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Posts posted by 7by7

  1. 6 minutes ago, smedly said:

    if you too are trying to get a rise out of me by posting stupid baiting nonsense like that then you're going to have to try a lot harder


    The UK has left the EU get over it 


    We are back to what the EU was when it all started - trade 


    Who is next ?, I predicted many months ago that Germany and France would be next


    Look up 2x speed EU and see what you get 


    Stupid, baiting nonsense? A reply to a post about the length of the UK/USA special relationship is in your mind "stupid baiting nonsense?"


    Well, if that's the best you can do, maybe you should go away and learn some history!


    Yes, we've left the EU; I know. But as the UK is a democracy I am still allowed to express my regrets at that decision and criticise the government's efforts since.


    Any real, hard evidence that Germany and France will be leaving the EU; if so, when?


    I looked up 2x speed EU and got lots of results on internet speeds and high speed trains in Europe; but how are they relevant?

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, kingdong said:


    The uk put in an order early while france dithered don,t know wording of contract but would assume it was legally binding,


    It is extremely unlikely that any contract between the UK government and the vaccine suppliers forbids those suppliers from selling to anyone else.


    If it did, then it would probably be illegal under both UK and EU law.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 hours ago, kingdong said:

    Well we,re out of it thats for sure,it was obvious the eu were going to give the uk a load of kak for daring to leave their corrupt little club,why it might give other members ideas about peoples votes,especially bearing in mind their handling of the vaccine fiasco,still its always someone elses fault.


    Some countries, such as Switzerland and the EFTA countries, have certain rights with the EU via various trade agreements; but no county has what you seem to think is our right. That is all the benefits of membership with none of the responsibilities.


    I know you were told by Leave five and a half years ago that we would get that, that they needed us more than we needed them; but they were wrong.

  4. 21 hours ago, Loiner said:

    You really don’t like what he has exposed to the wider population do you?

    He has exposed nothing to anyone; except the gullibility of a very small section of the UK population who fund his luxury lifestyle for him!


    21 hours ago, Loiner said:

    The Rochdale nurse didn’t make any headway until The Times journo latched on to the scandal. 

    Correct; but your hero played no part in any of that. He was too busy serving time for assaulting a police officer and other criminal assaults.


    21 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Organisations you like to slag as extreme right wing we’re making local protests, but the details usually censored by the authorities and media. 

     The response of the authorities at the time was a national scandal. But it was people like the Labour councillor Sara Rowbotham who worked tirelessly to expose the men and bring them to justice.


    Right wing organisations like the EDL only joined in protests once the crimes had been exposed when they saw an opportunity to stir up hate against the Muslim population. They protested, but exposed no one.


    Certainly not their own members' paedophile activities; 

    'Senior member' of English Defence League jailed for sexually abusing 10-year-old girl

    Senior EDL leader who campaigned against child grooming is convicted of abducting schoolgirl;

    Far right ‘hero’ is a convicted paedophile.


    If they said anything at all it was attempts to first deny the offences had happened, then to deny the men were members. For example: 

    The EDL have paedophiles in their ranks but Tommy Robinson evidently doesn’t condemn them


    When Price was jailed, EDL members launched a campaign urging supporters to write to the Prime Minister and MPs to try to “win justice for Richard Price, EDL”. ‘Tommy Robinson supported Price after he was convicted of child porn charges. Apparently, paedophilia is OK if it is an EDL member who is commiting the horrific crime. Later, Robinson hurriedly issued a statement to claim that Price has never been a leader of the EDL, forgetting that back in June 2010 he had published a statement on Facebook naming the management and amongst those names were Price’s, and he was credited for co-founding the group. 


    21 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Like you, they didn’t want the truth out there. 

    As can be seen, it is Yaxley-Lennon and his various far right organisations who want to hide the truth; the truth about the paedophiles in their own ranks.

    • Like 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    You just keep apologising for those criminals being publicised by him, rather than swept under your carpet. 


    1) He has not exposed one single criminal; ever.


    2) Unlike your attempts here and previously elsewhere;  I have never apologised for any criminal.


    3) I have no carpet under which to sweep any criminal.


    4) Save your praise for the real heroes of the child sex scandals, such as Sara Rowbotham, rather than a toe rag who uses the suffering of the victims and gullibility of people like you to fund his luxury lifestyle.

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry if this has been asked before; please bear with me.


    I am 65, married to a Thai currently living in the UK.


    I am epileptic, controlled by Epilim (Sodium Valproate); although I did have my first seizure after nearly 13 years a couple of weeks ago. I am also taking prescribed medicine for an enlarged prostate.


    I was in Thailand February 2020 with my wife for my sister in law's funeral, and our return was delayed until the end of April due to the numerous flight cancellations because of Covid. All Thai and BA flights cancelled, EVA down to one very other day! This meant my medication ran out. However, I was able to register with and get free treatment from our local hospital in Dusit; paying just a relatively small fee for the pills.


    My questions are:-


    When I move indefinitely to Thailand with a spouse visa, will I still be entitled to any free treatment, or was this a one off? If I am entitled, I still have the hospital registration card which has a commencement date but no expiry date on it. So do I simply go to the hospital and present it if required? Should I go and see if I am still registered and re register if not?


    Would I still be able to obtain free treatment, or was that I received last year a one off for some reason? It was, after all, merely a doctor asking me about my condition and what medication I was taking before she issued me a prescription.


    What about insurance? I'll be at least 66 when we move so expect it will be expensive. I'm also concerned about coverage for my pre existing conditions.


    I've had a quick search online and there are many options. But before I start getting quotes, any recommendations?


    Thank you.

  7. 6 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    and take the 15% of leavers that had made their minds up since the since the beginning of the year add that to the 7% that made their minds up in 2015 and add that to the 36% that always knew which way they were going to vote and you have 58%


    As your link shows; the 15% made their mind up between the beginning of the year and a month before the vote!


    To claim, as you have repeatedly done, that this means they made their minds up before 20/2/16 is ridiculous at best!


    But carry on making a fool of yourself over this when your own link proves you wrong if you wish. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, vinny41 said:


    In June 2012, nearly 100 Conservative MPs called for a referendum ‘on the nature of our relationship with the European Union’ but this was rejected.

    However, calls for a referendum were persistent, from within the Tory party and from UKIP and in order to appease voters, Cameron promised that, if the Conservatives won the 2015 General Election, there would be a Brexit vote before the end of 2017

    Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/12/11/david-cameron-call-referendum-brexit-8231803/?ito=cbshare

    He wasn't forced he took a gamble to settle the issue once and for all



    Yes; Cameron promised voters a referendum in the 2015 election in an effort to stop traditional Tory voters voting UKIP. A tactic that worked then; but backfired in 2016.


    But this was originally about calls for a second referendum.


    It is a fact that the leading anti EU campaigner, Farage, said before the vote that he would not accept the result and call for another referendum if Remain won by anything less than two thirds to one third!


    Name me one leading Remain politician who has ever said anything similar.



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