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Posts posted by QED

  1. There used to be a great English Chippy on Soi Bukaew on the corner of Soi Chayapoon. It was right on the corner, they had all the stainless steel cooking range etc. and looked just like an English Chippy. That must be about 5 years ago and it only lasted 6 months maximum.

    These days I make my own fish and chips the way I want to using an electric deep fat fryer with animal fat (lard) as opposed to horrible cooking oil. If you use a crinkle chip maker they taste even better. I buy frozen cod at Friendship just let it defrost properly first. Just make your own batter. Also choose your potatoes carefully: The best are the very big spuds they sell at the Wat market on Pattaya Tai.

    The last place I had decent Fish & Chips in Pattaya was at Elephant & Castle on 2nd Road. But that was 2 years ago, so I need to revisit to check the quality.

    Where do you buy your lard?

  2. :o

    Those of us that drive cars are ready to KILL you. Get the <deleted> out of the way. You are regarded as 2nd class citizens on the roads here, most Thais understand that and keep either far left or far right.

    A friend advised me when I moved here that the Thai way is 'might is right', I still thank him to this day for persuading me to buy a car rather than a bike. (Actually I do have a scooter but it never goes further than the local 7, about 2kms).

    I know I am probably in the minority here so feel free to flame away, but you know I am right.

    You don't happen to live on Phuket and drive an SUV by any chance?

    Nope, Pattaya and saloon car. Still 0 out of 2 ain't bad (you know the tune).

  3. Snip//

    - when riding behind a slow moving line of cars I am in my usual position about 2/3rds across the lane,

    I was ready to KILL this guy.

    Those of us that drive cars are ready to KILL you. Get the <deleted> out of the way. You are regarded as 2nd class citizens on the roads here, most Thais understand that and keep either far left or far right.

    A friend advised me when I moved here that the Thai way is 'might is right', I still thank him to this day for persuading me to buy a car rather than a bike. (Actually I do have a scooter but it never goes further than the local 7, about 2kms).

    I know I am probably in the minority here so feel free to flame away, but you know I am right.

  4. Not driving or riding itself, but faintly related to it:

    The car park attendent who has a whistle in his mouth and is h_ll bent on using it to the max as he guides you into a parking place. Talk about w_nkers...I can park perfectly well all by myself thanks and without the ridiculous whistling!

    :o Hear hear. I actually waited for about 2 or 3 mins before parking the other day, he eventually got bored and p1ssed off (I was actually on the phone so it was no bother).

    In answer to the OP, the most annoying is farangs on motorbikes getting in my way, and thinking that their home countries rules still apply.

  5. Wow I must be stupid. I drink about 6 litres of this kind of water every day, I didn't realise that it was actually bad for me!!

    Can someone elaborate on the electrolyte thing, and where can I buy them.


    //Edit// Actually it's 6 bottles, which I have just checked equates to 9 litres

  6. I have to agree with the OP to a certain degree, the problem here is that farang bar/ resto owners still have their farang head on when it comes to Christmas, and see it as an easy way to make a profit.

    I was invited to my 'friends' bar for xmas lunch, along with 30 other guys that play golf there. It was a kind of informal occassion, without a professional chef, but a few lads getting together on xmas day. We had a very nice turkey dinner, the proviso being that everyone will make a contribution to the food costs.

    We were all a little taken aback when the check bins started arriving with a 800 baht bill for Christmas dinner, mine was 1,600 as my g/f had the audacity to have a slice of turkey and a few carrots.

    Needless to say that the majority of us have already started playing golf in a different bar - this guy must be mental.

    As for the previous posters classing the OP as a cheap charlie, we are in Thailand <deleted>, £16-£20 is not really acceptable for a meal in a bar, Christmas or not. Yes I have paid more than that in some hi-so restos here, but not in a bar, which was his point no?

  7. Don't know if you've been to Utapao, Bluey, but it still takes 45-60 mins to get into Pattaya. With Swampy now only about 1hr 20 mins on a good run there is not much benefit really.

    I know it is often referred to as Pattaya airport, but this is something of a misnomer.

  8. Ahh winter in Thailand...Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and the cool weather. It's great to get my winter electric cooling bill of only B215 (US$ 6) sure beats hundreds of dollars in some parts of the US :o

    I'm also getting free water for the past 6 months or so as part of the government's economic relief program...so the living is cheap in Thailand right now and a great place to ride-out the hard economic times.

    Wow, you must have very few electrical appliances. Never had a bill below about 1,400 and I haven't used the aircon once in the last few months.

    I have somehow qualified for free water though, which is surprising as I use my garden hose for a good 30 mins every day. I believe this finishes next month?

  9. For you just the application form and one photo. The fee is 1500 baht or $35 US.

    For your fiance if she has a passport a visa is not required she will get a 30 day entry. If no passport she can get a border pass for 30 baht.

    I have had no luck finding the form for a visa on arrival online.

    And for you, plus $1 if you arrive Laos on a Sunday, the overtime fee (or any day before 8am or after 4 pm). This screwed me a little bit as I changed about 1,200 baht for $35 at the airport, but after a while they accepted the $35 plus 40 baht 'overtime'.

    And II, Thai on a passport enter FREE for their 30-day chop.


  10. It's hardly a 'fence'. Anyone under the age of 60 would have not too much trouble vaulting/ climbing through the few rails that are there.

    As for the big drama of being stranded in the middle of the road, you actually had several baht busses (sic?) protecting you from any oncoming, but if you choose the middle then that is up to you.

  11. There are many alternatives to bankruptcy, it depends on the debts you have, security, and terms. I am an ex-bank manager and would be happy to give you some pointers if you want to PM me some details of the debts. (I am not working anymore, just trying to help.)

    As far as that affects your original question remains to be seen; bankrupt, IVA etc

    Edit// Copied all the original

  12. Well I am surprised that this thread has lasted so long. Normally any thread on this forum that questions gays is closed within minutes - maybe it will now.

    I seriously believe that alot of 'gay' guys are doing it to be fashionable or socially shocking. The last few I met in the UK before moving here 3 years ago were in long term relationships but had never slept together.

    I personally dress very austentaciously, but am the straightest man you will ever meet. Some of the previous comments blow my mind.

    As to the OP's original question, I believe yes, but mainly for shock/ attention value.

  13. Yeah I noticed it as well, a few days ago. Anyone know what the "eyes" are? It seems a bit unlikely that the only two stars in the sky are just in that position - could it be satellites reflecting the sun just below the horizon?

    Apparently it was Jupiter and Venus (or something like that), there was a previous thread on it.

  14. Hi all,

    the best way to eat cheap is not the buffets.

    I have been to all the buffets, Diana Inn, Apex, Lek. And are all OK.

    After 9 years, I found a place to eat and you can fill your belly up with beer and grub for peanuts.

    There is a barbecue place on pattaya tai going to towards sukumvit road. its out doors and its where thais go for cheap food.

    The other option is to goto any bar where its somebodys birthday. Free food whilst ever your buying drinks.

    If you are after western foods then Apex buffet is the best and most variety.

    I dont eat western food in Thailand, I find it hard to eat a sirloin steak in the heat. I seem to eat Thai food easier.

    Why pay 700 baht for a steak thats melting your brains and not your mouth.

    I can eat for a full week for this money on thai food.

    Best English breakfast is un arguably the sportsman on soi 6. Crazy daves on soi bukhaow is nice as well.

    You dont only get an english belly buster, you get a benidorm pub in pattaya.. Only fools and horses at 8 in the morning with a bottle of Sabai Wine cooler.

    All this and 250 mg of ranitidine heart burn tablets are enough to stop you giving the toilet a puking.


    I really hope you are trolling :o

  15. In January they will only be looking at the last 6 months, so your 6 days in June will 'fall off' meaning you will be entitled to a visa exemption entry (not visa on arrival, this is different) of 11 days, which is what you need.

    As for your questions:

    a - you could get a 7 day extension at your local immigration (1,900 baht), and then just overstay for 2 days (1,000 baht fine when you leave)

    b - you could get a tourist visa from Vientiane in Laos, but not really worth it for the length of time you need it for

    c - the 90 day system is still in effect, so you will only get 11 days (see above)

    d - possible, but not likely, errors are normally not in your favour.

  16. having sampled all the above diners and more having lived in pattaya for the last 6years,i still have no doubt the bst value for breakfast in THAILAND is the elephant bar opposite asia pattaya hotel.i dont know how he does it but his eat as much as you like breakfast with unlimited drinks (sorry lads no alcohol) for 99bht is a trip worth taking.only been on a wensday and thursday but gather by the crowds must be on all week.now chris has his son tony as floor manager a warm friendly start to your day ,i can guarantee. :o

    Can you give us some more detailed directions, I don't know the Asia Pattaya Hotel.

  17. Thankyou Mr Key (I love to call him that with the thai translation), your observations are as astute as ever... From the leader of our fine little pacific island I'd hope for a slightly deeper and meaningful observation on such a serious and dangerous offence committed by one of our citizens in one of our key (haha) trading partners countries. :o

    The one thing I love the Antipodeans for is their ability to call a spade a spade without fear of retribution from th 'PC' brigade.

    Good on the Kiwi PM, the guy is an idiot and deserves no sympathy from your government or anyone else.

    Dealing or not, anyone dabbling in drugs in this country IS an idiot.

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