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Posts posted by jcon

  1. arrrrghhhhh wtfff thithi plalex stop it!

    plalex 'bimmie' is a gay (sorry PB :D ) name indeed... but it's your car ***cough ***chick car **** cough**** :D

    i'm just messing with you plalex, i know you're a nice enough guy who just likes his car.

    may i suggest "She-John" as a name for 'bimmie?'

    I had an E38 (RIP :o ) by the name of Storkatten (Swedish for "the big cat"). U can surely come up with something better than 'bimmie'!!!

    Incidentally (another RIP car), since I no longer have my RR not-so-lovingly referred to as "The Bitch," maybe you can have that name too... quite fitting for a 'kewt' little 3-series :D

  2. Why is his particular fate so intriguing the the 1500+ reading this at the moment?

    Because he still pulls the strings of the PPP party, the current party in power in Thailand? Not to mention the classic human interest of watching a TRAIN WRECK. He is Thailand's answer to OJ Simpson.

    Jingthing I'm not your biggest fan but this post made me laugh out loud. :D

    Soundman, since you seem to be the new sheriff in town :o (or actually any mod), how bout upholding some forum rules and deleting posts #163 and #167 as they are trolling racist posts? Or shall i cry hypocrisy (for the nth time)?

  3. Please forgive my social commentary, Boo. I did not make such allegation to the validity/non-validity of your pride vs. scorecard's pride - I choose my words carefully. Undoubtedly you love your son, as much as any and all of the other parents on this forum love their children. I do not question that, nor is that the crux of my commentary.

    Scorecard's post just as compared to the other posts just struck me as a commentary of how many people have adopted the (sometimes) backward view of our adoptive culture - the phenotypic outcome of children (luk kreung moreseo I suppose) and the (sometimes) absurd views/opinions of it. Read the previous carefully before any accusation of me calling anybody here 'backward' or 'absurd.'

    Alas, lest I be accused (or rather accuse myself) of going on a Jingthing-style rant about society and it's weaknesses, I will concede here and part with my best and most sincere blessing for you and all of the board member's children. In any case, such a subject is one in which I would rather articulate in the spoken word, as I'm a lazy typer (hence jcon: post count 66). If you wish to suss out the particulars of what I was referring to, feel free to PM me with your number and I'll gladly talk it over with you (not sarcasm btw).

    I don't mean to derail the thread, and I will not post further out of respect.

  4. I've got a little different situation. I'm farang and I have an adopted Thai son (100% Thai, and very much a Thai face). He's now in his mid twenties.

    Causes no end of surprise and head scratching when he introduces me as his father, and has no hesitation to make this introduction. He's often been asked to explain. He tried when he was younger to explain in detail which mostly caused more confusion and sometimes questions / comments which upset him.

    Today his answer is mostly "it would take too long to explain, i'll tell you another time" and he quickly changes the subject. I'm happy with whatever explanation makes him happy.

    He's very proud of his very typical farang family name. At university he was told several times by lecturers that farang names are not nice and he should change his name. He would never talk back to a teacher, but he did come home and vent his anger. Only made him more proud of his name.

    He's a very humble, very caring young man. He knows he has more opportunity than many of his friends, but he made his own 'policy' when he was very young to never never 'stand out'.

    I'm very proud of him.

    This is a great reply which encompasses the notion of what 'proudness' should mean. There is a lot of love in the post, and it shows. This man's son will know exactly why his father loves him, and that love reinforces the good character traits which were the source of the father's proudness. Circular, but in a positive way.

    There is, however, an undercurrent to the rest of the thread and its posts so subtle that most readers/posters it will pass as 'admiration.' The end result of the ideas/'admirations' expressed is also circular, but in the most negative of ways. Many of the 'positive' 'admirations' are just reinforcement of the opposite, a dangerous thing -- especially when it slips through virtually unknown under the guise of a proud parent. (I use the word "guise" not reflect negatively on the many proud parents on this thread who I'm sure love their children very much - but rather I use the word in reference to the aforementioned undercurrent).

    Regardless, I admire scorecard's reply. Not often will I post in reply to threads, but I just wanted to commend scorecard on his being proud of something finally worthy of praise.

  5. Intending to climb K2...

    and need some gear...

    I am after North Face zipped trousers. I have gone to a few 'North Face suppliers'(according to the North Face website) in Bangkok and, after I counted them all out and counted them all back, they don't supply any North Face at all... :D

    I've tried "super sport" and they only sold shoes, and not even North Face shoes. Anyone out there had any successful discoveries of North Face trousers... or any decent 'adventure brand' trousers with zips on the front pockets...

    And I was obviously pulling your leg about climbing K2. I am intending something much harder: to walk around Bangkok and not be mauled by packs of dogs... or pickpocketed... :o

    1. i don't think you really need front-zipped trousers to survive bkk, North Face or not.

    2. if climbing K2, don't get your gear in Thailand. Even the stuff in the "North Face" store is of questionable quality. I had a light-mountaineering jacket from the North Face store literally fall apart at the inner seams. It was quite sad.

    3. At last inspection, i still believe North Face orients their zippers the 'wrong way.' Patagonia is the better brand for skiiing/mountaineering and their zippers are oriented the 'correct' way (i.e. down = closed). Never seen Patagonia sold here so not much to add on that.

    4. I'm sure you can find some sort of non-North Face trousers with front-zippers at any night market.

    5. How much did that store at Discovery want to charge for those trousers?

  6. Wait, so that phallic compensatory tool goes into the first little pouch with the oh so pretty leather dangly thingies....

    what goes in that cute little pouch next to it? Keys to the Hummer, perhaps?

    10-4, we got white-T on board......

    edit: Oh, and I think you mean you "often go manimal hunting with/in/on your neighbor"

  7. soutpeel,

    it occurred at passport control, as i said i was at the check-in counter, the only place she would have had to show the US passport as the destination was the US.... and yes, overstays are picked up at passport control, haven't you seen the people at the little desks behind the people at the little counters :o it's them.

    Maestro, I did as you wrote. Entered on US, then applied and received Thai, then have exited/entered on Thai ever since. My friend was doing the same, just that the guy at passport control saw her US passport as she pulled them both out her wallet (they were in there together). He asked to see it, then it was over.

    In 2002 therefore i did have an entry stamp in my US passport and no exit, but then I just applied for a new passport at the embassy ("lost") and then I had a clean passport no stamps. Then the first time back in the US, I had a passport with no stamps at all entering passport control and all the guy did was ask me why there were no stamps. Told him I had a Thai PP, and that was that.

    I won't address how many phone calls you think it would or would not take. You're a TV moderator, but you're not me. Some TV members know me and understand that in my case, it would be quite possible to sort out without having to pay the 20k. Take it or leave it. I still think it was wrong for them to make a Thai National pay 20k for an 'overstay' in her own country, paperwork or not.

  8. ...If immigration had not seen her US passport, while she was using her Thai passport she would have got away with it, but if she came back into Thailand at a later stage on her US passport, she still would be in the system as a US citizen and would have been recorded as never leaving Thailand. As you could imagine this would have caused even more problems...

    Well first about the bullying part, i was with her at check in, and she showed her US passport because obviously she needed to show it or a Visa to be back in the US. That's not/never is a problem. The alleged "bullying" was more of a reference to how she says she was treated and how it would not have gone down that way say, had I been there. In thai, we would refer to as "khon doo mee rakaa" for which there really isn't a direct translation but simply, they saw her as an easy target... not being able to speak thai very well, nor being able to read/write didn't help.

    But the same applies to me, and I was upset that they scared her into going to the ATM machine and handing over the money when it really would have taken 3 phone calls to get it sorted. I was upset that I wasn't there to warn her that once the money has changed hands, no matter what power you have, the game is over.... "No, I won't pay", "No, I don't have the money" "jail me" or any of these would have sufficed to buy the time necessary to sort it out... but then again she needed to get her flight, and well in her mind she was just upset and said 20K what the hel_l i just want to sleep (it was 130am). She only called me after the whole thing went down. Like I said lesson learned, but not regarding overstaying, but regarding the way things work here in LOS. Like i said, 'technically' she was in the wrong (paperwork-wise), but it would not have taken much to make the case that you shouldn't be charging a Thai national 20k baht for an overstay... which is why i'm sure they were in a rush to make her take they money out and hand it over before her rationality returned and her fear subsided.

    About the highlighted paragraph above, if it was actually the case, then I'd be "in the system" about a zillion times over and over as entering thailand sometime in 2002 as an American and never leaving (as that American) but leaving/entering as a Thai in Thailand and entering/leaving many countries under both passports. And yes, I've shown my US passport many times at check-in in BKK (for NA/EU) travel and they've typed in my passport number and I assure you i'm not typing you from prison. Who knows if the check-in info and the immigration info are even connected...

  9. Thailand has had long relations with Russia. one Thai prince was married to russian woman.

    as you've mentioned it yourself - Thai-Russian relations are at least 125y.o

    Everyone's "favorite" tennis star Paradorn is married to Miss Universe Natalie Glebova who is Canadian of Russian ethnicity as well. Thai relations with Russia have always been puzzling. They get privileged visa status too..Thais can visit Russia with a visa on arrival which is almost unheard of. It's an annoying process to get a visa to visit Russia for just about everyone else.

    is this true? link?


    Original visa thread. I remember seeing the details for it again fairly recently it's reciprocal. Designed to bring in business investment on both sides. The vast majority of poor Thais aren't going to go to another developing world country to find work (especially not one with a somewhat hostile population to foreigners as Russia) so the terms were easy to agree on.

    hey wintermute, i saw in the thread that it just said that Thailand and Russia "confirmed their intentions" for the visa rules but i didn't see (or did i miss?) in the thread that the new rule was actually in place.

    the only info i can find on a quick google scan is from :


    which is from 4 months before that original tv post (so it may have changed) but Thailand is/was not on that list.

    i'm actually interested as I would like to visit russia in 2009, and if i could use my Thai PP instead of my USA PP, that would ease things considerably.

  10. Thailand has had long relations with Russia. one Thai prince was married to russian woman.

    as you've mentioned it yourself - Thai-Russian relations are at least 125y.o

    Everyone's "favorite" tennis star Paradorn is married to Miss Universe Natalie Glebova who is Canadian of Russian ethnicity as well. Thai relations with Russia have always been puzzling. They get privileged visa status too..Thais can visit Russia with a visa on arrival which is almost unheard of. It's an annoying process to get a visa to visit Russia for just about everyone else.

    is this true? link?

  11. I'm trying to imagine this happening after a holiday in France or Spain - Guy meets girl on holiday in a foreign country and suddenly feels the need to provide her and her family with a steady income stream.

    buffalos are healthier in France and Spain. duh Guesthouse :o

  12. i don't disagree. note i never said that immigration was wrong, because their point of contention was valid at the time. i said it could have been solved (the thai way, aka. a few phone calls) but that would have to happen before she paid... and they were pretty mean about it according to her so she just wanted to pay and get outta there... interestingly, though, she had travelled in and out of Thailand MANY times on her Thai PP in between the time frame when she came in on her US and the time they finally charged her. i was a bit peeved about that, as the first time she left was not long after she got her Thai PP, which would have resulted in a much smaller fine. off-topic, sorry.

  13. so do you want to stay in thailand or return home? or just sort out the overstay? didn't get that part.

    overstay is a biaaatch. my friend, a few weeks ago was bullied into paying 20k at immigration for coming in her US passport, getting her Thai Passport here (half-thai), and while leaving they saw her US passport and asked to see it... yada yada they made her cry and she paid. Lesson learned. could have been solved in her case, but i'm afraid not yours.

    even if you want to stay, i'd stay away from immigration (as in Suan Plu immigration) and not try to plead your case there, nor would I try to go to the embassy and tell them what you said above, because you won't get very far with "my tax dollars blah blah blah."

    book a ticket somewhere else (home, if that's where you want to go - somewhere close if you're coming back). pay 20k at the airport. get a receipt (haha i love that i said that, this is Thailand lol), and that's really all you can do.

    need i say don't do anything stupid between now and then.

    p.s. awesome first post.

    edit: p.p.s. no need to try to tell your story at the airport either. just say you're sorry and pay. slaggin off the thai women that have worked you over is NOT going to help. i'll even tell you what to say in thai: "Kor thod krup phom. Phom ngo eng krup phom. Kor thod jing jing krup phom." ***then pay and do the walk of shame***

  14. i really can't describe the wonderful exhaust note while under acceleration on the freeway...


    as it pulled out waaaaaaay ahead of me :D only to be stuck at the light down below...

    a true beauty, taxes over-paid? who cares... F430, yes?

    i weep for my beloved italian tractor... RIP :o "dam_n you, dam_n you all to hel_l!" - planet of the apes (credit crisis version)

  15. ask quicksilva or steveromagnino in the real estate forum. 99% chance they will know what's up with that building.

    the problem with the even-numbered side of sukhumvit is that it just doesn't pull the same clientele as the odd-side...

    but those 2 i mentioned would be the tv members i'd ask first.

    p.s. rjt you're a drunk. now you want a club. /??!??????!?!??!?!?? lol

  16. sorry tgeezer, but i think you did get fleeced. So, let me get this clear, you got lenses for 10300 and glasses+lenses for 12400? I think they made you overpay dearly for those lenses... sounds like prices back in the west.

    top charoen is a chain, and i'm convinced they are a mafia front... but that's just me.

    my personal glasses shop, to give you an idea of prices:

    1 pair Gucci frames plus thin lenses and the uv crap: 8k total

    1 pair Dior frames plus the above: 8k total

    1 pair Gucci frames plus tri-focal thin lenses (for my old man): 8k total.

    when i say 8k, it's from memory, but it's somewhere around there, 7 to 9, definitely not over 10.

    Frames alone are most of the cost, and the lenses were just 1000-2000baht if i recall correctly. Mostly finished the same day, except for the old man's tri-focals which took a few days. Never had a problem.

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