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Posts posted by 473geo

  1. Some of the mom and pop shops around Saraburi province sell bbq'd rat-on-a-stick. They aren't cheap, but there seems to be plenty of locals who enjoy gnawing on them. Years ago, we stayed at my wife's sister's place. Early one morning a bunch of nieces and nephews grabbed me and lead me through a small grove of bamboo to one shop so I could see the owner skinning a number rats and dropping the pink, naked carcasses in a pan of water. The owner was just grinning away.

    Never tried eating any of them, and have no desire to do so. Although the rats are field rats (as opposed to those that live in sewers), they certainly must drink from some of the large water ponds surrounded by houses. Sewage from all the outdoor hong nams ultimately drain into the ponds, so just how safe it is to eat these rodents seems pretty risky to me.

    And to think I blamed the headache the next day on the gallon of chang........and all the time it could have been the rat..... :o

  2. ** costing twice as much as pork or chicken**

    if its more dear then pork or chicken it must be AROI MAK??

    has anybody here tried it?? i think if i ever saw it i`d give it go....

    would you??


    Yep had barbque rat cooked on farm in Surin...carried a sweet taste on the meat which wasn't quite to my taste.....not cooked in Sauce......I would not say it could become my favourite purchase.....I will stick with the cheaper pork and frogs thanks.....especially after witnessing one guy crunch his way through the tail!!!!

  3. That's a large blister, I don't know what bit you but suggest you keep a close eye on it or even better see a doctor.

    For me I don't react to mossie bites and sandfly bites itch.

    I don't know if it's the same but the wet season is a time when I get what I presume are flee bites around my ankles or feet that come out in small watery blisters. The puss appears to be infectious and causes more blistery sores to appear if it leaks onto another area. These bites look like mini boils rather than the huge area you have.

    The worst was when one of these blistery sores turned into a tropical ulcer. Within a few days I could fit the last joint of my little finger in the hole. I needed doctors visits and some serious antibiotic injections to fix the problem.

    I had similar if not the same...what appeared to be easily transferred infection as suggested above....ended up with two ulcers on my ankle.....the end result is that I was told the infection was quite resistant to many drugs....the test came back with only one type of anti biotic tablet to be used.....I ended up going twice a week to the outpatients to get it cleaned and dressed...had two series of the tablets....and it took months to skin over again...using silver infused dressings..now it still lets me know the fix is not a hundred percent and I use cream to keep the area skin from cracking.....no idea what bit me but I did scratch....which is unusual for me.....maybe the type of infection passed on in the bite causes more severe itching......2 years later....yes I wish I had gone to the docs a couple of days sooner.

  4. Everybody on Thai visa could learn a great deal from reading the last 10 posts here...a genuine mixture of eloquent understanding, compassion, and intelligent comments - well done guys - posting without the associated bitching etc is a pleasure to read.

  5. Nellie your responses show a genuine care for your father in law, and the effect this unusual string of events is having on your surrounding family, plus a concern for his welfare and that of the new baby. The fact that you get on with his wife is a plus considering she will be giving birth to your husbands half sister/brother.

    Would it be possible to view his overseas activity as a kind of perpetual 'round the world trip' in his old age which would not leave him with a great deal of money on his return.If this was the case you would be prepared for the eventuality he could return from his 'expedition' with very little...which of course may well not be the case. I hope he enjoys many happy years in Thailand.

    Perhaps try to keep in touch more frequently via video cam....I suspect this may be difficult with the computer links in Thailand.

    I am sorry you cannot afford to visit him in Thailand...maybe you could try and put something aside to go visit after the birth, to welcome the new comer to the family.Show an interest in the up coming birth perhaps enquire as to when your FIL thinking of bringing the child to the UK??

    There will sadly always be an element of suspicion in any relationship with large age differences......but he is telling you he is happy...and I'm sure he is.Put your suspicions behind you and move forward with the positive view that all will be fine.....because until it is not there is nothing you can do by worrying.....you have said the family will be there for him if the worst happens...that is really all that is required of you at this time.... of course although he is busy with his new family he will think of all his family often, rest assured.

    Hope all goes well for all of you

    Best wishes

  6. Ok ok I admit it...... I met my wife in a bar...... :D

    visited her family on their farm..... :o

    worked all day felling trees for free....and still ended up paying for the evening meals and drink :D

    6 months later she took up with another guy :D

    So I left her :(

    Shame I was enjoying the fishing in NZ too. :D

    Now I have a lovely Thai girlfriend......

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