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Everything posted by ardsong

  1. You can be sure that the timeline shown by Microsoft will NOT be met. Because of all dates set by Microsoft for updates, none at met ever. So better believe what Jensen Huang of Nvidia tells than the lies of Microsoft.
  2. what I read in this article is statements of Mr Cohen, imho this is most likely not a Palestine man but most likely a Jew. The 2nd statement quoted here "Hillel Fuld, whose brother Ari was killed in 2018 by a Palestinian teenager recently freed in the prisoner exchange" is a person who is personally heavily suffering and maybe traumatised. That these 2 persons have a perception of BBC bias is highly expected. Would have been a better balanced article is some Arabic people were quoted or some from some neutral countries.
  3. You still have not understand the American interest in the Ukraine war? this $200 bn is just a subsidy to the American weapon lobby, the Ukrainian war is just a deflection of thoughts that nobody in the states detects this corruption play.
  4. I wonder why the UK only targets iCloud? Or would it be that UK has obtained already access to Microsoft cloud, Amazone Cloud, Google cloud, and ????cloud. Most likely that is why UK does not have to ask the other Clouds!
  5. for lubrication oil you better stay with the renowned names of the common brands, Shell, Esso etc. PT is a trading firm with stations to sell fuels and apparently also oils. I would never use PT lub oil , as you donot know where they bought the stuff nor do you know the quality of the lub oil. You engine is to precious to damage it with a low quality lub oil. For fuel PT is fine, as the fuels have to comply with a certain quality standard, for lub oils?
  6. Will Immigration also check the dealings of agents in the visa extension business, or is that not a concern?
  7. deleted as the answer is already given
  8. In Oman where I worked for some years it was different , you could not renew your yearly car registration without having cleared all outstanding traffic fines. Easy to check and the country had no long outstanding fines and a good disciplined traffic. Thailand should change the law in this sense as it will improve the payment of fines in time, the force payment will give a boost to better traffic behavior, so a win-win situation
  9. never have use an agent not for the 1st extension after entry on visa and not for further 14 extensions. it is not difficult at all, and never spend more than 1 hr - 1hr and half to complete the whole extension process.
  10. Not to speak of the methane release by humans who do eat the rice.
  11. better had made a REAL explosion window, as the old furnaces in refineries had 🙂 prevents structural damages!
  12. Well some 10 minutes in the flight, you may have come to cruise altitude and adjust the trim for easy of controls. who knows?
  13. a possible reason could be stall. this is caused by too low airspeed and loss of lift on the wings. Though it is possible to recover from stall, you have to be quick and precise else it could lead to a spin, more difficult to recover and ultimately a nose dive.
  14. never have offered nor given any brown envelope. Never used any agent. Only given some coffee during the many home visits, but than the officers like the fishing in the large pond full of fish next to the house.
  15. I found this out on my first extension of visa; that retirement ext. is far easier to get thatn marriage ext. I entered the office with the request for ext. for marriage, till the questions and problems came. The officer pointed to the ext. for retirement. Got it in 45 min. and the rest of my 24 extensions were on retirement without any problems.
  16. the article says "The new visa measures, which are awaiting Cabinet approval, are expected to be a formality, according to Traisulee.", So the answer is NO!
  17. I visited the JIB website and this site allows you to specify your own computer from components on offer. Your spec. is than available with its own URL . Great service if you want something special! Did not use it so far though. My question is: would it be possible to design your spec for a new computer and with the JIB website information go to a JIB shop and order it through that shop, to prevent online order and transport? anybody has any experience with that ?
  18. Guess you have to check the Terms of travel with AA, whether body odor is in any way mentioned or be limited? guess not Then, you have to define a method of measurement to reflect what body odor is acceptable , which is tolerable and which is offending;guess there is not one as smell is a very subjective issue. Then each plane should have that measuring device or trained nose? to confirm that the body odor falls in the unacceptable category, guess there is not. Good luck to the mal-treated passengers.
  19. All the guys andor gals that had a Q on the availability of funds: Please read the article as it states quote The value of the returned assets will not exceed the total assets currently held by Amlo. unquote
  20. Lamphung is on a stone throw from Chiang Mai ( a little depending on the location of Lanna Airport , north or south of Lamphung. Why to build a new airport at great cost soo close to an existing airport. (Compare this to Spain that build decedes back airports all over the country, most of them un-used after completion; waste of money!)
  21. Last time I got my last 90-day before the date of extension, I received a 90-day next report date to be the same date as my extension date. I use the online 90-day reporting system successfully
  22. In my humble opinion there is no way to escape a visit to DLT office. for the new DL they will have to use the passphoto camera system to get a photo on your new DL. Guess your agent wants 900 bt for only the residence cert.
  23. if you would follow this rule, than none sitting member can ever be expelled , as any lawsuit takes longer then 4 yrs, the sitting period.
  24. agree with that, but Pita is also a little bit, or a little more, naive. he caused this dismissal himself by not taking care of the conditions required for a PM job.; i.e. shares in communication cy. The example was in front of him, with the same problem 4yrs back. So he better get rid of this s..t shares and be clean as an angle before the next general election.
  25. a quick view at the startlink website did not show me whether available in Thailand but an estimated cost of €65/mo {2210 baht/month} with a one-time hardware cost of €450 { baht 15.300} no thanks as I have a reliable fast glassfibre contract for 1 GB/s for about a quarter of this cost without one time costs! but than, I am happy to live in a rural village in the North of Thailand.
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