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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. All interesting stuff for sure but this topic is about the fall of Sterling so perhaps helpful if we can redirect away from the US car companies et al!!!.

    It now looks like a UK politician has done the unthinkable and stated the obvious by suggesting that there may be a run on Sterling. A little late for sure but nevertheless significant that it should get so much press. I wonder what the coming week will bring - either the Pound is going to nosedive and plumb new depths, in which case the Baht rate is going to plummet and a load of Thai based Brits will suffer. Alternatively this could signal a reversal or floor and be viewed as the point when things leveled off. Personally I don't have high hopes for the latter, can't see a real reason why that should happen, but we have to have something positive to look forward to.

    Views anyone?

    I surmise that it has to be a pre-arranged plan between Brown/Darling/Merv and that Tory guy Osborne to force sterling to drop as low as possible. After all, no one in their right mind could be stupid enough to risk a run on the pound accidentally........could they? :o

  2. Grateful to know if its possible to open a dollar savings account at Kasikorn Bank? The reason being that I want to hedge against the pound/baht exchange rate. I need to transfer pounds from my bank in Uk to buy the dollars, do I have to change them to baht first or can I do a straight pound/dollar conversion here?

    Please excuse my niaivity, I just have a feeling that the baht is going to go much stronger against the pound, but weaker against the dollar. I could be wrong, but it's good to know that I'm making an effort!

  3. Hey Marshbags! You are a simple t#*t! Obviously a raving lefty to boot. I'm an expat, but most of the opinions I hear from expats in Thailand are left-leaning, so blaming it on Mrs Thatcher is just political ranting. By the way, although a right winger, I was pleased to see Mr Obama win the US election. Mr Mac, despite being a legend, is just too old. Why does anyone want to be president, with all it's responsibilities, at 72 YOA? I'd rather play golf every day and get whiffled at night.

    Regarding pension, I have given the Inland Revenue my daughter's address and am hoping they don't cotton on. If they do, cest la vie. I'll plead ignorance. Buggered if I know why my pension isn't index linked when I've paid nhs contributions and UK tax all my life. Some fickle so and so who's never even thought about paying tax/nhs, not only has the index linking but also gets about 50 quid a week more than me anyway!

    Rant over. B^*)_r off Marshbags, you p@#s me off.

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