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Everything posted by oxo1947

  1. Apparently not---so we have another nearly 4 years to hear this nonsense -- It;s quite sad really because not only affects ASEAN , You can not seem to go anywhere on the net now without someone with the trump madness. Like you I am not an American-- but just 50 days in Office and to them its like the world collapsing---no recognition that the last guy gave -8,064 Pardons , especially to himself and family (Bush gave 200) . They do not seem to find that at all questionable. Oh well there is always the TV and Joke pages---see you there........................
  2. Brought and sold legally in the country he was taking it to........
  3. So educate me please----I have not taken much notice of Canadian politics what party would Usually be most aligned to the Dems / Republicans
  4. So you are living and working in Thailand-----surly the looking after him from an outside person (house women) would be cheaper then you stopping work? When (If) he gets back to the UK --what then ?? Is he to be abandoned ---- How did he get to be here ---did you come here after him.....Please if you are going to ask for donations -- fill in some of the gaps
  5. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Netflix is showing this month--- although its 2011 its classed as the classic spy film of its time written by John le Carré--it's set in UK 1970s Has a great cast--Lead role is Gary Oldman who is currently starring on the TV as sloppy Jackson Lamb in Slow Horses, back by Colin Firth, Tom Hardy,John Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Kathy Burke. One way to tell a good movie--its 14 years old---and Pirates still have 5 pages full of it being downloaded. if you have not seen it----Its a great spy Thriller IMHO.
  6. Ten Pound Poms BBC --Drama -Series 2 ---first series came out 2023 --6 episodes 1 out---1 a week (unless you have i player) 6.7 IMDB Won't be of interest to most--set in Oz 1956, Under the £10 pound scheme Australia took nearly 1 million just from UK That was about 10% of the price normally--- if you did not stay for 2 years then you had to pay back the full amount. Blurb--The first series followed a group of Brits, often then referred to as Poms in Australia and New Zealand, travelling to Australia in 1956 for a better life. Promised all of this for a cost of £10 they soon learn life is not quite as luxurious as they thought it would be and they have to adapt quickly.
  7. I thought it was a really good watch---- some people didn't think it was up to it. But for me great--I think it depends a little on where/what you were Doing when that song came out---Invokes a lot of memories--- also yes acting was good.
  8. What boxing are you hopping to see tonight--? The Girls --Jonas vs Price bout or The Eubank vs McKenna fight I think they are both on to late--------- 9PM GMT I can send you a link tomorrow if you want to see any of them , but the big fight is in Australia on Wednesday.....
  9. OK--Thank You.............
  10. I can only get a French version on PB what PB are you using----I am using Proxy.live
  11. Any one else having a problem getting this............????.......
  12. Can not believe---got 2 confused for that---Sad face I can accept---- but Confused, you must quite young...... or I must be getting really old--- yer maybe the latter
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