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About jaideedave

  • Birthday December 9

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  1. Yes and the acting coach was waiting aboard the chopper with the kit required> neck brace,arm sling and eye patch and to round it all off with a wheelchair.
  2. TAK BAI temple murders...aka war on drugs
  3. Correct! My neighbors son's family did exactly that. His number came up for the Army and he was strutting around the moo ban for a couple days in Army fatigues then "presto" back into civvies. He's done quite well for himself. He now struts around the village in an orange vest with his own number. 555
  4. TIT..Yes I'm afraid its a foregone conclusion.This is the place a lot of us call home. smh
  5. Among the 50+ pages of documents I submitted to the IO one of them was our marriage certificate that he noted and kept. My bank provided the 12 monthly deposit/transfers from abroad but only 100k baht in my Kbank account.I'll just repeat this again next year.Its a good feeling to get away from the agent dependency though.But I must say the agents I used were very fair and proffesional.
  6. Exactly. We were going to buy 2nd hand 3 years ago. The 2-3 year old cars were so close to new price we decided to but new. Best decision we made. I bought a 2nd hand car through my BIL and it was real bad.The rad was plugged up with rust and had never seen coolant. A long list of f,d up items. New or nothing from now on.
  7. Since it opened. I believe its a 2 way street.Yes some foreigners are rude and ill prepared. Once I was screamed at by an IO about some insignificant rule he made up and pissed me off and embarresed me in front of the whole room.I then reverted to using an agent to avoid this. Only this year did I try and succeed to use the monthly transfer method . The IO never spoke to me but him and my wife chatted the whole time.He only spoke to me when he said stand up for the pic and asked for the 1900b. I'll contine to do it this way for the future if it goes that easy. The IO that caused me to use the agent is deceased as of about 2 years ago and many people knew this fellow who held court at the front desk.
  8. I've been using The Immigration office on Soi 5 Jomtien
  9. Correct scuba..I've had my extension done with and without agents before and compared the signatures and are exactly the same .. I can even point him out to you(won't) at Jomtien...he now sits at the back and plays on his phone and acts as a supervisor.
  10. I agree about being lucky.I went in giving myself maybe a 50/50 chance. There are some old original Visa stamps in my PP dated back to 2006 that were transferred from my last PP when I got this newer one.That may have something to do with it. I did notice him confer with a senior IO in the corner at one stage so I'm sure they were aware something wasn't 100%. BTW: Thanks for your advice and encouragement.
  11. Dr Jack,my experience at Jomtien to for 1 yr extension using monthly income vs agent last year. Luckily I had an example sheet to show Kbank desk Pattaya Klang. I hadn't updated my passbook for over 2 years.They went ahead and printed every transaction for that time period.(50 pages plus++) I also received the foriegn deposits for the past 12 months.Average 70k/mom. At Immigration the IO looked that over with a fine tooth comb.Ruler and highlight pen in hand. He really took his time and found nothing out of order. No mention was made about previous agent stamps etc. I took my wife and they chatted the whole time and I was the invisible man.happily. He only acknowledged me when he said stand up for the pic and 1900b request. A real big sigh of relief from me. So in my opinion if a persons foreign deposits are correct they should be okay.
  12. @Tod,my experience at Jomtien to for 1 yr extension using monthly income vs agent last year. Luckily I had an example sheet to show Kbank desk Pattaya Klang. I hadn't updated my passbook for over 2 years.They went ahead and printed every transaction for that time period.(50 pages plus++) I also received the foriegn deposits for the past 12 months.Average 70k/mom. At Immigration the IO looked that over with a fine tooth comb.Ruler and highlight pen in hand. He really took his time and found nothing out of order. No mention was made about previous agent stamps etc. I took my wife and they chatted the whole time and I was the invisible man.happily. He only acknowledged me when he said stand up for the pic and 1900b request. A real big sigh of relief from me. So in my opinion if a persons foreign deposits are correct they should be okay.
  13. I'm in Pattaya. Yes, the Kbank statement will/should show monthly deposits from abroad. I also have the Wise transactions printed out. Apparently the letter should say its my account only and confirm the deposits from abroad. My passbook shows TFD (trade finance deposit) deposits which I had confirmed indicates "deposit from obroad" > Kbank...other banks are probably different.
  14. Yes, I'm going to Kbank on Monday for the 12 month statement (An Imm officer provided a printed format for Kbank) and letter. How about a border hop mini van Visa run ? Get a Visa on arrival? Would that work? FYI: My 1 yr extension expires on March 14th so I don't have a lot of time.
  15. I'm going to try this on Tuesday. Kbank on Monday for the letter etc. Will let you know how it goes. A lot of viewers are saying it won't work. Perhaps as one suggested I need to do a border run and start over?
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