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  1. You were probably at the wrong place. Bang Sue is a train station.
  2. She has no chance of getting re-appointed.
  3. Here's my Pitbull (a Red Nose American PitBull Terrier) for comparison. And yes, he's great with people. Until he is not. Kill it before it kills.
  4. Cha Cha Prayhoot is so far up the @rse of Xi he can't see anymore for the sh!t.
  5. The teacher should be charged with assault and the parents should take civil proceedings against her. She should be sacked and stripped of her teaching license (if there is such a thing). Teachers, like the BIB here have been a protected species for far too long.
  6. With going electric will they install meters? I wonder why the DLT doesn't make these abominations have meters. If you are tall like me it is the most uncomfortable way to travel on public transport.
  7. TAT have a history of calling all arrivals 'tourists'. Patently wrong. Like Dr. Yong TAT Governor Yuthasak Supasorn is a media whore.
  8. Why not add it to the exit fee (700 baht) already charged? That way there will be no discrimination against anyone. This is another way for the IO to collect tea money from tourists with unreal exchange rates. From memory you cannot get baht from an ATM before Immigration or after security on the arrival/departure side. Please correct me if this has changed.
  9. Rubbish. Thais have always been up to their eyeballs in debt. Nothing to do with covid. Easy loans for government employees, including the BIB are part of the reason. Plus Thais have no problem going to loan sharks when all other avenues are closed to them.
  10. Nada benefit to the millions of Thais who have no drivers license and never intend to get one. Same for insurance.
  11. More like the obese general and his minions.
  12. He should have his head bowing under a guillotine ready to drop. He has brought suffering to untold numbers of people.
  13. Where did I say that? No, the places are not paying for a Michelin star or Bib Gourmand, it is judged by numerous anonymous Inspectors on multiple occasions. Michelin makes money by selling their guide, although the Guide runs at a loss. Their inspectors are paid employees of Michelin which has to recoup the expense somehow. https://vulcanpost.com/813691/michelin-guide-star-bib-meaning-how-inspectors-chosen/#:~:text=Michelin Stars are given to fine dining restaurants,4 Value for money 5 Consistency between visits Read the section how Michelin makes money. All you questions will be answered there. https://trungphan.substack.com/p/the-michelin-guide-business-explained#:~:text=While the Guide loses money%2C the parent company,travel. Here is how Michelin describes the segment%3A
  14. Depends if the warranty was extended by the dealer which I doubt. Porsche offer up to 36 months warranty. https://www.porsche.com/international/accessoriesandservice/porscheservice/vehicleinformation/approvedwarranty/
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