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Everything posted by SanSaiExPat

  1. You know this guy isn't operating with a full deck. Who brings their girlfriend to Thailand?
  2. Actually many of the more expensive homes are cement and steel structures.
  3. Your absolutely correct. You have rights or the illusion of rights until there is a problem. I speak from experience. In Thailand, "Let the buyer and seller beware."
  4. I though the UK police had their hands full these days arresting little old ladies for speaking out against the WOKE policies of the Government but now they have time and personnel enough for this? Obviously they need their budget cut.
  5. No. It's obviously a case of ingesting too much Durian. 555
  6. Who writes this drivel? Oh that's right it's the Guardian, (England's State Propaganda rag and then "Simple Simon 1" adding his two cents.
  7. You're entitled to your opinion as screwed up, biased and wrong as it is. If you look at both major parties, Democrat and Republican in the USA they both spent about 7 Billion. The outcome? President-elect Donald Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate to win the popular vote in 20 years with 76.9 million votes compared with 74.4 million for Harris . Additionally, Trump won 312 electoral votes to Vice President Kamala Harris’ 226 votes. The American people want president Trump to reduce the size and reach of government and stop our involvement and entanglement in foreign wars. Your claim that President Trump will cut social security is false. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/09/bidens-false-attacks-on-trumps-social-security-plan/
  8. Do they need to get much braver? My wife's family never seems shy about asking for money? 555
  9. "Want to be a hero. Join the UN." I don't think so. There's never been a more corrupt or inefficient organization. But I do get your point.
  10. What a depraved fanciful mind you have.
  11. I've purchased property in Thailand using very similar methods using Thai Lawyers. I only bring this up to point out there are at least two other players, that I know of, needed to accomplish such activities and that is, the "Land Office" and of equal importance, the Banks. But I'm sure neither will be found culpable.
  12. There is always one outlier in the crowd.
  13. Whoever wrote this is smoking some heavy narcotics and is pathetically trying to mislead and influence American's that have been away from home for a while as nothing the writing says is true. President Trump will sweep the election and win unless the deep state is successful in assassinating him.
  14. It would be nice to see her replace the current scum bag French leadership that is destroying France with rampant, unfettering influx of Muslim Military Aged Males.
  15. "...Social Media "came loose?" WTF does that mean? On your other assertion, I hear Bangkok's seeing an increase in 'trash" from Sub-Saharan Africa. But probably just dark unfounded rumors.
  16. It doesn't hurt to emphasize and or clarify. Especially in cases such as this where people have a tendency to paint with a broad brush and jump to conclusions.
  17. These are some of America's newly arrived sub Saharan citizens.
  18. Hopefully, as we all have more important things to do like enjoying life while we have it.
  19. Support your contention that Trump is a "Well known racist" His record and statements just don't support your statement.
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