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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. "Thai law currently allows people over the age of 15 to ride bikes up to 110cc on a “temporary” licence. " <deleted> I did not know this, and I think the most people here in Isaan do not know it. Here they drive bikes up to 200 cc before they are 8 years old. Sometimes drunk also. How will you enforce this new rules ? Ask god, or something similar for help ?

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  2. Just dummy CCTV cameras. Samr price as the live ones. Somebody made some money on yhis. Now they have to buy new cameras, hopefully not the dsummies. Half Bangkok is filled up with these dummy cameras, priced as real ones. Maybe something the big leadert should take a look into.

  3. Just listen to the General PM and his comrades, the Thai people is a reading people. For me it looks more that the Thai people stands below the "ling" monkey. But many times the monks in the temples tells the winning numbers. Somebody should make a major cleanup in the tempel environments. The Thai people still believes in gohsts. Why ? Because of the Thai educational system.

  4. Daesh is very soon gone, included all their scouts from Europe. It`s just a question of time. Their holy prophet which served some years at Guantanamo just makes it worse for them. I don`t know if he is a pedophile, but his master was. It will probably be an issue for the western world to take out this sewage rat. When thats done they will go back to the level of al`quaida. Nothing now.

  5. And after that year ? What happens. The democracy of Thailand is very far in the future. As long the rich people and the poor people have different views. How can anyone change that ? Its a factum. Respect for democracy ends at the brink of the bank accounts in Thailand. I`m very sorry, but thats the fact. When the dictatorship let the country try again, the rich people will loose again, then the story goes around. New military coup. I think the first ting Thailand have to do is to get the military out of any power, like the western democratic countries. Then it can be peace and happy majority.

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