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Posts posted by jcon

  1. Hej Bengt, hur ar la get? :o

    I'm sure somebody will soon post a graph of the SET(the stock exchange here) in Thailand in 1997 vs. now... and then you can judge whether or not we actually did recover or not from that crisis.

    I can only agree with you that many Swedes are not coming to Thailand as they had planned before. I do not live in areas where many of the Swedish reside, so I cannot speak about the value of properties there.

    I can only say that it's more important now than ever to be sure about developers, etc. before buying a house... many Swedish people who would not normally buy something off-plan (as you know it is not really Swedish nature to do so) have done so and they may be affected.

    But I'm sure you also know the same thing happened (and is still happening) with Swedish people and houses in Spain. But Swedes who buy in Spain are a bit different than the ones that buy in Thailand, would you agree (this question would just be for the OP and other Swedes or people who know Sweden well - otherwise you may mis-interpret the statement)?

    This market bubble (both Thai real estate + worldwide markets) have roots pretty far back, possibly a decade (or more...) and just as the prices in the financial markets have come down, so must the prices in the speculative real estate markets in Thailand. This is just my opinion, but anything is possible.

    If you want to retire in Thailand, maybe some more information from you would help. Where are you from in Sweden? Where do you plan to live in Thailand? How old are you? etc. etc.

    edit: oh come on don't be a jerk thaihome...

  2. I was thinking 80 baht and a medium-sized hen.

    I'll take it. I was just setting a high price but 80 baht and a hen and I will vote for you forever. I will even drive a taxi around central Bangkok and pick fights with "F"-words if they talk smack about you.

    I do have a real question that "the J-word" brought up above: What if you have never voted in any US state and are currently an expat? How would you register?

  3. to your courtesy

    My quartz Rolex needs a battery change, does anyone know if there are authorized dealers in Isaan? Thank you.

    battery change???

    I think you mean Lolex...

  4. frequently I heard in the south "rang" a Farang with being to lazy to speak the "Fa" I think not impolite as well, just slang (heard Thep instead of Kruntep as well).

    It's actually becoming hip and trendy in my neighborhood to use "ng" instead of "rang" cuz it's just that much cooler to drop the "ra" part of it.

    I hear that on Thonglor the uber-hip are just using "g."

    It's so yesterday to use the "faran" part.

    Jingthing, your threads are so awesome. I'm so sick of being called a farang, I thought about making an entire thread about it, but I see you've already made about 5 of them. You are a grassroots hero among us. Nay, a Rockstar.

  5. I've been called a lot of things but being referred to as "descended from Europeans" would be the lowest possible insult I could think of. Anyway, all so-called "Europeans" were descended from Africans.

    How about honky? Any Americans remember this endearing term for whites?

    I agree that honky would be a good term to use, but many farang are unfamiliar with it, especially those of euro-peon descent.


    edit: wait a minute... did somebody just make the implication that the word "farang" was just so absolutely insulting that it has to now be referred to as "the F word."??????!?? is this a joke???

    :D :D :D

  6. very good points lannarebirth.

    the truth in false media will (or already has) be(en) known. the problem is that many people depend on the likes of CNBC, Blooomberg, etc. etc. investment bankers, advisers, the list goes on, because that's how the media has come to shape society. so somewhere independent analysis went out the window, replaced by other "information."

    i'm no conspiracy theorist, but the whole thing stinks to high heaven...

  7. Something i noticed about what i find attractive (wonder if any of you have the same thing..). I like long hair on men ( I dont mean LONG hair, i mean longish..grown out..and, even better, about shoulder length.) If the same man that i think is attractive (with long hair) has it all cut off, Im no longer attracted in the same way.

    YES! i feel this way too- i always go for guys with longish hair, can't stand crew cuts & the like. i thought maybe i was weird?! :D

    somehow i knew that about you girlx... perhaps from another life? :o

    re: suits - there is nothing like a property tailored suit for the quintessential man. that, a proper watch, and proper shoes... these 3 simple things are overlooked by so many men, and i always thought of it as just an unawareness of taste - but now i realize that maybe their lady likes them that way! :D that's the beauty of opinion, nobody needs to fight over one type of man/woman (just as some men prefer whatever they prefer, while i prefer dark hair and light eyes *cough cough* rrrooowwrrrr! ).

    I will bow out of the ladies room now...

  8. tried to edit but couldn't... i guess the editing time ran out mid-edit:

    double edit: looks like HSI and HSCEI will close UP today hahahahha... gotta love these markets. I really hope somebody's cashing in (who is not an investment banker - they all need to burn...)

    Lastly, I hate hearing the words, "Too Big To Fail." Does that not strike anybody else as totally contradictory to capitalism? If you're big and you suck, fail for god's sake. Then we can move on. Otherwise we're gonna die a death of a thousand cuts. (Was going to post that as a topic, but I don't know if it has legs as a topic). And please don't use "systemic risk" in the answer....

  9. hang seng down 7,38% as of right now... China Enterprises Index down 9.94%. Dow was down 4 smt % yesterday, IIRC. That's all I've glanced at so far.

    I have an ignorant but sincere question:

    If the China Enterprise Index is down 9.94 (10%) and the hang seng down 7.3% and close down this much,

    can I assume that the US markets will take a 4-7% decline, when I start watching tonight (Thai time)?

    Quick answer. No.

    They are 2 different (actually, 3) markets.

    Also, between the close of Asian markets and the open of Euro/NA markets, you never know what kind of news can come out (positive or negative).

    Hope that kind of answers your question (I know the answer was a bit simplified, but the quick answer is no - That doesn't mean you can't close down in NA (North-American) markets also. And as worldwide markets are kind of like the dog chasing it's tail... well the dog is the USA, so the Asian market performance is kind of following bad US news.

    Lots of things going on right now with banks trying to stop the bleeding, the Euro markets could open up today... but then again, who knows :o

    edit: as of this edit the HSI is down 2.36% and the HSCEI down 3.33% or thereabouts... so a huge change from the lunch break on lots of news... but who knows if these fixes (temporary) will help... Other members seem to trade the markets actively, so they may be able to have more input. All I know is that options traders are licking their fricking chops.

    Also, for you guys that say things like "the stupid deserve to lose their money" I don't remember who said it, but I saw it more than once reading the thread, you should know that lots of people aren't looking at charts all day and are super-traders.... you've got doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. who I'm sure are pretty bright but may not be market geniuses. The post above just made me want to say that... a regular guy asking an honest question (at least he dared ask - and he even used the right word, ignorant(ce) - which does not imply stupidity).

  10. Little bits of blood on the streets, but I'd say there's not really blood on the streets yet as far as we're concerned on this topic.

    Didn't Cramer (LOL) call a bottom in the summer sometime... what a freak.

    I guess even if average joe is talking Lehman, AIG, ML, HBOS, *pick your implosion*, it's not a bottom until everybody has finished puking up their positions -- and it takes longer to puke up the many complex leveraged positions of today.

    edit: I even forgot Bear Stearns. haha that's how bad it is...

  11. well, 10,700 on the DOW was broken today (Sept 17) and if it doesn't rebound and get back over 10,700 quickly, next leg is down as there is no support until 10,300

    strap in

    ..some speak about the Dow, down to 8,000; that'll be the day....it's exactly -24,6% down to go from today's DOW at 10,609.66.

    Not IMpossible..............................nothing is impossible anymore.


    hang seng down 7,38% as of right now... China Enterprises Index down 9.94%. Dow was down 4 smt % yesterday, IIRC. That's all I've glanced at so far.

    These last 2 days alone I'd call a freakin Global Correction!

    GS and MS together is like Satan and Satan's brother merging into one giant investment wanke_r. The only way I'd like to see that happen is if it is then destroyed after they've merged, making an even bigger debacle.

    edit... MS not ML, sorry ML already got eaten.

  12. Are you saying that I'm bingobongo or smt like that LaoPo?

    I just came onto the thread, and I'm sure bingobongo knows that I'm not him. I just said he was right. I haven't read the other thread, just this one. But if somebody else made the call earlier than I hope they made tons of money. I didn't.

    I don't even think he lives in Thailand, as I understand. I do.

    about HBOS again, because I just read about it, Lloyds said to be aquiring HBOS at 230smt GPB per share... that's a hel_l of a lot more than the 105ish that I saw it trade at when I made my first post. I'm interested to see the opening in London.

  13. LaoPo, yeah it was a very long read. But i did skip lots of pages that were like bickering etc. Lots of names disappeared after awhile, but i recall your name being here til the end, among some others.

    HBOS, Halifax Bank of Scotland, trades in London - a huge company. was down seriously just awhile ago, 105 IIRC, now back to 190ish on talk of Lloyds TSB merger or something like that... don't know the details, just heard it in the background on the television.

    edit: and yes i feel like i'm going to pass out after reading all of that. but if it didn't take so long, I'd say some of you guys should go back and read the whole thing again -- there were so many wrong calls made.... hindsight 20/20 i suppose.

  14. Well I read this thread. Took a bloody long time.

    I think poster bingobongo got it right. I mean we've had a serious global correction, haven't we? I don't think that can be argued.

    So why the picking on bingobongo? He did start the thread. I mean yes he posts like a jerk, but he was right. And people seem to have short memories when it comes to their postings, because I read all 48 pages and there was all kinds of flip flop by other people, but bingobongo was stubborn and he was right. I hope he made a shitload of money, or else then it would be sad that he was just talking and not putting money where his mouth was.

    At some point, those with loads of cash will be able to enter the markets and pick up some awesome deals. Not yet, though....

    edit: I think somebody asked what was HBOS. well you can say it's something that just took a 50% hit today. wow. edit again. looks like HBOS is up 12% now. trading range of like 105 to 190 in one day?!?! nuts.

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