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Posts posted by JohnBanPrang

  1. Most thai used to eat rabbit,dog,rat,etc.

    But Nongwhyay is right. Most "Gratai" today is keept like a pet.

    Same dog. But before many eat dog (of course not there own)

    I don't think anybody will make a lot of money on rabbits in Thailand.

    My plan, when I go to retire, is to raise rabbits for my own consumption. Tastes a lot like chicken! :o

    Then eat chicken.Why the headache.

    Some people say snake taste like chicken.


    Some people say people taste like chicken - then eat PEOPLE (er, I mean chicken :D )

    I thought people tasted like pork? The crispy skin a bit like 'cracklin' ?

    Chicken is 10 a penny. Humans a bit rarer in the pot :D

    Horse meat anybody?

    Hmmm, Thais do not like to eat fluffy bunnies? Strange place that I learn something more about each week :D

    Eat your heart out.

  2. I voted YES for PAD..

    How soon we all forget that until the PPP came to power Thaskin and his family stayed clear of Thailand.

    When his wife relitive attorney was caught trying to bribe the Supreme Court and promptly put in jail, the tide began to change, when Pochiman was convicted and given 3 years in prison, a new day was born in Thai politics. When Thaskin and his wife were due to appear before the Supreme Court (being unable to delay any more), then ran for England, because conviction was a certainty, and there would have been no delay for the usual "appeal".

    Meanwhile the PPP was working to get the laws off the books so their mentor could be free to continue business as usual.

    Way too many of you have that hippy attitude that all people are equal....and loudly condemn the PAD as "elitist" I strongly support them (the PAD) as as my wife carries the scars of the protest back in the 80's when many of the students were shot for protesting the government, it is all I can do to keep her here at home as her spirit really wants to join her countrymen in Bangkok.

    She hates the corruption in Thailand. As the most successful person in her little village in Issan, finally some of the people are starting to listen to what the results of giving a vote for 200 baht means. She remains glued to her TV set and ASTV....

    We have also contributed financially to the PAD

    Do you have any proof of your statment?(Who brides who?)

    What 80's? is new day in Thai politics??

    Are there new days comming. New flavor every month.

    Democratisation is a long process.

    Don't be biast.

    PDA never did wote bying.

    Can we all unite under the Thai flag.

  3. We, farangs, always have bad habit to give an opinion when it is not asked and required..., I start to understand and prefer Thai who almost never give an opinion... (even when required ;-) )

    About the dog, it seems that Thailand is one of the few countries that allow pets importation without quarantine, that's what I least I remember having read somewhere else.

    Mai pen rai. Solly.

    Forget dog.

    Thais may have have an opion.They not tell you.

    "Farang baaaaaa"

    Come on,think

    How can you bring your dog from "farancet" toThailand.

    My wife told me to say this(Thai) as she has an opion.

  4. I voted Yes to support PAD.

    As previous posters have mentioned the current government is not legitimate. They bought their votes, as proven by court. The majority of Thais still voted against them by a narrow margin, but they won because of how the votes are aggregated into seats. They got the most seats in the north-east, widely regarded as the most poor and uneducated area of Thailand. Why the least educated area has the most seats, which means voting power, I do not know. Samak seems too busy trying to save himself and Thaksin to fight the country's real problems. And how many leaders of countries facing as many problems as him have time for a weekly cooking show?

    As for the people assuming that PAD protesters are being paid, while in general that would be a valid assumption about Thai people, I have Thai friends currently protesting in PAD who say it is not true! They take their own food, sometimes get free drinks or underwear for the women (that made me laugh), but that is not the same as being paid just to be there. On the other hand, I assume that the pro-Thaksin supporters in Udon who attacked the PAD rally there (with conflicting reports of one death) were being paid, along with the taxi drivers and motorcycle gangs committing violent acts in the name of Thaksin 2 years ago.

    The blocking of Phuket is unfortunate, but that doesn't affect my support for PAD. I am personally financially affected and have friends who's holidays are badly affected, including some good friends who were going to Phuket for their honeymoon. However that just makes us unlucky - it does not make people wrong for fighting against corruption!

    That's what they all say. Nobody took 1 baht.

    You think this time is different.

    Everybody in Thailand have their political gender.

    You live in some good area.Good for you.

    If you think PDA are figthing against corruption,good for you.

    I don't personaly belive in this.

    But let the Thai flag unite us all.

  5. whats your problem?...

    i wasnt asking for your opinion on the subject?...........i was asking for advice on importing a pet.........

    what do you mean "ego"...

    there is no difference in mid summer in paris and the tempreture in pucket?....... the dog is so small it never leaves the house, even in paris?........

    and the villa has air con?...........

    and just maybe there is no-one in paris to look after the dog............. not because she has an "ego".............


    I'm born in Fontainbleau

    Tell me about the weather.

    Your sisters dog never leaves the house in Paris.

    Poor dog.

  6. As The Economist said:

    Thailand is becoming a tragicomic country that the world overlooks.

    Like the Philipines.

    Thailand will go back to it's "agricutural roots". But will be the leader in that field in

    South East Asia. Suplying food for "Big brother"(China) in will be the mayor source

    of income for Thailand in 10-15 years.

    Tell the BKK elite behind the so called "PAD" to leave their soapies TV and gold neckles and go plant rice.

    Any gang can do what PAD does. Motocycles gang can do that.

    Even countries like North Korea call themselves "The Peoples Democratic"...piece of shit.

    Thank's Sir Think-too-mut(you sound like a slot machine)

    The elite likes PAD.

    They will always have a hard time exepting what rural Thai want.

  7. If I were to breed rabbits, I imagine that slaughtering them would be the hardest part........ rabbits are so cute!!!! Would have to get the wife to do it....... :D Is it easier to slaughter chickens?????? :o

    Maybe a reason why Thai don't eat it anymore.

    And don't forget whatever food you cook if you are afraid of germs,

    keep it clean.But if you wan't your stomach to become resistent.

    Well eat it all.what .When you'r hungry enough you'll eat.

  8. Then eat chicken.Why the headache.

    Some people say snake taste like chicken.


    Can you say "bird flu" boys and girls? I knew you could.

    Species diversity. It's a wonderful thing.

    I'm serious about wanting to learn how to do this. Any advice on where to get a pair for breeding and eating?

    Can you say "SALOMELLA".

  9. As The Economist said:

    Thailand is becoming a tragicomic country that the world overlooks.

    Like the Philipines.

    Thailand will go back to it's "agricutural roots". But will be the leader in that field in

    South East Asia. Suplying food for "Big brother"(China) in will be the mayor source

    of income for Thailand in 10-15 years.

    Yes, that is my impression also. My fear for the Orientals here is that it will become so politically weak that it is becoming in danger of being eaten up by China, like Burma and Tibet. What do you think the place for us European descent foreigners would be if that happened?

    Learn to speak chinese or "Orient"

    JT I know you have answer.

    Learn to give a good tip? Who knows.

  10. The group known as "The People's Alliance for Democracy" (PAD) has successfully infiltrated a popular expatriate web forum known as ThaiVisa. The members of the PAD organization are posing as long term resident farang. PAD's intentions are to "dumb down" the web forum beyond it's current pointless bickering by posting idiotic remarks regarding the Thai government. It is not known which members of the forum are actually PAD, so proceed with extreme caution when interacting with idiotic remarks made by anonymous members. Conflicting propaganda and pointless protests have been used by the PAD which have also enjoyed success in making the average expatriate scratch their heads until their hair falls out. Authorities are looking into the situation, however the PAD had predicted correctly that the incompetency in computer literacy among politically hired officials would allow them to infiltrate the web forum without disturbance. In the mean time use ThaiVisa with caution..

    Don't f#%k with my brain.

    OK, James Bond

  11. Most thai used to eat rabbit,dog,rat,etc.

    But Nongwhyay is right. Most "Gratai" today is keept like a pet.

    Same dog. But before many eat dog (of course not there own)

    I don't think anybody will make a lot of money on rabbits in Thailand.

    My plan, when I go to retire, is to raise rabbits for my own consumption. Tastes a lot like chicken! :o

    Then eat chicken.Why the headache.

    Some people say snake taste like chicken.


  12. As The Economist said:

    Thailand is becoming a tragicomic country that the world overlooks.

    Like the Philipines.

    Thailand will go back to it's "agricutural roots". But will be the leader in that field in

    South East Asia. Suplying food for "Big brother"(China) in will be the mayor source

    of income for Thailand in 10-15 years.

  13. Does anyone know the rough amount that this protest has cost the economy?

    and please, for the sake of fairness: does anyone know, how much damage the tax-sin und samak clique have already done to thailands reputation and how much their corrupt regime has and still does cost thailand everyday? a wild guess: at least 1000 times as much (likely more!) than these protesters, each and everyday. corruption doesn't come free, it fills the pockets of few rogues with money stolen from the diligent and depriving the millions of poor and underprivileged......the eventual cost of any protest is more than justified as a rather effective way to fight corrupt regimes and is a wise investment into thailands future.

    How can you justify paying for protesters?

    Money comes from people we can not even speak about.

    What is not good for Thailand in any democratic world is:

    Thailand has a demoratic lead parliament.The majority won and the minority lost.

    If you think PDA didn't do wote bying you are naive.

  14. Most thai used to eat rabbit,dog,rat,etc.

    But Nongwhyay is right. Most "Gratai" today is keept like a pet.

    Same dog. But before many eat dog (of course not there own)

    I don't think anybody will make a lot of money on rabbits in Thailand.

  15. I'm a bit confused.Aperantly some don't like to be called farang.

    Yet most of us have no problem saying the word ARAB even if they come

    from different countries too.

    Personally you can call me anything just don't call me up early in the morning.

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