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Posts posted by seesip

  1. I had the same problem--my computer was giving me a continuous low voltage shock. My guy did a pretty bare bones fix, but it worked fine for this situation. He attached a wire to the metal case of my computer, and ran it outside to a rod he buried in the ground. Never had a problem since. We're in a rental so it was better to find a quick and cheap fix rather than update the plugs throughout the house. I'm guessing you have options, ie. whether you want to do the whole house or just fix a few spots. Unfortunately don't have the guy's number, but it looks like someone's already provided a referral.

  2. Regarding Advanced Parole applications in LA, when I applied with my Thai wife about 5 years ago, you had to wait in line for hours early in the morning to make sure you got in to see an officer that day, it was hel_l. Now you make appts online and the entire process is MUCH faster. I remember the last time it took a few weeks total. Biggest slow down, as with all immigration issues, is showing up with missing or incorrect info, so just make sure you have all the apps/checks/photos/passports, etc. and show up on time. You still may end up waiting for quite a while, but as others suggested, be ready for it and try and maintain a good attitude. I've seen too many people get angry with the immigration officers in LA and you know those applications probably go straight to the bottom of the pile. Or in the trash.

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