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Posts posted by p_brownstone

  1. Why do you need a "second tap fitting"?


    You no longer need a separate hole for a "hot" and "cold" water supply to the sink, a single "mixer" tap fitting is easily available with hot and cold water inlets below the sink which the "mixer" tap can be adjusted to combine and provide the required water temperature.





  2. 3 hours ago, alofthailand said:

    I believe you are exaggerating. Or doing something provocative to have such fears. At our age a deck chair and beach umbrella is essential. If youcan't afford the 100 baht then you are in the wrong resort. Try not to be so angry- you'll do you self damage! Relax-in a deck chair.


    I don't go to Pattaya anymore but love the beach and deckchairs - and the food they supply on demand - at Bangsaen; my only problem is that the deckchairs are so "low slung" (and unadjustable) that at nearly 70 I can get in them OK but getting out can be a struggle. That usually means I put off the effort of getting out of the deckchair and keep sitting, eating and drinking for as long as possible!



  3. I can never understand the mindset of people who Cycle in Bangkok; the climate and pollution alone must surely be a major, possibly life threatening problem.

    That said I certainly condemn the BMA and others who cordon off what could be useful road space in an already crowded traffic environment to accommodate these people.

    What on earth are you trying to demonstrate?

    A more "energy efficient" way to get to work?

    Great in principle - until you arrive at the Office sweating and stinking of traffic fumes then, I guess, expect your Company to provide shower and changing facilities to accommodate your strange fetish before you start work.

    Just as an example. a couple of years ago I contracted with a Math teacher - a Farang - to tutor my son after school; he, the prospective teacher, lived in Lad Prao, we live in Asoke. The first day the fool arrived he had obviously decided to Cycle from his home to mine. He stank to high heaven and I refused him access to my home.and cancelled the agreement.

    What are these people thinking of if they imagine turning up for work in this state is in any way acceptable, and why do they imagine that whole sections of roads in Bangkok should be given over to their minority hobby??



    There are a hundred reasons why cycling and cycle lanes are good......none of which would ever make sense to you

    A hundred reasons ................ really?

    So give me just 10 reasons here, seriously and in detail, and I - and others I am sure - will try to "make sense" of why a majority in Bangkok, paying stipulated Road Tax, Licencing, Vehicle Inspection Fees etc. etc., should make way for a VERY small minority who pay nothing for the established (and the projected) infrastructure but somehow claim the right to appropriate important road space, inconveniencing thousands every day, without contributing anything towards Government coffers to pay for it.

    Details please, I can barely wait..


  4. I can never understand the mindset of people who Cycle in Bangkok; the climate and pollution alone must surely be a major, possibly life threatening problem.

    That said I certainly condemn the BMA and others who cordon off what could be useful road space in an already crowded traffic environment to accommodate these people.

    What on earth are you trying to demonstrate?

    A more "energy efficient" way to get to work?

    Great in principle - until you arrive at the Office sweating and stinking of traffic fumes then, I guess, expect your Company to provide shower and changing facilities to accommodate your strange fetish before you start work.

    Just as an example. a couple of years ago I contracted with a Math teacher - a Farang - to tutor my son after school; he, the prospective teacher, lived in Lad Prao, we live in Asoke. The first day the fool arrived he had obviously decided to Cycle from his home to mine. He stank to high heaven and I refused him access to my home.and cancelled the agreement.

    What are these people thinking of if they imagine turning up for work in this state is in any way acceptable, and why do they imagine that whole sections of roads in Bangkok should be given over to their minority hobby??



  5. How on earth is this going to reduce traffic at Victory Monument!?

    Instead of getting on a Minivan to go to - say - Rayong now a commuter has to get on a Shuttle Bus at VM to get to Morchit, then get in the Minivan.

    So instead of the Minivans causing congestion at Victory Monument there will be scores of Shuttle Buses causing congestion there.

    I really wonder sometimes at the idiocy of these "planners"!


  6. "Their behavior then deteriorated, but the crew didn't act until I alerted them on landing that the behavior was unacceptable and that they were drinking their own alcohol, a breach of the airline's liquor licence."

    Just wondering, why did you wait for landing ? Why not complain, or bring the situation to the crew's attention, if they were not already aware of it, as soon as the situation became an issue.

    Of course; I absolutely agree - why did the Crew not just put the 'plane in "Park" (at - what - 20 - 30 thousand feet?) and decide that they should wait for the nearest Patrol Car to contain the situation?


  7. If you, as an occasional visitor, know of this mans behaviour then certainly other more long term residents of the area do too - and quite possibly the police, if they do nothing why should you decide to interfere?

    Is he in some way impinging on your life? Threatening you? Or does his mere existence morally offend you to such an extnt that you "can't take it anymore"?

    If any of the above ...... MOVE.

    Otherwise just mind your own business and get on with your own life.


  8. Surely this is madness?

    Unless the number of people signing the "Petition" for a second Referendum exceeds the number who voted for "Brexit" in the first Referendum the "Petition" should be ignored completely; otherwise we will end up like Quebec with endless Referendums until the original losers bore the pants off their opponents, who eventually lose interest and leave the "losers" in command of the field.

    Both sides had equal chances to state their case to the Public in the Referendum and "Brexit" won - for better or worse that's it, end of story, finished.

    Accept the decision of the majority, deal with the consequences and move forward on that basis.


  9. I have not yet read the original Thai version of this proposed legislation so perhaps the English translation as "convicted criminals" is not quite correct.

    To me a major flaw in Thai Law is the definition / application of the "Statute of Limitation".

    As it now stands if one is accused of a crime in Thailand one must appear in Court to "acknowledge" the charges ..... and only at that point does the so-called Statute of Limitations start the clock ticking.

    However, if one simply refuses to attend the Court to "acknowledge" the charge the Thai "Statute of Limitations" is judged to begin from ths date of the "alleged" crime.

    The end result is that anyone with the financial resources or contacts can flee and reside outside Thailand and simply wait for the "Statute of Limitations" for their particular crime to expire vide Thaksin, and various "Hi-So" drunk / drugged Drivers et al.

    I hope this new legislation addresses this situation, but I have serious doubts.


  10. This is a barbaric 'sport', and in a civilized country, would be stopped.

    One way or the other, the bull dies, and to add insult to injury, or death in this case, has his parts sold off outside the stadium to those who watched him being slaughtered for the perverse enjoyment of the spectators, so he may as well have a go and take one of his tormentors with him, one whose body parts won't be sold off.

    I am sure the "defeated" Bulls parts would, even in death, be far more potent than those of the prancing, glitter clad nancy "Bullfighter".


  11. Everyone - well, most people - can react differently to new foods, or perhaps even "known" foods not properly cooked

    Not wishing to claim a title as the "Iron Stomach Farang" but after nearly 45 years here and having eaten almost everything on offer in virtually every Province I can honestly say that my absolute worst Food Poisoning experience was in an Airport Hotel in Amsterdam after eating seafood (shrimps as I recall).

    A REALLY bad experience for me, severe stomach cramps and frequent visits to the toilet all night.

    I have never, ever, had a similar problem anywhere in Thailand; an occasional day of loose bowels, that's it at most.

    This scenario of collapsing at the table and "vomiting to death" seems very strange to say the least.


  12. 3,500 Police could not handle one lone gunman without the use of explosives?

    Hopefully the citizens of Dallas don't put too much faith in their Police force to protect them.

    All sounds really incompetent and a total lack of training and or courage.

    What an unbelievably silly response!

    "lack of courage"?No one signs on to be a Police Officer (a Law Enforcement official) with the expectation that in order to demonstrate his "courage" he will one day be expected to walk into a hail of automatic gunfire from a mentally disturbed racist.

    And YES, this was a racist crime ........ bur very few commentators are willing to address that fact; whites killing blacks is immediately branded as "racist" in some way, however blacks killing whites is somehow excused or even "justified" as a reaction to so-called oppression, it's never openly classified, correctly, as "racist".


  13. It was not the parachutes that failed, it was the cable which runs down the length of the 'plane - the so-called "Hard Point" - onto which the Jumpers attach a metal fitting at the "loose end" of their Static Lines, the other end is attached to the parachute in the backpack. When the Trainee jumps from the 'plane the Static Line tightens and pulls the parachute from the backpack, opening it.

    In this "accident" that did not happen because the cable in the 'plane broke or became detached and the Static Line simply slipped off and followed the Jumper out of the 'plane.

    This was a training jump probably at quite low altitude and although the Jumpers had Reserve parachutes they would have only a few seconds to realise that their Main parachute had not opened and they then had to deploy the Reserve in time to land safely. Inexperienced Jumpers would spend a lot of that time in disbelief, then panic and all training - such as it was - would be forgotten.


  14. Dial 1681 - very efficient service and once they have your address / pick up point in their database, next time you just need to tell them your 'phone number.

    A Baht 20 fee is added to the Taxi fare.


    I didn't realize 1681 worked in Pattya. Good to know.

    Sorry - I did not realise you were in Pattaya.

    I am not at all sure if 1681 works there.


  15. Anyone have any issues with advance passenger information when dealing with two passports where the name is spelled differently?

    Say if your wife's Thai name is Sophaphen Sophonpanich (on her Thai passport) but she's married to your UK name... making her Sophaphen Smith in her UK passport for example. Which name would you use for the ticket? Logic says it should be the one you will use at the destination.... BUT presumably since you have to present your boarding pass and passport simultaneously at outbound immmigration in Thailand, you'd have a boarding pass with Sophaphen Smith (and given, you had already presented your UK passport to the airline so that the ticket and passport match and you pass the airline's check system) but passport with Sophaphen Sophonpanich (to clear outbound immigration as a Thai).

    I realise that your example is merely conjecture - but I believe someone with any documentation in the name of "Sophonphanich" would immediately find themselves in the First Class Lounge, not the IDC.


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  16. Leaving Thailand Immigration is not concerned about where the passenger is going or whether or not you have a Visa for that destination. Their job is solely to check that your stay in THEIR Country - Thailand - was legal and in accordance with Thai Immigration laws, since your wife is a Thai citizen she clearly has no problem in that respect

    As already mentioned both UK and Thailand have no problems with their citizens holding Dual Nationality and two passports; that said however it's best to show only the Thai Passport at Thai Immigration - some junior Officers may not know the regulations and make a fuss if they see 2 passports.


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  17. A lot of the "Floating Markets" are now very "touristy" and heavily commercialised.

    One which is still very "traditional" is Wat Don Wai on the way to Nakorn Pathom.


    A large traditional Thai market and you can take boat trips on the river - some boats have their own cooking facilities, others just tables - you can but your food in the Market and either take it to the boat yourself or have it delivered!

    Good, fun way to spend a day.


  18. What exactly can a fighter jet do to help escort a plane with a disruptive passenger?

    Shoot it down if the pilot were to lose control of the plane.

    I can imagine the conversation:

    "F-16 Pilot to unidentified suicide bomber on Flight XXXX - land the 'plane or I will shoot you down!!"

    Suicide bomber on hi-jacked Flight XXXX to F-16 Pilot

    "You don't really understand the basic concept here do you?"


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