, they would only work intermittently and any movement at the plug would silence them. I would hate to think I threw the 4000 baht away on something other than beer or women!

  10. Why jailbreak?? not enough on itune store??? heard they have 250.000 what did i miss

    You are missing quite a lot. There are literally thousands of apps that are available only to jailbroken phones. These are not just cracked and/or illegal apps. There are many useful apps that did not receive Apple's approval, so they are offered on Cydia. For example, apps that allowed video capabilities on 3G models, this is not possible through any Apple app. Also, the ability to fool your phone to believing it is connected to wifi even if only on Edge or 3G. This allows apps like Skype and other VOIP apps and radio apps to work over 3G. This is great if you use Skype, you can make a call from anywhere on the 3G network that is so abundantly available in Thailand :blink:

  11. Try iheart radio. It is the only radio app that I can get to reliably stream stations from the US. It doesn't work on the computer, the app knows you are international. But the iPhone app must not be able to tell them that, and it plays just fine. I have been using it almost 2 years here in Thailand it is is my go to app for radio. Also, I sometimes use AOL radio, which does work, but has much less content. I have tried the others, Pandora, LastFM.

    I would love to get Netflix working here. If anyone knows how, please post or PM me.

  12. I love the morons that ride their bikes during the day with their lights on.....like they important or somethink.....I usually flash them.

    I don't have an option of turning mine on or off, they are always on. I prefer it that way since the other drivers can see me better. And it is the law in many countries for both cars and motorcycles. I would rather be considered a moron by you, than being dead. Who would be the moron then?

  13. I just replaced my iPhone 3G with the iPhone 4 and now I am noticing for the first time 3G signal in most areas in Centralworld. Is this new? I never received a 3G signal before, even standing inside the AIS shop. Now, I receive it on all floors in most areas, even back in Isetan.

  14. This is already possible. When I connect my iPhone, it sees any available space on the phone as a removable hard drive which I can browse and copy to/from. Works great as a quick storage device. This is probably why this is free, because it now seems obsolete.

    Are you sure you can copy to the Iphone? When i had my Iphone yes it would mount it as a removable drive but you could not copy to it only from it

    Now that you mention it, I installed something on it months ago that allows this, and I can't remember what it is called. Got it through Cydia and it just works so I don't think about it. I will snoop around and if I find it I will let you know.

  15. My iPhone 4 has about 50% battery at the end of the day and I also use it heavily throughout the day.

    As for push, Yahoo mail and Hotmail all push on the iPhone's built in mail handler. If you don't use those, then a trick is to make a new Hotmail account and have all your emails forwarded to that account. If you had your Hotmail setup the old way without push, you can now go to settings and add it as an Exchange account and now it pushes.

  16. Areas where temperatures range between 8 and 15.9 degrees Celsius for seven days or areas recording temperatures below 8 degrees would be declared disaster zones, he added.

    Holy cow! In Michigan it can get below -30 degrees Celsius on really cold nights, and well below -10 Celsius on regular occasion throughout December through March. I couldn't imagine my town declaring an emergency for cold.

    This is Grand Haven Michigan on Lake Michigan. Brrr.


  17. :unsure:

    I'm not a lawyer, so I could easily be wrong...but what you have is a debt claim against him, which would be a civil case and not a legal claim.

    Where I come from not paying a hotel is called defrauding an innkeeper and is a criminal offense. I'm not sure about renting a car or about the law in Thailand.

    Skipping out on a debt in Thailand is NOT a criminal offence, merely civil. The police cannot detain or arrest someone for this unless so ordered by a court. I have 3 first hand accounts for this. In all cases, the police could do nothing without a court order.

  18. Good luck. I tried to have a passport flagged last year. Perfectly within my legal right, as he was the MD of the company and had not paid my wages in over 2 months. This is a big no no, since the company was American and he was American and I am Thai. I lodged the complaint with the labor department. They flagged the passport (supposedly) and 2 months later he was back in Thailand with no problems. This was a jail-able offense, and much more money than your situation, and it was foreigner wronging a Thai (Thai ruk Thai!!), and still no luck stopping him from re-entering the country. But, I didn't have his passport, just a copy.

    Why should the immigration settle a problem between you and the company you worked for?

    The Labor Department representative said that it is fairly standard in these types of situations. This was not something I asked for, it was something she said the Labor Dept does.

  19. Good luck. I tried to have a passport flagged last year. Perfectly within my legal right, as he was the MD of the company and had not paid my wages in over 2 months. This is a big no no, since the company was American and he was American and I am Thai. I lodged the complaint with the labor department. They flagged the passport (supposedly) and 2 months later he was back in Thailand with no problems. This was a jail-able offense, and much more money than your situation, and it was foreigner wronging a Thai (Thai ruk Thai!!), and still no luck stopping him from re-entering the country. But, I didn't have his passport, just a copy.

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