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Posts posted by espinoza

  1. But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

    Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

    Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

    She forgot cheap løve.

  2. those who know something about the subject know that the Japaneses were desperately trying to surrender, the sticking point was the status of the emperor. Anyone who will say that dropping the bomb saved american lives from having to invade japan is wrong, the Japanese were ready to surrender.

    The bomb was dropped more as a demonstration to the Russians , than a pacification tool towards the Japanese. and as such was a war crime.

    The Japs would never surrend, because of their emperor, not unlike some other countries. Hiro Hito would not let any surviving soldier be alive. That tells much about the Japanese royal family. They asked for it and they got it. Fair as anything can be fair. The Japs killed some of my family-members, why do they complain now? The Korean ladies they abused and forced to <deleted> for Hiro Hito, what about them???? I`m just sorry that they did not drop it in Tokyo instead of this remote cities.

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