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Posts posted by QED

  1. I use to be a chav (punk!!) but I'm toutching 40 so think a change is in order. Anyone from adimin reading?? :D

    <H3 id=siteSub>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</H3>Jump to: navigation, searchChav is a slang derogatory term applied to certain young people in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical image of a chav is an aggressive white teen or young adult, of working class background, who wears branded sports and casual clothing (baseball caps are also common) who often fights and engages in petty criminality and are often assumed to be unemployed or in a low paid job. The term appeared in mainstream dictionaries in 2005

    Hmmmm......not too much punk about that :o

    As for mine, it means a statement of irrefutable logic, from the latin: quod erat demonstrandum

  2. Yes the PP number is on the new style license (not sure about the old one). I find it quite handy as I use it for ID rather than carrying my Passport, but I recently renewed my passport and was wondering also what the procedures for updating the license would be, mine is still valid for over 4 years.

  3. Look at Zimbabwe if you want an example of hyperinflation. A few months ago they had to knock 5 0's off their currency as it was costing several million dollars for a loaf of bread.

    When you get to that situation financial institutions have already gone to the wall years ago, along with any form of industry. Most of their trade is now done by barter, and the property prices have plummeted rather than keep up with the hyperinflation.

  4. Did this myself a few months ago, and being a lazy git living in Pattaya decided to do it by post to Bangkok. If I remember rightly it was 100 baht to send it back EMS, and was received the day after it was sent {edit - sent by them}. I called them before I posted it as I was a bit scared from some of the scaremongerers on this site, but I was told, and she checked, that they have never lost a passport that has been posted internally.

    All the usual suspects advised me against it, but if you allow people like Boater to post on a forum on which they know nothing about, then some people do get scared.

    I hope this is one too many for him as he always likes to be the expert, but sadly has little knowledge.

    Edited by QED for clarity

  5. Is it just me ??

    I have UBC signal breaking up and macroblocking with sound glitches.. Everything was fine before but I do have a unusual setup (dreamboxes and card splitters)..

    Anyone else ??

    Nope. Just flicked through a load of random channels and it's fine here in Pattaya

  6. Trying to decide how to get to Vientienne/ Nong Khai as I need to get a tourist visa. My non-o has just expired, and they will only give you 15 days at the border now.

    One option is to drive up. I don't really want to do this alone, would be good to have some company, someone to help navigate, and to share expenses.

    At the moment I am looking to leave Pattaya next Wednesday (10th) in the morning, leave the car in Nong Khai, find a hotel in Vientienne, go to the embassy Thursday, then collect the visa and drive back Friday.

    Anyone need to get a tourist visa, or just looking for a ride up North?

    I know I could fly to Udon, but by the time you get to the airport and muck about, get delayed etc, etc, it won't take much longer to drive, and with 2 or more sharing will be alot cheaper

  7. Hi,

    my non-o expires next week, I was planning on having a couple of months on visa exemption stamps before travelling back to the UK and getting a new one, but with the new 15 day rule it makes more sense to get a TV.

    Anyone with experience doing this from Pattaya? Did you use a company or travel yourself? If by yourself what's the best mode of travel from Pattaya?


  8. Alot of derisory BS being bandied about from certain ivory towers here.

    I am on the last entry of my 3rd consecutive multiple entry non o visa, and was planning to stay a couple of months on visa exempt stamps before returning to the UK in Feb/ March to get a new one.

    Does that mean I am currently an acceptable middle class expat, but come next Friday will automatically be demoted to riff-raff? :o

    Many people are here in many different situations, some of the generalisations I have read on here are mind boggling. For me this is a little inconvenient, but I will probably just go to Vientienne for a double entry TV, allowing me to delay my trip home until the weather gets a bit warmer

  9. Welcome :o

    You don't need a visa per sae as you will get stamped in with a visa exemption, which is valid for 30 days. After 30 days you will need to do a visa run to a neighbouring country to get another 30 days.

    The problem with this is that you can only stay for 90 days in any 180 day period. You also might encounter problems with your airline, they are a bit scared now as they are liable for flying you home if you are refused entry (which you will never encounter in Thailand).

    Best bet for you as a fellow Brit is to apply for a multi entry non immigrant O visa. You can do this by post with the Hull Consulate (recommended), and state your reason for travelling as visiting friends. Send it on Monday, and recieve on Wednesday - they really are that good. My last one cost me £100 plus about £12 for recorded delivery each way, google Thai consulates in UK and download the forms from there.

    You need to leave the country every 90 days with this visa, but it is valid for a year which you can extend to 15 months by doing a final border run a day or 2 before it expires.

    Good luck

  10. Hi, am planning a trip to Thailand and golf and nightlife are the key proiorities. Which destination would you recommend other than Bangkok..Rgds

    What kind of nitelife are you looking for, prostitution, drugs, murder, fags, child molesters, on and on and on, go to Pattaya


    Yes Pattaya is the golfing capital of Thailand. Please ignore the &lt;deleted&gt; who have never been here but regurgitate the crap they read in the newspapers every day. There are many bars who run daily trips, PM me if you would like more details.

  11. Well, you know, these people aren't stealing to have money to eat. They're stealing for

    quick money to buy mobile phones or supplement their next "procedure". i hate to say

    it but i believe they do circuits all over town until they've found a victim. the other

    morning i got on a baht bus on south soi buakow and had some ladymen trying to sit

    on top of me (we now know why) and then i saw them get on the baht bus at carrefour

    shortly after and then at the big-c an hour later. i don't welcome any confrontations but

    i've already had "two" in the last several months and i just really don't care anymore. :o

    You seem to have alot of experience with these ladymen, is there something you want to tell us? :D

  12. Well the big block of dirt across from me is now Tonys 24 hour market, I cant imagine what this is going to do to parking and traffic around 3rd rd and Pattaya Tai area.

    If you are cheap enough to overlook this area then you won't have a parking problem, cars are expensive these days :o .

    I heard a few weeks ago that they are now changing to food only??

  13. Why do people still insist the current government was elected by a majority? Sure, the PPP got more votes than the other parties but that is because they BOUGHT the votes in Isaan! Until this country finds a way to block vote buying, new elections are not the solution -- the results will be the same.

    Maybe a coup and another period of military rule will give the country time to insure truly free elections.

    Do you try to tell me that the PAD did not try to buy votes? Sure they did, they offered my GF 300B to vote for them!

    The people have to stop wanting money and then it might be a fair election here... Its all about money!


    You made my way......

    What fools the PAD are....offering money for the vote even they aren't a Party and can't be voted for :D:D:(

    To add: most probably another paid poster who did not read his script carefully :D

    Beat me to it. I am surprised muppets like this are allowed to post on here. :P

    From a purely selfish point of view, Thai politics has very little (if no) impact on my life here, I was here for the last coup and I am sure I will be here for the next. My major concern is Thaksin coming back and making life very difficult for us Brit expats due to his visa withdrawal, he has already hinted that this will be high on his agenda as he feels he has 'lost face'.

    I take no sides on this as I think the PAD (and dems) and PPP (and UDD) are just about as bad as each other, but I vote yes for a coup - bad for Thailand but good for Brit expats.

    Let the games begin

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