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Everything posted by NaaKap

  1. Filthy Animal. Just a disgusting excuse for a human being. There is no excuse for this filth... None... If you are taken that short it is not hard to seek out some secluded bushes and dig a hole if you must. But to deficate in such a public place where we all have to walk is just a mongrel act. What a filthy moron. Name and shame him. His disgusting behaviour has no excuse. Sickening excuse for a human being!!!!
  2. Sir. You are an awake person. This is not a wacky conspiracy theory. Carl Schwab of the big money and power crew and others of his ilk, the organisation he fronts has convinced governments of many countries that "smart city's are the way to go. So many upgrading infrastructure and encouraging hi density living. To the tune of multiple billions. It is all a ruse for when the bulk of the population will be constrained to area the live in. 20 minute area people are not allowed to travel outside the zone. Smart cards. Social credit scores. AI facial recognition. All the Orwellian scenarios thrown around over the years are now fact and about to get a whole lot worse. It is all about control. People may think that they have rights but these are and will be eroded away by some manufaced crisis that enables governments to fast track laws to enable the elites to be have control. People need to wake up and be aware of what is happening in the world and why. That's my two bobs worth. I just wanted to say that your summation is spot on and I hope that it encourages people to have a peek behind the curtain. Good job 🤔🙏
  3. Spot on. Sometimes I think that it is something in the water 💦
  4. Because of the badge he is a fully fledged thug. Not many join the force for altruistic reasons. Most have a bully mentality and the badge just gives them the license to practice their most base instincts without retribution. Police are the same the world over. Paid-up bullies. Why is the institution called "The Force" very few understand protect and serve. They are police for very different reasons.
  5. We all know that the place is rife with corruption at every level. The main reason why people come to Thailand is the fact that the laws of the land can be skirted around. Unlicensed? No problem a little on the spot fine "Tea Money" and you are on your way. Drinking and driving. Same deal. Clubs with girls. Illegal in Thailand, yet a good 90% of male tourists are off the plane and into the closest bar. Not for the atmosphere either. Yet the very reason why most are here is the most complained about. I being Australian from the most policed place in the world apart from America. I find the way Thailand works is fine you can actually live in peace and apart from the small fines every so often it works. Yes Thailand is a bit edegy but that is the beauty of the place. If you understand the system. Work within the status quo there really is little to complain about imho. Also if you cannot cope and need your life micromanaged there are a number of alternatives.
  6. All is speculation. The real truth of the matter like so many people lost to Thailand will be lost to the usual fog of truth
  7. Mmmmmm Chrissy chorb mak I wouldn't mind a bit of rough house with 2am or otherwise 😁 😋
  8. Mmmmmm Chrissy chorb mak. I could handle getting roughed up by that 2am or otherwise 😁 😋
  9. 555 Yes I know it sounds like a touch of the oldtimers, But twice in 15 years I think is not too bad. Perhaps I should have elaborated more. My bad
  10. Love to hear these stories. There is good and bad in all cultures in all countries. I lost my phone in a train in BKK. The lady who found it answered the phone, caught a taxi quite a distance, returned the phone and flatly refused to take a reward or compensation for the taxi trips. Lost my wallet in a clothes store only a few minutes later hearing someone running behind me yelling "Sir" "Sir" My wallet and substantial cash was handed to me Again the young store person refused any reward.
  11. There are just so many variables in vehicle accidents unless you were on the spot at the time there is no way to tell. But as worgeordie explains the situation sounds pretty spot on. 3 people on what looks to be a very badly maintained old bike. Heavy rain, Ever ridden a bike in the rain without a full face helmet you cannot see a thing and the pain is a distraction cutting vision down to a few feet at best. All of a sudden this wall of metal creeps into view directly in front of you. Panic .. Brake... Slam... Mass x Velocity. RIP old son I'm glad the kids were ok could have been so much worse.
  12. No matter how I try to validate this story in my mind it does not make sense. Another tragic minivan outcome. RIP Sathu.
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