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Posts posted by dowman73

  1. Thank you so much for your reply, I was just concerned that by not using a Visa specialist and filling in the forms by myself that I would jepordise our chances, may I ask whether you have gone through this process or just know how the system works? Do they ever turn down a COA when you put on the form that you intend to stay in the UK after the marriage?

  2. Hi I am new to this website and was hoping that someone might be able to give me some advice.

    My fiancee is from Bangkok and has been in the Uk for 18 months (2 one year student visas) we met over a year ago and have now been living together for 8 months. I proposed to her yesterday on our one year anniversary and I am happy to say that she excepted. I have been looking online for help in what we now have to do to get married and have seen that we require a COA we I have downloaded the forms and filled everything in. I was wondering if anyone else has applied and what their experience was How long it took? Is there any interviews? Do they require any other paperwork, proof that we are a couple etc. I have put on the form that my fiancee will wish to stay in the UK afterwards and wondered if I will need a solicitor or if by just filling in forms by myself that it will go through the same way.

    If there is anyone on here that could spend a little time by replying to this and giving me any kind of information/advice/or their experiences I would be truly grateful.

    Thanking you in advance and I hope to hear back from someone soon as the pleasure of my engagement is dulled by my worry that I might mess it up by not having the correct advice.

    kind regards


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