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Posts posted by elwood

  1. 3 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    Would you be suggesting that doctor's in the West don't do the same. I'v watched umpteen documentaries on how the drug companies pay doctors (and give grand holidays) to prescribe all sorts of s - - - to unknowing patients.

      Isn't prescribed drugs one of the leading causes of death...up in the first 3 if I'm not mistaken. 

    Yes, Thai doctors dole out antibiotics far too readily, but this is an international problem.

    Earlier this year  the UK government announced new measures to force doctors to reduce antibiotic prescriptions by half. Also there were articles fairly recently that in the USA  something like 30% of prescribed antibiotics are prescribed unnecessarily.

  2. 10 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "New Thai restaurant opening in Benghazi, staff needed"

    Do they ever look at a map of the world or read the international news in their Thai newspapers or on line.?


    It isn't just workers from such as Thailand going there. Europeans also  go for work; many Italian companies have business there as do other countries. Recently there were kidnappings of Italians and a Canadian; so perhaps Europeans (and Canadians) don't read maps or international news?

    Guess it's the lure of the salaries and the "won't happen to me" attitude that persuades them to risk it.

  3. He is jumping on the bandwagon begun by Private Eye some while ago. Their website has a very interesting chart showing  UK houses and land bought by overseas buyers, hiding under a  multitude of registered companies to make it extremely difficult to discover the real owners. It seems that several large tracts of Scottish land for example, are now owned by Chinese and Arab lairds!


    If I remember correctly, the chart has been referred to by MPs worried about the secret sale of UK to foreigners, and especially worried that Russian, Chinese etc are using it for money-laundering.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:

    Yes, good post. What Libya was like when Elwood was there would make interesting reading, I'm sure. It's a pity TV doesn't encourage a special "reader's submissions" section like that Kiwi fella has on his site.

    What a good idea.

    With expats from so many different countries and backgrounds to contribute their memoirs, it could be very interesting reading; certainly better than General Topics.

  5. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    I think you could say the same thing of many of the leaders in the Middle East.  Sadly...

    Good Post.

    Yes, it is sad. Over the years I talked with many Libyans who, although they hated Big G and wished him dead, were convinced that democracy did not suit Arabs; their mentality and history meant they needed to be led by a strong man, a dictator - some even admired Sadam, not for his treatment of his people, but because he exerted such total power in his country and defied the west.

  6. Stander, I spent 15 years in Libya, and travelled the country from Tobruk to the Tunisian border; I am afraid I do not recognise the Libya that you write of.

    Gaddafi was hated throughout the country, except by his Sirte clan and those who benefited by being on his committees,; they lived very well indeed.  He couldn't visit Tobruk, and Benghazi was like a fortress whenever he had to appear there. He ruled by fear, which was perpetrated by his Sirte faction. His greatest achievement was building a network of militia, spies, secret agents, assassins and informers to carry out arrests, torture and mysterious deaths or disappearances.

    Whenever we expats went on field break, we had lists of orders from Libyan colleagues to bring back items from the west; not luxury goods, just everyday things that were not available to the workers.


    Your comments read like the propaganda clips that were written in government-produced newspapers.


    Oh, and I am not a bitter expat, just saying how it was. Gaddafi's rule was good for me and other expats, and I liked the Libyan people that I worked with and met. I feel so sad that, after getting rid of that evil bastard, the western powers allowed the country to be decimated by the war lords and Isis fanatics.

  7. Still watch the Brooks/Wilder films from time to time; whenever I need a guaranteed good laugh.


    The Waco Kid - fastest hands in the west  - in the World!


    "Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty. I started to hear the word "draw" in my sleep. Then one day I was just walking down the street, when I heard a voice behind me say, "Reach for it, mister!" I spun around, and there I was face-to-face with a six-year-old kid. Well, I just threw my guns down and walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass! So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle, and I've been there ever since. "


    Such a great talent this man had.


  8. Will do. My dad just got his...in Surin though. I will use that as an example if they say "can not". Once ( if ) I have mine I'll share it here.

    One thing I am worried about is my yellow book...my yellow book has a Surin address, not an Ubon address.

    We'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll get to this next week.

    NP - Don't wish to put the mockers on you mate, or drive you to drink, but I fear you may be out of luck.

    If so, however, you can arrange to have your name transferred to an Ubon book.

    Good luck - and if you are successful, please tell us which desk to visit!

  9. Where did you hear that?

    I sort of doubt it since they just moved to their new office in Sirindhorn last November.

    one of the officer came to eat and told me they are building a new office in rajabhat , if you look on chaengsanit road opposite the granite shop and it will be a big office they will do everything not only 90 days.

    Thanks, that compares with what I was told, that it will be a full-functioning office, an addition to the existing one at Sirindhorn.

    It will be good for Ubonites if they do perform full service, but even if only for 90 days, re-entry visas and the like it will be a boon.

  10. Rajabhat?

    Coincidence or mixing up with news about a new office in Chaiyaphum to be opened sometime soon on the premises of Rajabhat university?

    (as another poster reported)

    Coincidence/mix-up - I don't know, but It came from an Immigration officer.

  11. I'll believe it when I see it.

    I heard about a month ago that they will open a "small" office in Ubon to take care of basic immigration things like 90 day reports etc.

    Yes, at Rajaphat.

  12. Sent mine back Monday by registered post. For my own piece of mind I have emailed Newcastle and told them it is on its way and asked them to inform me once it has been received and actioned. I have just received the following reply.

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    I have noted your records when your Life Certificate has been cleared we will contact you by e-mail to confirm this.


    What email address did you use? thanks

    Smart thinking Khastan, and I will do the same, so I too would appreciate the email address used.

    Sorry for late reply addressed used was [email protected] good luck.

    Thanks Khastan. I also thanked Sometime earlier but my reply was lost in cyberspace!

  13. Sent mine back Monday by registered post. For my own piece of mind I have emailed Newcastle and told them it is on its way and asked them to inform me once it has been received and actioned. I have just received the following reply.

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    I have noted your records when your Life Certificate has been cleared we will contact you by e-mail to confirm this.


    What email address did you use? thanks

    Smart thinking Khastan, and I will do the same, so I too would appreciate the email address used.

  14. Money didn't play PART of the decision. Money was the MAJOR part of this transfer. Of course the name ManU helped a lot too. I dont think he would've moved to China or a second division team if he had an offer that high.

    Now, nothing wrong with trying to earn as much money you can while you're still in demand, but I think he put money as a priority over his career.

    What can ManU offer him, that Dortmund can't ( except huge amounts of cash )?

    With Dortmund he had a guaranteed starting position, he knows the surroundings, he will be a title contender, he will play champions league.

    There's no better manager in the world to better his career.

    He is going to win trophies at Man U.

    This is a fantastic career move for the guy.

    He will be a contender for the EPL AND the CL when they are in it.

    No way is Mourinho the best manager in the world. Carlo Ancelotti has reached four european cup finals and won three of them. His teams also produce fluid attacking football thats a delight to watch.

    The only aspects of the game that Mourinho betters him is in dour defensive displays to kill off a game and thoroughly odious and shithouse behavior

    Well said squire!

    And it seems that Franky Bear attended the same charm school as his hero.

    • Like 1
  15. we beat italy, we beat italy ( for the first time ever in a tournament ) shalalalalaaaaa

    Nothing else matters anymore. The Trophy would just be the icing on the cake smile.png

    And I know who will be supplying the cake!

    Congratulations to Germany, they deserved the win; more positive than the Italians, and Low's tactics stopped them from playing as well as against Spain.

    Only wish they had held the penalty shootout at the start so the game didn't have to be played.thumbsup.gif

    Good luck against the French NP.

    Yeah, it was a tough game to watch, but at the end who makes it to the next round matters. The penalty kicks took a stroll on my heart.

    Hopefully the game against France will be settled earlier...that will be a really difficult match as well.

    Such a shame that the European heavyweights - Germany, Italy, Spain, France - were all in the same side of the draw, and an average Portugal have progressed in the other draw.

    If both are on form, Germany-France should be very good to watch. Gomez is definitely out injured, Schweinsteiger and Khedira doubtfuls. But you have such a strong squad I doubt it will affect the performance level.

    Bet the squad are doing extra practice on penalties!

  16. we beat italy, we beat italy ( for the first time ever in a tournament ) shalalalalaaaaa

    Nothing else matters anymore. The Trophy would just be the icing on the cake smile.png

    And I know who will be supplying the cake!

    Congratulations to Germany, they deserved the win; more positive than the Italians, and Low's tactics stopped them from playing as well as against Spain.

    Only wish they had held the penalty shootout at the start so the game didn't have to be played.thumbsup.gif

    Good luck against the French NP.

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