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Posts posted by phoneguy702

  1. 17 hours ago, Galactus said:

    glad i am/was not a soldier aka a killing machine.

    there is nothign to be proud by being a solider IMO.

    Then keep quiet about those who are willing to take up a gun and defend the  lives of others, we are not killing machines we just see what we feel must be done and do it.  We do not ask for anything but for those who are not willing to face the horror face to face to just sit down and shut up.  

  2. In many places the salaries and expense accounts of public workers are a matter of public record and posted on the internet.  The bidding of public projects over a set amount are held in open meetings that anyone can attend.  In Thailand you can be prosecuted for exposing this sort of "Private" information.  I would like to see the country advance but with no interest in actually educating a population to be able to ask questions and then encouraging or at least allowing them to ask questions I doubt it can be accomplished.


  3. 9 hours ago, PaoloR said:

    It seems, as usual, that many people are commenting on this topic with no understanding of the situation.

    I own and run a hotel and, being foreign owned, have to make sure that all the legal requirements are met.

    This includes:

    Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, escape route signage, emergency lighting and many other requirements.

    Unlicensed hotels have not had to comply with these regulations and can be death traps. You don't need a fire extinguisher until the fire starts; when you do need it, you want to be sure it actually works! You think you know your way out of a hotel until you can't see for the smoke, no signage and no light can lead to death.

    There is no wish to protect a monopoly and dissuade competition  - there is a wish for everyone to play on a level and safe playing field.

    A country reliant on tourists for income that does not regulate the buildings they stay in is just asking for a problem. This government is finally doing something, albeit late in the day, to clear up this potentially dangerous situation and all we get on TV is people accusing legal hotels of being over-priced and scared of competition!

    I agree that the lack of actual enforcement makes it hard for the hotels, restaurants and other amenities that operate within the regulations.  The general excuse I hear for why many places operate outside of the regulations is that "they can not afford to do..." when there is a great fire or building collapse people feel pity but you can not get them to accept that things need to be done properly.


    As far as the ones on TV complaining about the price it is totally laughable, whenever I hear some one on TV talking about "value for money" all I hear is Cheep, Cheep, Cheep... 

  4. We have a house near Salaya, outside Bangkok, that we intend to use as a retirement home. In the meantime we visit only once a year or so. How can I keep the yard from growing into a wild jungle? I have had relatives growing Banana trees and the neighbor women using it as a makeshift garden. One thought is to till the ground and cover with plastic sheeting for a month to kill the weeds and then cover with pavers. Or else arranging for someone to do yard maintenance on a regular schedule. The gardeners in our estate are old and i am not interested in having them do this. My Sister-in-law lives in the same estate so I have some supervision on the property. Any ideas on where to find someone to do yard maintenance ?

  5. So it sounds like a Halon release, the suppression system could have been activated by the movers hitting a manual release button, they are protected but they are meant to be used in an emergency so it's not like you need to unlock anything. The system would have had a warning alarm but they may not have realized what it was or known how to override the release if they were not familiar with the building or if they were not trained on what to do. The doors that are on magnetic hold opens would have automatically released and the rescue people would not have known where to get keys. Halon systems are very useful but they are dangerous to untrained workers.

  6. If not illegally positioned why did the other vessels take a runner?

    Because no matter if you are legal or not if the Navy/Marine Police think you are in the wrong you will be arrested and your equipment impounded. So better to run than sit and wait. However if the Navy did a better job of interdicting them they would not have had the chance to get away.

  7. As someone involved in the installation of Mobil Phone Antenna Sites i can tell you that the differences in phone design, use and the quality of the build of the particular phone in question do enter into the question. But the biggest factor of all is the location and coverage pattern of the Antenna being used by the provider that is connecting your phone to the Local Exchange. While many of the installs are well planned, the quality of the install is the single greatest variable in your mobile phone reception. You can have two phones in the same location with one connected to one antenna and the other one using a different antenna or a different channel on the same antenna. so simple tests like "I have my phone and my mates phone both laying on the table and we have different connections values and speeds is not surprising. Your best bet is to use the sim of the provider with the best coverage in your area and use a quality device, Samsung, Iphone etc. The stick on antenna boosters are a joke, but I wish I had come up with the idea as many people who should know better will tell you they work. Active signal boosters for your home or office can work but they are often a source of electrical noise and can actually work against you unless you have had a Frequency Spectrum test done to see how much carrier saturation you have in the area in question.

    So buy a good phone, and use a Sim from a provider with good signal in your area and you will be rewarded with reasonable signal strength. In places where the infrastructure is not up to par, like much of thailand you are going to have dead spots or places with too many users competing for too little space on the antenna. it will improve, every day more and more antenna upgrades are being done but the providers have to see profit to be willing to upgrade their antennas.

  8. The IR extender is the way to go the wire is very small and concealable the hardest part is finding the IR receiver window on the cable/sat box. Use some cellophane tape to hold the "blinker" to the box to find the best placement the adhesive that comes with most of them is only good for one try. It is important to get the placement right the first time.

  9. My experience of boats going over to Koh Samui is they have life jackets but not enough for everyone. They also have life jackets but the canvas and fittings have rotted so they fall apart when you try to fasten it up. This was one one of the smaller boats that sail direct to Surathani. Luckily it didn't capsize or sink.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is how many of the boats are operated all over Thailand. My two tips are take the boat in the morning as more storms kick up in the afternoons and you can buy life jackets easily in coastal towns. Take them home and ebay them.

    i think the OP mentioned going to Koh Samet not Koh Samui, just saying. And why would you buy your own lifejacket and not just make sure they have suitable ones on the boat before paying.

  10. My experience of boats going over to Koh Samui is they have life jackets but not enough for everyone. They also have life jackets but the canvas and fittings have rotted so they fall apart when you try to fasten it up. This was one one of the smaller boats that sail direct to Surathani. Luckily it didn't capsize or sink.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is how many of the boats are operated all over Thailand. My two tips are take the boat in the morning as more storms kick up in the afternoons and you can buy life jackets easily in coastal towns. Take them home and ebay them.

    i think the OP mentioned going to Koh Samet not Koh Samui, just saying. And why would you buy your own lifejacket and not just make sure they have suitable ones on the boat before paying.

  11. My experience of boats going over to Koh Samui is they have life jackets but not enough for everyone. They also have life jackets but the canvas and fittings have rotted so they fall apart when you try to fasten it up. This was one one of the smaller boats that sail direct to Surathani. Luckily it didn't capsize or sink.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is how many of the boats are operated all over Thailand. My two tips are take the boat in the morning as more storms kick up in the afternoons and you can buy life jackets easily in coastal towns. Take them home and ebay them.

    i think the OP mentioned going to Koh Samet not Koh Samui, just saying. And why would you buy your own lifejacket and not just make sure they have suitable ones on the boat before paying.

  12. When you have MIB embedded what is to stop them from using their own military issue rounds to take out a few of their own supporters to muddy the waters as far as who shot who. The leadership only cares about the end result and the cannon fodder are there to be used, so why not use them. I don't doubt that some scared conscripts might have used live rounds, either to take out a real threat or just because they were scared. To suggest that the Dem leadership targeted reds for assassination is nonsense because it goes against all logic, the reds would be the only ones who would want a martyr.

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  13. Employers no matter where and no matter what the laws of the land "require" have a moral obligation to provide their employees with a fair and livable wage AND a safe and healthy workplace. Any employer who fails to do so should be exposed to public ridicule and criminal or civil prosecution. If it takes someone from outside the country to do so because the government within the country is too weak or controlled to look out for it's own workers, then so be it. The rest of the world should at least boycott the company as well as any other company that would buy these tainted products!

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  14. As others have said if your power plug from the new adapter is a two prong try reversing the way you plug it in, you may have the hot and neutral reversed. if it is a three prong then you may have to rig an adapter to make the switch. if this solves the problem then you are ok. but you would be well advised to get rid of the power cord and buy a new, correct adapter. You could damage your computer and anything that shocks you should tell you that something is wrong, it could catch fire and you wouldn't want that. go to a reputable dealer and test out the new power cord before you buy it! many things in Thailand are wired in reverse because they do not follow any acceptable codes and only worry that the light goes out when they turn the switch to off. You already know that the power cord is bad because your wife's cord does not produce the same shock problem. Buy a new one!

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