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Posts posted by dowman73

  1. I have flown with EVA the last 4 times to Thailand and my wife has flown with them the last 2 times alone. Great airline value for money, good food(as far as airplane food can be), friendly staff. Just because they are cheap does not mean they are no good. Plus you can upgrade to premium ecconomy for an extra £100 or sowhich is worth it.

  2. GOT VISA :D Can't say how relieved i am. Wife now completly blotto and incapable of any coherent conversation :)

    Will probably get flight booked for her Thursday/Friday next week. She's travelling alone so a little daunted by the prospect.

    Really didn't think i'd be writing this after 6 weeks wait!

    Thanks to those who offered there support earlier.

    Congratulations Just a quick reminder tell her to have all of her original medical paperwork in her hand luggage my wife who arrived last week only had a photocopy which meant she had to have a new medical check, I was waiting nervously for 3 hours after her plane had arrived I spoke to the immigration people on the phone and they said it is a very busy time for students so everyone from countries with TB here for the first time (my wife had lived in the uk for 2 years before) was being checked.

    Its all in the past now but at the time very frustrating so thought I would share it.

  3. The sad thing was we did!! Special delivery both ways and money and passport stolen within the postal service the letter was found opened and resealed by the sorting office. I think they should use the same system that the passport office does and use there own secure delivery service rather than asking you to sort it out yourself.

    But that aside I am now sitting here in front of my laptop with my wife by my side although nothing is ever easy I still had to wait 3 hours for her to pass through immigration they grilled her like it was her first time here and made her go through the health check but although it was frustrating it was worth the wait.

    As I have said before and will keep saying THANKS AGAIN PAUL AND STAFF :)

  4. Just thought I would update.

    Visa granted. 9 weeks 1 day

    The Mrs will be on a flight to Manchester this time tomorow night.


    My wife arrives this evening at heathrow and I cannot wait.

    To everyone who has been granted their visa this month congrats and to everyone waiting hang in there it will all work out alright in the end.

  5. i am in the exact same situation, we applied the day after tjthai, checked vfs website today at 4pm thai time, and it is ready for collection, so a long weekend worrying about it ahead.

    Now i am being asked why i did not check the website earlier in the day.

    Good Luck to both you and tjthai I thought waiting 24 hours last week was hard but the result was worth it and I know it will be the same for you both, hang in there!!

  6. I want to take the wife when she arrives on a weekend break to europe, when she was here before on a stident visa I had to apply for a schengen visa does anyone know if we still have to do this now that she has a spouse visa. I wanted it to be a surprise but the fun is taken out of it when you have to apply and wait for a visa. does anyone have any experience in this.

    ...not many places you can go with a thai national on a UK settlement visa for which you still dont need a visa.. was looking at this too cos i need a holiday after all this stress. best two options look like dominican republic or red sea resorts within sinai... dont want to jump the gun till' the visa's home and hosed cos its tempting fate!... must be great for you now you can make plans like this though

    its great now that it is all behind us, especially after living together 24/7 in london for the last 18months to be apart for this long (5months) has been horrible, we have been to the South of France last year together to visit my brother but it was a pain having to tell them where we were staying, how long etc in the end i paid nearly £100 for a 7 day visa. So was hoping that might have changed now we had a settlement visa but obviously not.

    I'm sure there was a thread on here somewhere saying that's once they're in the UK as the spouse of a UK national the schengen visa is free. Can anyone remember?

    really can anyone else confirm this that you just have to apply but there is no charge.

  7. I want to take the wife when she arrives on a weekend break to europe, when she was here before on a stident visa I had to apply for a schengen visa does anyone know if we still have to do this now that she has a spouse visa. I wanted it to be a surprise but the fun is taken out of it when you have to apply and wait for a visa. does anyone have any experience in this.

    ...not many places you can go with a thai national on a UK settlement visa for which you still dont need a visa.. was looking at this too cos i need a holiday after all this stress. best two options look like dominican republic or red sea resorts within sinai... dont want to jump the gun till' the visa's home and hosed cos its tempting fate!... must be great for you now you can make plans like this though

    its great now that it is all behind us, especially after living together 24/7 in london for the last 18months to be apart for this long (5months) has been horrible, we have been to the South of France last year together to visit my brother but it was a pain having to tell them where we were staying, how long etc in the end i paid nearly £100 for a 7 day visa. So was hoping that might have changed now we had a settlement visa but obviously not.

  8. I would just like to personally thank Paul and all his staff at ThaiVisaExpress for all his support and advice in helping me and my wife, first get married in bangkok (13/06/0), and secondly and most importantly get a spouse visa (Granted 10 weeks 2 day on the 10/09/09).

    I met my wife in london 2 years ago while she was here studying and we moved in together after 6 months when her year visa was almost up we extended it by one more year and on our first anniversary we got engaged at the time she still had over 8 months left on her visa and we planned to apply for a Certificate of Approval (COA).

    My fiance had to go back to Thailand as her nan was ill and spent 6 weeks there, we then saved up for the COA and in March sent off all the forms she had 3 months left on her visa and we were told that the COA would take 6 weeks to process, leaving us plenty of time to get married and apply for a spouse visa all from England.

    A week after we sent off the forms we came home to find that our application had been sent back to us in the stamped address envelope we had sent, the reason given was that no money was included of course we had put postal orders to the value in and had triple checked everything whilst reading the letter I my asked my fiance where all the contents were as I could not see our passports etc then I noticed that the evelope had been resealed by the post office saying that it had been found open and resealed by them. This was the start of the worst 6 months of my life as the penny dropped that all our information had been stolen in the post, both our passports, my birth certificate and postal orders, my heart stopped as I knew then that all our plans had just been ruined and being a saturday there was no one to phone only the police to report the theft.

    I had to wait until monday before phoning the post office and was told I has to fill in a claims form and that they would look into it, I then rang the Thai embassy they told us it would take 8 weeks to get new passport for my fiance meaning that by the time she got it she would have only four weeks left on her visa which was not enough to reapply for a COA or anything the only option was for her to fly back to Thailand and for us to apply for a fiance visa or for me to fly with her and get married something that was not at the time a financial option.

    I then started looking on here for information and advice and came across mariner29 (Paul thaivisaexpress) who I was told could help me I spoke with Paul two or three times before deciding to use his service everytime he gave me nothing but great advice and information all for no charge and no agenda, but in the end the fact that he had helped lots of people in my situation and had an office in pattaya with thai speaking staff meant that my wife could speak to them if she had any questions, or help in getting the paperwork together and nothing was lost in translation was the deciding factor.

    Both my wifes family and mine helped us out financially I and i flew over to thailand to get married again with Pauls help he sent me lots of usefull information sheets, quetions that she might be asked at the embassy, check list of paperwork we needed, an affirmation form to fill in for the marriage, directions to embassies etc. We got married at the local ampur and then had a wonderful ceremony at the Monks Hospital in bangkok (£400 for ceromony and food for 50 guests) BRILLIANT!!

    Paul was in pattaya while I was there and I drove down with the inlaws to drop off our wedding certificate and other paperwork to his office and and when we met him and his staff we both felt more relaxed and reasured that we had made the right choice. I flew back home a week later and the wife met one of the girls in the office and was taken to get her chest xrays and to the Regent House to put in the application something that I am sure she could have done alone but having someone else with her made us both feel better.

    Then the horrible 3 month wait, all the time I was on this great forum page and speaking to Paul who calmed me down when I was stressed and worried he always reasured me that everything would work out ok but like everyone else just to wait which I did and was blessed when we were granted our visa yesterday.

    I know a lot of people on here have applied on there own and got the same results but I cannot recommend Paul and his staff highly enough, the best money I have spent this year apart from the wedding not only a great service but a lovey guy.


  9. I want to take the wife when she arrives on a weekend break to europe, when she was here before on a stident visa I had to apply for a schengen visa does anyone know if we still have to do this now that she has a spouse visa. I wanted it to be a surprise but the fun is taken out of it when you have to apply and wait for a visa. does anyone have any experience in this.

    Family members of an European Union citizen (excepting French national)

    The foreign spouse of a EU national (except French national) may enter France without visa if they are holding:

    puce-32883.gif a valid travel document;

    puce-32883.gif a valid UK residence permit with the endorsement "family member of EEA national" (this endorsment is compulsory to be visa exempted) ;

    puce-32883.gif and if they are joining or travelling with the EU national.

    However if you do not satisfy the above conditions, you will need to apply for a visa to travel to France (for instance if your residency is not explicit or if you are travelling to France for business).

    Note that children and parents of EU Nationals still require visas to travel to France. It's also the case for the spouses of British citizens as their residence permit does not bear the endorsment " family member of EEA national" as required by the art 10 of the European Council/Parliament Directive 2004/38 CE.


    thanks for the replies I thought I might have to but was hoping it would not be the case I will have to wait for her to arrive here and plan a trip then.

  10. I would just like to personally thank Paul and all his staff at ThaiVisaExpress for all his support, and advice in helping me and my wife, first get married in bangkok (13/06/0), and secondly and most importantly get a spouse visa (Granted 10 weeks 2 day on the 10/09/09).

    I met my wife in london 2 years ago while she was here studying and we moved in together after 6 months when her year visa was almost up we extended it by one more year and on our first anniversary we got engaged at the time she still had over 8 months left on her visa and we planned to apply for a Certificate of Approval (COA).

    My fiance had to go back to Thailand as her nan was ill and spent 6 weeks there, we then saved up for the COA and in March sent off all the forms she had 3 months left on her visa and we were told that the COA would take 6 weeks to process, leaving us plenty of time to get married and apply for a spouse visa all from England.

    A week after we sent off the forms we came home to find that our application had been sent back to us in the stamped address envelope we had sent, the reason given was that no money was included of course we had put postal orders to the value in and had triple checked everything whilst reading the letter I my asked my fiance where all the contents were as I could not see our passports etc then I noticed that the evelope had been resealed by the post office saying that it had been found open and resealed by them. This was the start of the worst 6 months of my life as the penny dropped that all our information had been stolen in the post, both our passports, my birth certificate and postal orders, my heart stopped as I knew then that all our plans had just been ruined and being a saturday there was no one to phone only the police to report the theft.

    I had to wait until monday before phoning the post office and was told I has to fill in a claims form and that they would look into it, I then rang the Thai embassy they told us it would take 8 weeks to get new passport for my fiance meaning that by the time she got it she would have only four weeks left on her visa which was not enough to reapply for a COA or anything the only option was for her to fly back to Thailand and for us to apply for a fiance visa or for me to fly with her and get married something that was not at the time a financial option.

    I then started looking on here for information and advice and came across mariner29 (Paul thaivisaexpress) who I was told could help me I spoke with Paul two or three times before deciding to use his service everytime he gave me nothing but great advice and information all for no charge and no agenda, but in the end the fact that he had helped lots of people in my situation and had an office in pattaya with thai speaking staff meant that my wife could speak to them if she had any questions, or help in getting the paperwork together and nothing was lost in translation was the deciding factor.

    Both my wifes family and mine helped us out financially I and i flew over to thailand to get married again with Pauls help he sent me lots of usefull information sheets, quetions that she might be asked at the embassy, check list of paperwork we needed, an affirmation form to fill in for the marriage, directions to embassies etc. We got married at the local ampur and then had a wonderful ceremony at the Monks Hospital in bangkok (£400 for ceromony and food for 50 guests) BRILLIANT!!

    Paul was in pattaya while I was there and I drove down with the inlaws to drop off our wedding certificate and other paperwork to his office and and when we met him and his staff we both felt more relaxed and reasured that we had made the right choice. I flew back home a week later and the wife met one of the girls in the office and was taken to get her chest xrays and to the Regent House to put in the application something that I am sure she could have done alone but having someone else with her made us both feel better.

    Then the horrible 3 month wait, all the time I was on the great forum page below


    and speaking to Paul who calmed me down when I was stressed and worried he always reasured me that everything would work out ok but like everyone else just to wait which I did and was blessed when we were granted our visa yesterday.

    I know a lot of people have applied on there own and got the same results but I cannot recommend Paul and his staff highly enough, the best money I have spent this year apart from the wedding not only a great service but a lovey guy.


  11. I want to take the wife when she arrives on a weekend break to europe, when she was here before on a stident visa I had to apply for a schengen visa does anyone know if we still have to do this now that she has a spouse visa. I wanted it to be a surprise but the fun is taken out of it when you have to apply and wait for a visa. does anyone have any experience in this.

  12. come on thongkorn...make it a full house for june...

    Visa Granted. 10/09/09

    Just Like to say thanks for all the Information Direct and indirect from Thai visa Members. I left school with no Qualifications ,Cannot spell and i am dyslexic, I did both my own Visa Applications General (Holiday) and Settlement, And got them first time, so it can be done best wishes to all that are waiting and good luck for the future,

    Congratulations!!!! Brilliant feeling after a very long wait


    Come on JULY


    Rob01792 02/2 granted 30/3 - (8 weeks) MONDAY

    Chris41 10/2 granted 16/3 - (4 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Kooyoonii 10/2 granted 04/5 - (11 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Pikwik 11/2 granted 27/4 - (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

    Xiengmieng 17/2 granted 24/3 - (5 weeks) TUESDAY

    Lindty 18/2 granted 24/4 - (8 weeks 6 days) FRIDAY

    Tahaan 18/2 granted 13/5 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Eddiebabyyeah 20/2 granted 01/4 - (5 weeks 5 days) WEDNESDAY


    Tlusername 04/3 granted 15/5 - (10weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

    Tricknicky 09/3 granted 23/4 - (6 weeks 3 days) (Special Case) THURSDAY

    AnyaDharu 09/3 granted 19/5 - (10weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

    Tango7 10/3 granted 12/5 - (9weeks) TUESDAY

    Johnson83 11/3 granted 22/5 - (10 weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

    Chanthas 12/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 4 days) MONDAY

    Gypsymoth 13/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 3 days) MONDAY

    chrisspuresbkk1 13/3

    Friend Boo 16/3 granted 18/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) THURSDAY

    Dave W 16/3 granted 17/6 - (13 weeks 2 days) WEDNESDAY

    Stonewall 62 17/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) FRIDAY

    Kennkate 17/3 granted16/6 - (13 weeks) TUESDAY

    Chewy 18/3 Granted 07/08 20 weeks and 3 days

    PeterHThai 19/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 1 day) FRIDAY

    Pingit 19/3 Refused 19/6 - ( 13 weeks 1 day ) FRIDAY Decision overturned 15/07 WEDNESDAY

    TheFiend 20/3 granted 18/6 - (12 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

    Jaja 20/3 granted 9/7 - (15 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

    Pudsey 23/3 granted 10/7 - (15 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Sumrit 24/3 Granted 26/6 - (13 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Merangue 25/3 Granted 03/6 - (10 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Domm44 27/3 Granted 22/7- (16 Weeks 5 days)WEDNESDAY

    Fluidfusion 27/3 Refused 03/06 - (13 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    TickTock 30/3 Granted 19/6 - (11 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    George & Dragon 30/03 Refused 26/06 (12 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Delboy 30/3 Granted 22/06 - (12 weeks 1 day) MONDAY


    Borodave 01/4 Granted 24/6 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    JasonThai 02/4 Granted 25/6 - (12 weeks) THURSDAY

    Mikeyp 03/4 granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Mrburb 03/4 Granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Feasantplukka 03/4 Granted 14/7 - (14 week 4 days) TUESDAY

    Muaylaosfalang 03/4 Granted 26/6 (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Lerningcurve 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

    Bigsy94 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

    Kate46 (son) 08/4 Granted 22/7 - (15 WEEKS) WEDNESDAY

    AndyJoy 08/4 Granted 21/7 (14 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

    Marcjaiyenyen 08/4 (Applied in Jamaica) granted 7/7 (12 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

    ExoticMatter 09/4 Granted 23/7 (15 weeks) THURSDAY

    Dolphy 21/4 Granted 29/7 (14 weeks 1 day) WEDNESDAY

    Scotland 22/4 Granted 24/07 (13weeks) FRIDAY

    Jes5133 24/4 Granted 24/7 (13 Weeks) FRIDAY

    Lee888 28/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week 1 Day) WEDNESDAY

    CinnamonRoll 29/4 Granted 22/7 - (12 week) WEDNESDAY

    Gena 29/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week) WEDNESDAY

    Rolypies 29/4 Granted 10/6 - (6 weeks) (Special Case) WEDNESDAY

    Castor83 29/4 Refused

    TDM 30/4 Granted 24/7 (12 Weeks 1 Day) FRIDAY


    Nelson111 04/5 Granted 23/7 (11 Weeks 4 Days) THURSDAY

    Marky1600 05/05 Ganted 28/7 (12 Weeks) TUESDAY

    Wayne Mcclymont 06/5 Granted 04/08 12 Weeks 6 Days TUESDAY

    Alanr 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

    Suprich 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

    Buzby 11/5 Granted 27/7 (11 weeks) MONDAY

    dean999 12/5 Interview 27/7 10 Weeks 6 Days/rejected 6/8 (12 weeks 2 days) THURSDAY

    Dont panic 13/05 Granted 29/07 (11 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Zim 13/5

    True blue 14/5 Granted 27/7 (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

    Spot 15/5 Granted 31/07 (11 weeks) FRIDAY

    uaelaelil 20/5 Refused 14/8 12 Weeks 2 Days FRIDAY

    Johnokk 25/5 Granted 04/8 (10 weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

    moodysufc 26/5 Refused 19/8 12 Weeks 1 Day WEDNESDAY

    Ade2007 29/5 Granted 04/8 9 Weeks 4 Days TUESDAY

    leefreight 29/05


    Ajsp9 02/06 Granted 10/8 (9 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Globaleyes 08/06 Granted 17/8 10 Weeks MONDAY

    Bukseeda 09/06 Granted 02/9 12 Weeks 1 Day WEDNESDAY

    Hawkinsschris 19/06 Granted 09-09-09 11 week 4 days TUESDAY

    Thongkorn 23/06

    Dowman73 30/6 Granted 10/09/09 10 weeks 2 day Thursday


    tjthai 2/07

    simiUK 6/07

    Jaggg88 14/07

    Bananaman 30/07


    learningcurve 13/08

    idmilla 14/08

    Enquirer 19/08

    HOORAY!!! finally the wait is over and the wife has got her visa (27 Months) I would like to thank everyone on here for posting their stories just reading them has helped me.

    I would like to really thank THAIVISAEXPRESS i know some of you have done it yourselves but Paul has helped me keep calm when I was stressed, understand the process, put through my appliaction, help me get amrried, his office and staff in Thailand have been great all the way through with my wife answering all questions, and queries she has had. So once again thanks to every single person on here this is such a great forum full of nice people full of support and advice Brilliant!!!

    Good luck everyone waiting as hard as it is, it will all be worth it in the end.


    Rob01792 02/2 granted 30/3 - (8 weeks) MONDAY

    Chris41 10/2 granted 16/3 - (4 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Kooyoonii 10/2 granted 04/5 - (11 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Pikwik 11/2 granted 27/4 - (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

    Xiengmieng 17/2 granted 24/3 - (5 weeks) TUESDAY

    Lindty 18/2 granted 24/4 - (8 weeks 6 days) FRIDAY

    Tahaan 18/2 granted 13/5 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Eddiebabyyeah 20/2 granted 01/4 - (5 weeks 5 days) WEDNESDAY


    Tlusername 04/3 granted 15/5 - (10weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

    Tricknicky 09/3 granted 23/4 - (6 weeks 3 days) (Special Case) THURSDAY

    AnyaDharu 09/3 granted 19/5 - (10weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

    Tango7 10/3 granted 12/5 - (9weeks) TUESDAY

    Johnson83 11/3 granted 22/5 - (10 weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

    Chanthas 12/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 4 days) MONDAY

    Gypsymoth 13/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 3 days) MONDAY

    chrisspuresbkk1 13/3

    Friend Boo 16/3 granted 18/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) THURSDAY

    Dave W 16/3 granted 17/6 - (13 weeks 2 days) WEDNESDAY

    Stonewall 62 17/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) FRIDAY

    Kennkate 17/3 granted16/6 - (13 weeks) TUESDAY

    Chewy 18/3 Granted 07/08 20 weeks and 3 days

    PeterHThai 19/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 1 day) FRIDAY

    Pingit 19/3 Refused 19/6 - ( 13 weeks 1 day ) FRIDAY Decision overturned 15/07 WEDNESDAY

    TheFiend 20/3 granted 18/6 - (12 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

    Jaja 20/3 granted 9/7 - (15 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

    Pudsey 23/3 granted 10/7 - (15 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Sumrit 24/3 Granted 26/6 - (13 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Merangue 25/3 Granted 03/6 - (10 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Domm44 27/3 Granted 22/7- (16 Weeks 5 days)WEDNESDAY

    Fluidfusion 27/3 Refused 03/06 - (13 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    TickTock 30/3 Granted 19/6 - (11 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    George & Dragon 30/03 Refused 26/06 (12 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Delboy 30/3 Granted 22/06 - (12 weeks 1 day) MONDAY


    Borodave 01/4 Granted 24/6 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    JasonThai 02/4 Granted 25/6 - (12 weeks) THURSDAY

    Mikeyp 03/4 granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Mrburb 03/4 Granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Feasantplukka 03/4 Granted 14/7 - (14 week 4 days) TUESDAY

    Muaylaosfalang 03/4 Granted 26/6 (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Lerningcurve 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

    Bigsy94 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

    Kate46 (son) 08/4 Granted 22/7 - (15 WEEKS) WEDNESDAY

    AndyJoy 08/4 Granted 21/7 (14 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

    Marcjaiyenyen 08/4 (Applied in Jamaica) granted 7/7 (12 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

    ExoticMatter 09/4 Granted 23/7 (15 weeks) THURSDAY

    Dolphy 21/4 Granted 29/7 (14 weeks 1 day) WEDNESDAY

    Scotland 22/4 Granted 24/07 (13weeks) FRIDAY

    Jes5133 24/4 Granted 24/7 (13 Weeks) FRIDAY

    Lee888 28/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week 1 Day) WEDNESDAY

    CinnamonRoll 29/4 Granted 22/7 - (12 week) WEDNESDAY

    Gena 29/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week) WEDNESDAY

    Rolypies 29/4 Granted 10/6 - (6 weeks) (Special Case) WEDNESDAY

    Castor83 29/4 Refused

    TDM 30/4 Granted 24/7 (12 Weeks 1 Day) FRIDAY


    Nelson111 04/5 Granted 23/7 (11 Weeks 4 Days) THURSDAY

    Marky1600 05/05 Ganted 28/7 (12 Weeks) TUESDAY

    Wayne Mcclymont 06/5 Granted 04/08 12 Weeks 6 Days TUESDAY

    Alanr 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

    Suprich 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

    Buzby 11/5 Granted 27/7 (11 weeks) MONDAY

    dean999 12/5 Interview 27/7 10 Weeks 6 Days/rejected 6/8 (12 weeks 2 days) THURSDAY

    Dont panic 13/05 Granted 29/07 (11 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Zim 13/5

    True blue 14/5 Granted 27/7 (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

    Spot 15/5 Granted 31/07 (11 weeks) FRIDAY

    uaelaelil 20/5 Refused 14/8 12 Weeks 2 Days FRIDAY

    Johnokk 25/5 Granted 04/8 (10 weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

    moodysufc 26/5 Refused 19/8 12 Weeks 1 Day WEDNESDAY

    Ade2007 29/5 Granted 04/8 9 Weeks 4 Days TUESDAY

    leefreight 29/05


    Ajsp9 02/06 Granted 10/8 (9 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Globaleyes 08/06 Granted 17/8 10 Weeks MONDAY

    Bukseeda 09/06 Granted 02/9 12 Weeks 1 Day WEDNESDAY

    Hawkinsschris 19/06 Granted 09-09-09 11 week 4 days TUESDAY

    Thongkorn 23/06

    Dowman73 30/6 Text sent 10/09/09 10 weeks 2 day Wednesday


    tjthai 2/07

    simiUK 6/07

    Jaggg88 14/07

    Bananaman 30/07


    learningcurve 13/08

    idmilla 14/08

    Enquirer 19/08


    Rob01792 02/2 granted 30/3 - (8 weeks) MONDAY

    Chris41 10/2 granted 16/3 - (4 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Kooyoonii 10/2 granted 04/5 - (11 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Pikwik 11/2 granted 27/4 - (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

    Xiengmieng 17/2 granted 24/3 - (5 weeks) TUESDAY

    Lindty 18/2 granted 24/4 - (8 weeks 6 days) FRIDAY

    Tahaan 18/2 granted 13/5 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Eddiebabyyeah 20/2 granted 01/4 - (5 weeks 5 days) WEDNESDAY


    Tlusername 04/3 granted 15/5 - (10weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

    Tricknicky 09/3 granted 23/4 - (6 weeks 3 days) (Special Case) THURSDAY

    AnyaDharu 09/3 granted 19/5 - (10weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

    Tango7 10/3 granted 12/5 - (9weeks) TUESDAY

    Johnson83 11/3 granted 22/5 - (10 weeks 2 days) FRIDAY

    Chanthas 12/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 4 days) MONDAY

    Gypsymoth 13/3 granted 25/5 - (10 weeks 3 days) MONDAY

    chrisspuresbkk1 13/3

    Friend Boo 16/3 granted 18/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) THURSDAY

    Dave W 16/3 granted 17/6 - (13 weeks 2 days) WEDNESDAY

    Stonewall 62 17/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 3 days) FRIDAY

    Kennkate 17/3 granted16/6 - (13 weeks) TUESDAY

    Chewy 18/3 Granted 07/08 20 weeks and 3 days

    PeterHThai 19/3 granted 19/6 - (13 weeks 1 day) FRIDAY

    Pingit 19/3 Refused 19/6 - ( 13 weeks 1 day ) FRIDAY Decision overturned 15/07 WEDNESDAY

    TheFiend 20/3 granted 18/6 - (12 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

    Jaja 20/3 granted 9/7 - (15 weeks 6 days) THURSDAY

    Pudsey 23/3 granted 10/7 - (15 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Sumrit 24/3 Granted 26/6 - (13 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Merangue 25/3 Granted 03/6 - (10 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Domm44 27/3 Granted 22/7- (16 Weeks 5 days)WEDNESDAY

    Fluidfusion 27/3 Refused 03/06 - (13 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    TickTock 30/3 Granted 19/6 - (11 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    George & Dragon 30/03 Refused 26/06 (12 weeks 4 days) FRIDAY

    Delboy 30/3 Granted 22/06 - (12 weeks 1 day) MONDAY


    Borodave 01/4 Granted 24/6 - (12 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    JasonThai 02/4 Granted 25/6 - (12 weeks) THURSDAY

    Mikeyp 03/4 granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Mrburb 03/4 Granted 26/6 - (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Feasantplukka 03/4 Granted 14/7 - (14 week 4 days) TUESDAY

    Muaylaosfalang 03/4 Granted 26/6 (12 weeks) FRIDAY

    Lerningcurve 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

    Bigsy94 07/04 Granted 30/6 (12 weeks) TUESDAY

    Kate46 (son) 08/4 Granted 22/7 - (15 WEEKS) WEDNESDAY

    AndyJoy 08/4 Granted 21/7 (14 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

    Marcjaiyenyen 08/4 (Applied in Jamaica) granted 7/7 (12 weeks 6 days) TUESDAY

    ExoticMatter 09/4 Granted 23/7 (15 weeks) THURSDAY

    Dolphy 21/4 Granted 29/7 (14 weeks 1 day) WEDNESDAY

    Scotland 22/4 Granted 24/07 (13weeks) FRIDAY

    Jes5133 24/4 Granted 24/7 (13 Weeks) FRIDAY

    Lee888 28/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week 1 Day) WEDNESDAY

    CinnamonRoll 29/4 Granted 22/7 - (12 week) WEDNESDAY

    Gena 29/4 Granted 22/7 (12 week) WEDNESDAY

    Rolypies 29/4 Granted 10/6 - (6 weeks) (Special Case) WEDNESDAY

    Castor83 29/4 Refused

    TDM 30/4 Granted 24/7 (12 Weeks 1 Day) FRIDAY


    Nelson111 04/5 Granted 23/7 (11 Weeks 4 Days) THURSDAY

    Marky1600 05/05 Ganted 28/7 (12 Weeks) TUESDAY

    Wayne Mcclymont 06/5 Granted 04/08 12 Weeks 6 Days TUESDAY

    Alanr 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

    Suprich 07/5 Granted 28/7 (11 Weeks 5 Days) TUESDAY

    Buzby 11/5 Granted 27/7 (11 weeks) MONDAY

    dean999 12/5 Interview 27/7 10 Weeks 6 Days/rejected 6/8 (12 weeks 2 days) THURSDAY

    Dont panic 13/05 Granted 29/07 (11 weeks) WEDNESDAY

    Zim 13/5

    True blue 14/5 Granted 27/7 (10 weeks 5 days) MONDAY

    Spot 15/5 Granted 31/07 (11 weeks) FRIDAY

    uaelaelil 20/5 Interview??????? 27/7 10 Weeks 6 Days

    Johnokk 25/5 Granted 04/8 (10 weeks 1 day) TUESDAY

    moodysufc 26/5 Interview??????? 27/7 10 Weeks

    Ade2007 29/5 Granted 04/8 9 Weeks 4 Days TUESDAY

    leefreight 29/05


    Ajsp9 02/06 Granted 10/8 (9 weeks 6 days) MONDAY

    Globaleyes 08/06 Courier Collected ??????? 17/8 10 Weeks MONDAY

    Bukseeda 09/06

    Hawkinsschris 19/06

    Thongkorn 23/06

    Dowman73 30/6


    tjthai 2/07

    simiUK 6/07

    Jaggg88 14/07

    Bananaman 30/07


    learningcurve 13/08

  16. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good western estate agent in Bangkok I want to rent out my house but do not know how to, and want to rent it to a western family rather than Thai. If anyone knows of anyone that can help I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

    Many thanks

  17. Hi again thanks for all you help in answering my question, a friend of my fiance has said that she will need to provide translated proof from thailand that she has no criminal record, has never been married, her birth certificate can anyone tell me if this is true

    If you read the requirements on the application form closely, they say this in Section 7:-

    "Evidence that you are free to marry or enter into a civil partnership if you have been married or in a civil

    partnership before." (and then similar for the sponsor (i.e. you)

    If your fiancee or you have not been married before, you are not required to prove a negative. Obviously if either you or she make a false declaration in Section 5, then you could be prosecuted if the deception comes to light. Section 7 does not require your fiancee to produce her birth certificate, and you have to only if you do not have a passport.

    Advice from one's Thai partner's "friends" is always to be treated with suspicion. Similarly, as thucydides has pointed out, enquiry into a solicitor's or OISC advisor's level of qualification and track record is advisable before instructing them.

    thankyou for advice i had read the form understood it as you have spelt it out, but doubt was put in my head when my partner came home after speaking with her aunt and her friend (both thai) saying that we needed all these extra forms in both thai and english. neither me or my partner have been married before and and i have both passport and birth certificate so i will be ok on that front.

    thank all of you for you replies and advice there is nothing worse than doubting your initial instints but that always happens when someone questions you so thankyou for putting my mind at rest. I will let you know the results

  18. Hi again thanks for all you help in answering my question, a friend of my fiance has said that she will need to provide translated proof from thailand that she has no criminal record, has never been married, her birth certificate can anyone tell me if this is true and if so how we go about getting this information does anyone know where we get this done if there are any companies that do this, can she get this information whilst she is living here in london. Sorry if I sound nieve but this is obviously out of my comfort zone of knowledge and my girlfriends so if anyone has any information that could help us I would really appreciate it.

    thanking you all in advance for reading this and for anyone who can offer me any advice.

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