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Posts posted by oxo1947

  1. Because of the timing --I will download and watch while eating Breakfast, I belong to a few private sites (no cost) I would be happy to PM links of matches to anyone else that want....Also I know of many private sites you can join for a small fee ( I don't want to upset T.V. by posting them--as 365 is a paying customer here) The site's usually have the 1st half up to watch as the 2nd half is kicking off....its perfect for home--if the time was better I would go to a bar with friends, but my days of getting wiped & paying for over price beers are long over..... I like the download, if a match is no good , or is slow..FF or switch to another.

  2. You both get a certificate each ---(In Thai) ...there is no charge for marrying --no charge for divorce, I have been to many weddings there for both non Thai's (Farrang & Flip) & they have been surprised that they don't have to pay.

    Yes any Amphur if you have the correct papers......

  3. Do they realize there's a time difference between Thailand and Brazil?

    Yes it's 12 hours difference isn't it..? that doesn't make it great timing for the bars--- I think there are 24 --1pm kick offs in the early part of the comp, then 4 pm kick offs , what time are the bars closing now in BKK........yes.. its been a quite a while since staggering out of the Thermae "Coffee" shop at 4 am

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