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Posts posted by JohnBanPrang

  1. Ok thanks for the translation anyway

    I'm not in that circle....so didn't know what it means.....jing jing.....coz I don't talk like THAT

    so now I know...THX :o



    UNI ME

    Song from Abba.

    We can meet girls from "high to low" "low to high"

    All love you.

    Please no battle with words.

  2. UNIVERSITY farang many.Look girl.



    any english sub?......am too slooow today :o

    Ask your UNI girl/boy lover.

    But I'm not into girls,....and no boy lover either :D

    OK.X Gary glitter.

    Tell me and others where your man boy friend/woman girl friend come from?

    UNI or ??????

  3. a country exports its better produce; its like any place else... for export, the flowers, oranges, apples etc are always marked export quality; for local use its the regular or less then that/

    rice is the same



    You hit the nail.

    Bina,hope to here from you again.

  4. Then read some of the previous threds.

    To me it sounds like some people see Thais like stupid

    AND how many people from Bhukina Faso know where you come from?

    Knowledge is good.

    But who is the judge to tell what knowledge is best?

    Please help me.

    I wouldn't begin to try and decide what knowledge is "best." For a fisherman off the coast of Africa, a thorough knowledge of piscan behaviour as well a local weather patterns would seem pretty important in helping that fisherman feed his family. Knowing what sort of government exists in Mongolia would not have as important an immediate impact to him. For a businessman in China, however, understanding the Mongolian government might make him or her more successful in supplying products to that country.

    However, perhaps that fisherman has a curiousity about exotic lands, and perhaps that businessman is fascinated by marine biology. Then learning about Mongolia or about African fish would be valued simply for the sake of knowledge.

    Relative "importance" of knowledge depends on the person in question. But regardless, knowledge is "good," and ignorance is "bad," in my humble opinion. And whether the people living in Burkina Faso know much about my own nation or not, I still want to know all I can about them, how they live, what they think.

    I doubt that people really think Thais are stupid. I would assert that anyone thinking that falls pretty far over on the stupid scale his or herself. Rather, in trying to understand Thai culture, it is curious that these things, which are deemed important in other cultures, are not deemed so important here. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, smart or stupid.

    What about reading about the Lord Buddha?

    If guests

    living in Thailand try and read the "Four Noble Truths" and

    the "Noble Eightfold Path" .Easy reading as it is translated into many languages.

    Maybe it can you an idear of what is important to many Thai and Buddhists.

    And it is not geography or who the Beattles where.

    With this post, it is ironic that you posted earlier that you don't care about Bhutan. Bhutan is one of the most thoroughly Buddhist countries in the world, and it has numerous monasteries and convents and significant state support of Buddhist organizations. I will be travelling to Bhutan this spring with two Thai friends to discover the differences between Bhutan Buddhism and that of Tibet (and hence, the differences between that of Bhutan and Thailand.)

    I do agree with the heart of your post. It seems to me that anyone living here should make the time to learn about Buddhism as that is such an important part of the culture here.

    Maybe our threads came at the same time.

    Love Bhutan,most Buddhist country in the world.

    That you are with Thai is very good.

    But will it make a Thai or Farang more smart to have this knowledge.

    May loo????

  5. I can list over 40 countries of Europe - just did it, and I know I left some out. I only learned Slovenia from a friend recently. I am American, did not go to private schools until age 18. Most Americans know all 50 states, but not provinces of Canda or the 33 states of Mexico (I can name almost all). The capital of Burkina Faso rhymes with woogadoogoo. I think Timbuktu is in Mali or Malawi.

    Like us, Thais do not need to know these things. My friend is a Thai geography teacher, quite inquisitive, but when we met she did not know things about temperate zone seasons, long summer days, and climates. She did not need to know.

    I met a Thai who did not know that the area south of Maracaibo has mysterious flashing lights at night. Did you? What's the name of the odd rain area from which Victoria falls plummets? What foreign island lies north of northwestern Venezuela?

    Peace Blondie

    Thank you.

    Very good answer.

    Who can judge who?

  6. Then read some of the previous threds.

    To me it sounds like some people see Thais like stupid

    AND how many people from Bhukina Faso know where you come from?

    Knowledge is good.

    But who is the judge to tell what knowledge is best?

    Please help me.

    I wouldn't begin to try and decide what knowledge is "best." For a fisherman off the coast of Africa, a thorough knowledge of piscan behaviour as well a local weather patterns would seem pretty important in helping that fisherman feed his family. Knowing what sort of government exists in Mongolia would not have as important an immediate impact to him. For a businessman in China, however, understanding the Mongolian government might make him or her more successful in supplying products to that country.

    However, perhaps that fisherman has a curiousity about exotic lands, and perhaps that businessman is fascinated by marine biology. Then learning about Mongolia or about African fish would be valued simply for the sake of knowledge.

    Relative "importance" of knowledge depends on the person in question. But regardless, knowledge is "good," and ignorance is "bad," in my humble opinion. And whether the people living in Burkina Faso know much about my own nation or not, I still want to know all I can about them, how they live, what they think.

    I doubt that people really think Thais are stupid. I would assert that anyone thinking that falls pretty far over on the stupid scale his or herself. Rather, in trying to understand Thai culture, it is curious that these things, which are deemed important in other cultures, are not deemed so important here. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, smart or stupid.

    What about reading about the Lord Buddha?

    If guests

    living in Thailand try and read the "Four Noble Truths" and

    the "Noble Eightfold Path" .Easy reading as it is translated into many languages.

    Maybe it can you an idear of what is important to many Thai and Buddhists.

    And it is not geography or who the Beattles where.

  7. I have been living with my wife's family for months now in our house. I am able to tolerate the frustrating language problem for the most part, but I can't help but wonder what the heck they are saying amongst themselves. In a previous lengthly relationship with a Thai woman, I later found out she would openly be criticizing and bad-mouthing me, while I was sitting there politely smiling like a stupid fool. I have picked up some of the language but not much yet, so I don't have a clue about what's being said. Any similar experiences?

    Operative words : "our house"

    You are the King.

    1. Take Thai lessons.

    2. Take Dad out drinking on occasion, and whoring on his birthday.

    3. Take Mom out - alone - and spend time (not much money). Take her to the fresh food market. They'll be impressed at her rich, dedicated, doting farang son-in-law. HELP shop for food. Have her teach you the right stuff to buy. And so on.

    4. Take someone to the temple. The park. Go for a walk with Grandma. Have lunch with Junior.

    Nothing has to be said - if you are sincere.

    The key here is to ASSIMILATE and establish personal relationships with each family member. You wife will be shocked, your family members inpressed, and if even ONE takes a liking to you, the chatter will end.

    It's not about money, it's about relationships. Don't buy motorcycles or fine things. Be frugal and give them TIME.

    Do you really know who they are, their individual histories? Likes, dislikes?

    No, you probably don't, yet you wnat then to know and respect yours. Hmmmm

    You've invested in this marriage, you have to take the family, as well, to make it work. The hel_l with the wife, it's the Mother-in-law you must win over.

    Best answer in a long time time.

    Human interaction is the most important.

    Take time.

    Yai yen.

  8. Who cares where Bhutan or Bhukina Faso is.

    Another western superiority complex.

    No wonder Farang are getting more & more unliked in Thailand.

    Always think they know better.

    Always think they are more smart.

    If you don't care where either Bhutan or Burkina Faso is, well, then obviously geography is not important to you. So be it. But that hardly is the same as attesting that this is a western superiority complex. Not to pick nits, but the Japanese have done the best in recent world-wide geography studies, and last time I looked at a map, Japan was not part of the "western" world. Other counrties doing well have been China, South Korea, and the Phillipines.

    But to go back to your post, I don't think anyone is trying to prove superiority through this. This is a simple obersvation which has aroused curiousity. And I really doubt that knowing or not knowing geography has really anything to do with Thais either liking or disliking farangs.

    Personally, though, I think that knowledge is good, and ignorance is bad (when put on such a simplistic scale). Knowledge is wide, and it is not limited to geography. To dimsiss any lack of knowledge as unimportant is an attitude which I frankly don't understand. And while you may not care about Burkina Faso, I certainly do, and so do about 13,000,000 people who live there.

    Then read some of the previous threds.

    To me it sounds like some people see Thais like stupid

    AND how many people from Bhukina Faso know where you come from?

    Knowledge is good.

    But who is the judge to tell what knowledge is best?

    Please help me.

  9. My brother in law shoots them with 9mm.

    He wasts more bulliets killing one rabitt,than one rat.

    He can kill more rats.

    But he is a hillbelly from...................


    Please United undr their flag.

    Same the


    United we stand.

  10. That's what they all say. Nobody took 1 baht.

    You think this time is different.

    Everybody in Thailand have their political gender.

    You live in some good area. Good for you.

    If you think PDA are figthing against corruption, good for you.

    I don't personaly belive in this.

    But let the Thai flag unite us all.

    nice post, but please in what do you believe?

    who is fighting corruption in thailand? you??

    let the fight against corruption unite us all under the thai flag.........

    Thank you.

    My post is for all of you

    Why do we have to be devided.???

    I belive in an United Thailand.

    Same with the Thai flag.

    Please tell me your history of Thailand.

    But speek united.

    I will bleed for Thailand.

  11. Just a warning. In Thailand ,never buy more cheese than you can walk away from

    How much are you worth.Love your way.

    I need cheesee friends like you

    I need as may posts on TV as I can get get.

    I want to grow big.

    I love a good cheese.

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