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Posts posted by AceCafe

  1. Prove it? No, of course we cannot. (Anyone who could might well be "dissapeared" by now!) But surely an educated person would not believe all these reports are without foundation, no?

    Thaksin's "war on drugs" campaign in 2003 resulted in the extrajudicial killing of more than 2,500 people. Although local and international media reported and recorded hundreds of cases of police officials shooting and killing unarmed civilians - always in self-defense according to official accounts - to date not one Thai official has been prosecuted or even reprimanded for his or her role in the unprecedented orgy of violence.

    Thaksin's heavy-handed counterinsurgency policies in Thailand's conflict-ridden south resemble an Augusto Pinochet-style dirty war. Rights groups say hundreds of Thai Muslims have gone missing since the conflict kicked up in 2004, a charge Thaksin has consistently contested. Yet there are many examples of security forces implementing his policies using arbitrary and often excessive force, including the April 2004 siege on the Krue Se Mosque, the point-blank shooting in the back of the heads of 19 restrained and handcuffed young Muslims at Saba Yoi, and the October 2004 death by suffocation of at least 78 Muslim civilians at Tak Bai.

    There are plenty of other cases where individual liberties, then protected by the progressive 1997 constitution, were apparently smothered without legal recourse by Thaksin's abuse of state power. For instance, Thaksin has publicly admitted to state complicity in the still-unresolved disappearance case of Muslim human-rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit, who was abducted by Thai intelligence officials in Bangkok in an apparent effort to suppress his submitting evidence of police torture of five detained Muslim men he was representing. That damning evidence, it was later revealed, included medical proof of security forces' using electric-shock treatment on one of the bound suspects' testicles.

    Then there is the mysterious unresolved shooting death of Kornthep Wiriya, a former customs employee of Shin Satellite, the publicly listed telecommunication concern established by Thaksin and until last January majority-owned by his family. Kornthep apparently made the mistake of agreeing to serve as a prosecution witness in a politically charged 100 million baht (US$2.6 million) tax-evasion case against the company. He was ambushed and shot in the head by unidentified assailants while riding his motorcycle before he could testify in court.

  2. No name yet but its not a cats club and mad men in leather is a bit long.....also not sure about the leather yet, im thinking more like suede or brushed cotton....its cooler :D

    ...... now we know you're taking the piss!! :D And I'm sorry but every time I read this thread I keep thinking about a McNasty........

    (I see Ronald there supports a good bunch of beer swillin' wench chasin' hard ridin' hairy assed 'n' tattooed mo-fo's....... :o )


  3. Here's a real Chopper...... banana seat 'n' all! First outing for the H-D Shovelhead beauty was a couple months ago at the Burapa '09 show. Built by the then President of Nagas MC of Sri Racha.


  4. Let me say that I am coming to the conclusion of two parties here.

    I am distancing myself from the friend.

    Also on reflection do not really want anything to do with the lady in question either from her overreaction. Has caused some hassle over the weekend.

    No problem though. Life goes on :o

    Well done you...... rise above it and show your class! Sounds like your friend and his lady are well suited to each other and you'd be better off without 'em!

  5. Yes yes yes, I know! I've already said I probably jumped the gun and I've already apologised! And I know UBC has previously provided great coverage of the MotoGP. My whole point was that their information on their website (we rarely get the magazine delivered) for this years MotoGP is not as comprehensive as previous years as it just stated "MAIN RACE" and no info on the 125's and 250's, prompting my post!

    Enough already! Mods you may close the thread if you wish!

  6. Not at all. No axe, no SUV. Not relevant but since you ask, I drive a sedan when I must, but usually take my small Honda Airblade as it's quick to zip around town on. No, just wondered why the need for a big bulky noisy expensive motorbike which won't provide you any of the advantages of a car (security, aircon) or of a small bike (easy to zip through traffic, fuel efficient). Why so defensive? Did I hit a nerve?

    No, didn't hit a nerve as such but I just get tired of it, thats all. We all make lifestyle choices but so many people seem to look down their noses, or come up with really un-funny comments if you purchace an American touring motorcycle, that's all. That's why I came up with the SUV thing, coz it's usually these types who seem to be affroted by us!!

    Me? I bought mine because the Triumph Rocket III Touring wasn't born then and I don't like Honda Goldwings any more (having owned 2 in the UK).... the Harley is the best thing for comfort when I tour Thailand, and as I do about 15,000kms per year here I'd rather do it in supreme comfort now my middle aged bones don't like screaming around on a sports bike any more...... plus I'm sure as I've gotten older my reflexes have deteriorated somewhat so it only makes sense to use a tourer as opposed to a sports bike.

    Round town? Never use the Harley round town. I nick the missus Honda Wave or use the cafe's Platinum step-thru.

    But...... would I prefer the security and air-con of a car when doing the Chiang Mai-Tak-Mae Sot-Mae Sariang-Mae Hong Son-Pai-Chiang Mai loop......... absolutely no way!


  7. <deleted> - all ages and all nationalities are in bike clubs here - never a problem. All you need to be is at a bike week and you would see for yourself.

    Only thing I see is bigoted people who don't like anybody being different!!!!

    :o Bigoted people afraid of being different!

  8. What is it with old men and Harleys in Pattaya :o

    Probably the same as old men with Harleys the world over....... which may well be exactly the same as young men with Harleys, and even middle aged men with Harleys....... the world over!

    You have a certain axe to grind? Don't tell me...... you're one of those guys with a huge SUV with town & country tyres which never see a puddle, sitting up there with your nose in the air and your trophy missus perched next to you, pushing out in front of all those lesser mortals on two wheels........

    You see, we all have pet hates, and we all have a silent dislike of certain others of our species, but most of us live and let live, unless of course someone starts wittering.......

  9. Title says it all. I'm looking for a room on the Darkside, prefer around Soi Khao Noi, cheaper the better, furnished or not, no problem. A whole floor of a shophouse would suit, or a purpose built studio in an apartment block, not really bothered. Important part is parking..... hopefully off-street and covered.

    Alternatively, if anyone knows of an empty but clean and tiled 3 or 4 storey shophouse up for a reasonable rent, no key money, please let me know. Prefer the far side of the railway/new road, and again, prefer Khao Noi. Thanks.


  10. I know a lot of these groups,Hells Angels,Bandidos etc are in Western Countries,and Europe but didnt think Thailand.

    I dont know how the thai mafia would accept them.or the thai authorities?

    However i seem to recall at once stag e a lot of bikers riding with leather jackets(colors)a few years ago in pattaya,not sure .

    Thanks for the info ACECAFE,you seem to have a interest in them.

    Methinks you didn't quite get my post mate....... there are literally hundreds of backpatch/colours wearing bike clubs here in Thailand but there is zero trouble....... and a lot of the Thai authorities ride Harleys too!

    Yes, you will see very many leather vests with colours in Pattaya.

    Me? Yeah, I have an interest in 'em...... that's me on the far left!


  11. if true and if they stick to it...the best of all possible outcomes...ASEAN summit sh!t-canned (security hassles and disruptive crowds to soon disburse back to Bangers); Navy visit canceled (more baht-starved ladies in the bars and fewer "hansome" men around); and Sonkgran CANCELLED. Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o:D:D

    A final beneficial outcome is that maybe some of the young Red-Shirt Issan lasses down here for the protests will see the bright lights of the City and give up farming for more remunerative employment possibilities in Patters :D

    I am 100% in agreement with you, and like your thinking! However, if Mayor Ittipon thinks Songkran in his own city runs from April 9 to today, he knows even less about the place, and running it, than was previously thought. Give a boy a mans job eh?

  12. The huge majority, if not ALL of backpatch, or "colours" wearing bike clubs in Thailand get along very very well with each other. Absolutely no animosity, fights, feuds etc.

    There is, to my knowledge, only one "Outlaw" ie. 1% MC in Thailand..... the Bandidos. There are a number of mainly Thai MC's here who also wear the 1% patch with their colours...... invariably they have no knowledge of what this patch means when asked...... and I do ask!

    The Hells Angels have tried 3 times to gain a stronghold here and 3 times have left...... for what specific reasons I don't know but the word is the Police have a very good eye on biker gangs, know who is who and will act very quickly if any outlaw club tries to become established here.

    The story goes that the Bandidos were able to gain a foothold here because their colours depict a cute lil Mexican in a huge sombrero and the thought was that anyone with such a nice backpatch couldn't be trouble....... maybe they didn't see he was carrying a gun!

    The majority of Westerners in bike clubs here ride large capacity touring machines, usually Harley-Davidson, and are either employed in O&G on/off shore or are business owners here in Thailand. Those who are involved in the "many fights and deaths in Pattaya as a result but they have small bikes. Most gangs are from out of town and come to cause trouble and many have guns" are almost exclusively Thai teenagers and absolutely nothing to do with established patch wearing clubs.

    The "big cruiser" biking phenomenon has taken root big style with Thais...... very many officials in Government and the Police are Harley riders and attend the myriad biking weekend events held all over this country...... my own H-D I purchased from Khun Suntaya and was able to keep the prestigious "Bangkok 1" reg number despite re-registering it in Chonburi!

  13. Moto GP from Quatar, starts midnight Sunday, 125/250/motogp, all races shown live till 4 am,

    UBC Gold, channel 64 ESPN.

    Nothing wrong with UBCs coverage of Moto GP, F1, and A1 gp,

    Enjoy it,

    Hmmm, it appears you may be correct....... this is what the Losail Circuit local time-line has:

    125 RAC20:00250 RAC21:15MotoGP RAC23:00

    In which case my apologies to UBC........... but I wish their info was a lot clearer!

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