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Posts posted by MTH

  1. After reading here that they are closing down we visited Texas Chicken this evening, Jomtien.
    Never seen so many people there before, this location is usually quite empty with fast order service.
    Today it took us over 30 minutes to order and get our food. Looks like the news are spreading that they’ll soon be gone.

  2. 19 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Did you have both licenses, bike and car? 

    Do you know if I need a medical certificate for both licenses or 1 original, 1 copy? 


    I never needed a medical certificate before 

    Yes, 1 original and 1 copy is accepted.


    This goes for both the medical certificate and the residence certificate.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, BenStark said:

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I have ordered this one.




    I have had a few Logitech keyboards, the cheaper versions like MK220 and 270, in the past 20 years, and didn't really have complaints. If a 300 baht keyboard fails after 2-3 years, you don't have a reason to complain.


    My last Logitech was an MK345, at about 900 baht if I recall correctly, and one of the mouse buttons started to fail after only 6 months, which I could fix with replacing the micro switch, but it failed again a few months later, and then also certain tabs on the keyboard started to stick or fail to respond, so it was ready for replacement.


    I would not expect that from a 900 baht keyboard.

    I think you were just unlucky with your MK345.


    I also have two small Logitech K400+ that I use for TVs and they have been working great for years.
    Good luck with your ROBOT keyboard, that was a nice price.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I'm very happy with my Logitech MK295 "Silent Touch" keyboard, which sounds like a requirement for you.

    It’s full size with a Num Pad.


    Used daily, bought in Dec21, and still works flawlessly. It came packaged with a small wireless mouse, I prefer those as opposed to the standard size as they hurt my wrist after prolonged use. Less than B900 for the combo on Lazada back then.

  5. Happened to me once in BKK, hotel charged me twice for the room. I noticed online already before checkout, but the manager at the hotel couldn't help, or just wouldn’t.
    Next day I went to my local bank office in Pattaya, and they sorted it in a few minutes, refund to my account after a day or two.
    This was my Bangkok Bank Debit Card.


    If you still have the cash receipt from the hotel, then take that and the printout of the transaction to your bank, they should be able to sort it out for you. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, jwdub12 said:

    I maybe mistaken but isn't there a grace period of about 1 year after a regular 5 year DL expires that your still able to validate the expired license.


    The reason I ask is my auto license expires in May of this year and  my motorbike in May of next year 2024. I never use the auto license but would like to have it in case of an emergency. I'm trying to determine if I can manipulate it to where I only need to visit the DLT only one time in order to validate both licenses for another 5 years.

    You are correct, there is a grace period of 1 year without repercussions.


    If you go to renew your licenses during the period of 3 months before expiration in 2024, up to but not after expiration, you will get an expiration date of May 2029 for both your new licenses.


    (Supposedly you can apply 6 months before expiration, but afaik Pattaya DLT won’t accept renewals earlier than 3 months before expiration.)

    • Thanks 1
  7. Success!!!!


    Yes, the system is definitely automated. I attached a cropped out QR code for Dose 1 and Dose 2.
    I additionally changed Accommodation from SHA+ to AQ Hotel, (on the Accommodation page in the Test & Go section), and it returned a response mail and a Thailand Pass QR Code within seconds.


    Thanks to @ Alan2969 (he was the first one I saw mentioning this, could have been others before…), @Pepper9187 for confirmation of this method working, and all of you that have suggested cropping out the QR code from the vaccination certificate and upload that.


    I initially applied this Tuesday and got an immediate email response that Thailand Pass had received my application and a result of my application would be 7 working days. After reading here that the system most likely is automated, I figured I’d do a second application.


    The only things I changed from my first application was to crop out the QR code from my vaccination certificate and upload that. And checked Alternative Quarantine instead of SHA+


    I’d also like to thank the ones that have suggested that if you only have a vaccination certificate for your second dose, then attach the same document and QR code for dose 1 and dose 2. That was my exact predicament, having a European certificate that only has a QR code and date for your second dose.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 12 hours ago, lelapin said:

    Having done my last six 90 day reports on-line it looks like I will have to go there in person this week. In addition to the copies of my 90 day slip and front page of my passport do I need to take a completed TM47 form.

    There should be no need to complete a new TM47 form, you’re already in the system.
    My previous report was in person, so that was the slip I copied together with the front page of my passport.
    If you bring your printed 90-day slip and a copy of that, including the front page of your passport, they will retain that copy and stamp/update a new reporting date on your current printed 90-day slip.

    • Like 1
  9. Went today to do my 90-day report. Arrived at 2:10pm, there were around 15-20 people in line outside. Took about 10 minutes to get in the door.

    Computer was down again today, as opposed to yesterday’s report here. So I needed to get a copy of my 90-day slip and front page of the passport, before getting a queue number. Got a copy from the machine on the left just outside the bathroom, no line and just 3 Baht. 
    Did overhear the staff mentioning expected computer problems over the next two weeks.

    Finally got my queue slip and there were 17 people ahead of me. Got out at 2:45pm, so all in all 35 minutes, not too bad all things considered.

    • Like 2
  10. 35 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Could be.  I know with Huawei phones some of the newer ones supposedly don't have Google Play due to the US technology sanctions against Huawei.  But I thought that only impacted some of Huawei's most recent phones....like new models over the last six months or so.  I got the impression BritManToo's Huawei had Google Play.  But maybe he has both Google Play and Huawei Appgallery updating his phone.   The magic of smartphones.

    I do have an older Huawei. 2 years old, the P20 Pro, and I have both Google Play and Huawei AppGallery.

    It’s my understanding that the AppGallery was launched internationally about 2 years ago, before US sanctions against Huawei. So I would think that most Huawei phones from that era, and newer ones will have both stores.


    I get most of my updates from Google Play. However sometimes Huawei AppGallery has an update available earlier than Google Play, and I might then download it there, like I did today with the Bangkok Bank app.

    If you do have both stores set to Auto-Update, you will not even know where the update came from unless you compare the app in both stores. So yes, the magic of smartphones. 


    Btw, I noticed that the new version # should be 3.1.2, and not as I previously stated 3.2.1, and the date is 6/16/20.

  11. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    That's what my phone said.


    1 hour ago, Pib said:

    Strange....if you have the new app (which you said you did) that would mean the app date you see in Google Play should be something dated "way after 22 Jan 2020"....like probably something around May/Jun 2020 based on  ianguygil's description of how Bangkok Bank is controlling the distro via  Google Play.   


    Or maybe Google Play still updates your app to the new version but still displays a 22 Jan 2020 old version date when a person checks....the same date someone still on the old version sees.   I say that based on the way ianguygil described how the new app can be distributed via Play by a quota each day and for some reason until the new app is allowed to be downloaded by anyone at anytime then the old app will still show on Google Play as the most current.   


    Oh well...I'll wait until it hits my Android phones...hopefully soon....Bangkok Bank's mbanking app definitely needed modernization.

    Think I can shed some light on the date and version info.


    I still haven’t seen the update on “Google Play” for my phone. However today I did get the update through “Huawei AppGallery”.


    After the update, Google Play still reports the old version, 2.16.0 from Jan 22,2020.

    The Huawei AppGallery reports the correct updated version, 3.2.1, as it should though.


    Since BritManToo also has a Huawei phone, he most likely got the update, like me, from Huawei and not Google.Therefore the version and update info he’s seeing in Google Play, will still report the old/previous installed version and date.

  12. Did my 90-day report two days ago at Jomtien Immigration.


    I also had some concerns about face masks being required. So I got one of those paper masks and put it in a plastic bag in my pocket, just in case they were required.


    Very few people there in the afternoon. The new outdoor queue system wasn’t in use. Just went inside and got the ticket as usual from the front desk.


    Not that many foreigners with masks, all staff wore them though. The Immigration Officer was very polite to me, didn’t seem to mind me not wearing a mask, even pointed out that my passport was expiring later this year.

    I did make sure to not get close to his face though, sat down immediately and stretched my passport over.

  13. 19 hours ago, longball53098 said:

    Can someone verify a report that a Med Cert is now required to renew a 5 year license? I get a variety of answers and no one I speak to knows the exact answer.

    I can verify that it’s not needed, and has never been, for a 5 year renewal.
    Wife was out just last week, without medical certificate, and returned home with two brand spanking new licenses.


  14. 12 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

    The Stretcher probably was originally purchased from a hospital supply for about $200 by one of the BHP  people's wife then sold to the BHP for that $2000 to be given away.That is the same way the government buys their airplanes,tanks, ect, for the military. All the companies here copy the government in the way that they do business.

    So true, I was appalled as well at this advertising gimmick.

    Did a quick Google search on ambulance stretchers and top hits of strikingly similar ones popped up on Alibaba for $200.
    It’s amazing they have the nerve, still must think the average local don’t have a clue…

  15. Call Pattaya City Hall at 038-253276.

    Private companies can be quite expensive. Not exactly sure what City Hall charges these days, it's been a few years since we last needed to use them, but a guesstimate would be around 5-600B, depending on how much they siphon out.

    • Like 1
  16. 14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    What was displayed? I get Big Kahuna ENTERTAINMENT about a band. 

    There are Big Kahuna brands in many places. 

    Show the link of the restaurant in JOMTIEN, why don't you? 

    I did, it's the link at the bottom of my post in bold font.



    Big kahuna.jpg


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