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Posts posted by yasx

  1. just got back- it sucked! koh samet is full of scumbags and ho's.

    have to admit i am happy to be back in BKK... everything work out ok with your mom thithi?

    Ah shit!

    Was it that bad?

    Yes - it was THAT bad.


    Parties sucked - check

    Hoes- Check

    Baldie Oldies - Check

    crap service - Check.

    Eaten to death my mosquitoes - Check.

    I'm outta here (Thailand).

  2. HAHAHAH beefcake ginving CPR !!!!!

    i can swim, thanks :o

    no boats after 5pm?

    Nuanchan's pier at Ban pe

    said ... 24 hrs.

    i could give u the info. but it's in Thai

    haha! I knew you'd figure out what I was talking about thithi.

    Hmmm. I really wnat to go tommorrow. Me thinks we should have a meet up tonight to help us decide. Anyone in?

  3. yeh my friends told me that as well.

    but dunno when the last van leave.

    yas when u finish working on Fri?

    i finish doing exam at 4.30pm or a bit earlier depends on how diffy the exam is

    i mean If it's too diffy, i will do it just in 10 mins then jump out to home :o

    i wouldnt bother sitting there with a pen swingin around my fingers.

    I finish work at 5:30ish. Will probably sneak off a bit earlier tho.

    hmmm. I'd prefer to take a van than a bus. Do you know what the company is called?

    Instead of a ferry, cant we just take a boat? (as long as the have life jackets!)

    thithi - nothin wrong with building sandcastles. I can occupy myslef by window shopping :D

  4. yay! thithi!

    yas i think you get off work too late to go friday night... so we would need to go to ekamai and take the bus early on saturday morning... so we would get to samet sat. afternoon, have that night there, and you can head back after breakfast on sunday. i might stay sunday night in samet as well and leave monday morning.

    Meh. My job sucks. Really interferes with the partying.

    Rather than take the bus - we could just take a taxi there. What do you think?

  5. ok ok OKIEEEEEE

    SAMET!!! - I'm in.

    [ooh lal la~]

    who's in?

    any plans?

    Amen!!! Gald you can make it. So.... I'm in, Thi Thi's in and Girlx is in. Looks like its going to be a girls weekend away.

    BTW girls, this time I really will keep my mouth shut - in the taxi, in clubs and in resteraunts. I cant swim and I would'nt want to offend anyone when we're on an Island surrounded by water :o

  6. Hehehe...thanks everyone for a really great time. I think it was a great time...my memory is a bit fuzzy about the entire evening. I do remember Yas riding the bike, and saying that she enjoyed the ride so much that she wanted to ride the bike over and over and over again.

    Submaniac - I made no such claim!! What proof do you have? :o

    Whoops! My bad. It wasn't you. It was that other girl named Yas that was with us! sorry for the confusion! :D

    No Problem SB. Its an easy mistake to make. :D

  7. i like slim actually, it's just that half of bangkok apparently likes it too, so you can't move in there... i wish i could find some new york style lounges with good music though (indie, funk, electro, etc)... but i give up complaining because as jcon says it's the peeps that count.

    oh, this is girlx using yas's computer... hi all! i guess we are headed to gazebo.

  8. what's with all the 808 & flix hating? you just have to pick the right night. :/

    808 sucked because of the music, plus, it was practically deserted. Gret service though!! :o You're right though, maybe we picked the wrong night.

    Slim was packed - Music was good but bt of a challenge to actually dance - but its like that every time I've been.

  9. Guys, Its a Sunday and I'm bored out of my mind. How about a last minute meet up?

    Gazebo - Kaosarn Road. 8pm. Anyone in?

    Yas, are you really going? I can meet you there. Don't feel like getting sh*tty again, but I wouldn't mind grabbing a falafel (I think the only place in the Kingdom one can get a falafel) and saying hi to whoever is there for a bit. :D

    P.S. I just tried calling you but "the number you have called is not available at this time". If you are going text message me, and I will meet up with you there. BTW, you do know it is raining right? :D

    Yep. Really Going. Thi Thi's in.

    I plan on sticking to smoothies tonight - gotta work tommorow! :o

    Yes - Pissing down with rain. One of the reasons I want to get out. Its depressing!!!

  10. http://www.bangkokfilm.org/index.php

    there's a few of them but the one i want to see called serbis at 8:30 (at central world) is subtitled.... headed to meet yas now if you want to join. i know she is going to try to talk me into seeing mamma mia instead!


    Well it sounds like you guys kept yourself busy last night. Free bar at 808, then to Slim, then to Boss?

    Sounds messy!!!!

    CB you missed out!! it was one hel_l of a ride.

    Girlx, nothing wrong with mamma mia. It'll have you singing gimme gimme gimme before you know it!

    Thi thi - the bike!!! LMAO everytime I read it. haha :o

  11. come on people... it's not the place at which you are, it's the people you're with! :D

    and yes, 808 sucks azz.... :D but you can get drunk and there's always somebody to serve you (because nobody else is there)!

    yeh u r right ... the people you're with.

    it was dam_n packed int here...

    yas... come on .. who did say that first huh?

    Thithi - and all you guys, stop listening to and quoting what i say. I talk crap most of the time!!!! (even more so after I've downed tequila shots!) :o

  12. Thithi enlighted!!

    It's not a good idea to go pissup @ FLIX on friday night ... also @ BOSS

    808 is coolio~ [it was not packed there]

    neway, next time make sure we are not going to Flix with the bike and its owner.

    dang! i hate packin things

    I thought every club we went to last night sucked!! 808 - Music was crap, Slim - too packed. Boss - Music was fab but was a bit of a challenge getting from A- B (and it was packed) :o

    Uugghhhh!!!!! I'm in recovery mode. Still in my PJ's!

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