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Posts posted by jonaz

  1. I'm looking to for a condo in Bangkok that accepts short term rental (3 months) with maximum monthly rental of 7000 baht. It doesn't have to be next to a BTS or MRT station as I have a moped that I can use. However, somewhere within a short(ish) driving distance to BTS or MRT would be preferred.

    I've looked at various websites such as 9apartment but I find that recommendations tend to be better so I thought I would ask here. Thank you

  2. just back from Ranong; easy drive up 4 hours

    or u could do all local bus's

    boat across is 400 baht

    Burma stamp is $10

    You'll get 60 days

    if u want stay try the Tinidee in 670 Baht and there even cheaper places

    Borders do not close for holidays :-)

    Check out this page on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1402002616711342/

    Hey mate. Did you have to show proof of funds? I have to drive up there tomorrow. Is there easy parking at the port in Ranong?

  3. Hi. Unfortunately, the 2nd part of my double entry tourist visa needs to be activated on or before 14th April. Middle of Songkran. Does anybody know of a visa run company that will be running to Ranong on 14th? Or can recommend some companies that I can contact. I've contacted some of the main ones with no luck so far. Thanks

  4. You can actually speak up about it. You probably won't get your money back but it might help others in the future. Also, if you need the same service again, you know you're well within your rights to refuse to pay. They have to give you the letter for free. In fact it's not free. You paid for your visa, right? Where does that money go? You're paying vat etc on everything you buy here. It goes to the government, which in turn pay for government services. That's reality

    • Like 1
  5. I The point here is that it's supposed a free service.

    Your posting history suggests that you are staying here on visas obtained in neighboring countries.

    Why should Thailand Immigrations issue a free resident certificate to someone that does not officially live here?

    I don't make the laws, I just abide by them. I'm not going into whether the service should be free or not. I'm just stating that it is... and that I have been charged for it.

  6. I The point here is that it's supposed a free service. Whether it's 1 baht, 200 baht or 2000 baht, it's still wrong.

    Thailand talks about trying to fix it's corruption problems that lead to it having such a terrible name worldwide, yet it can't even get it right in their own government offices.

    The truth is that Thailand is rotten to the core with corruption.

    Yes, I've written the 300 baht off. As I mentioned, it's not much money.

    I won't, however, look at it as being anything else than what it is.

    It's a sad situation that some foreigners here are so used to it now that they're turn a blind eye to it and even convince themselves that it's ok and 'just paying for a service' when there's no way they would stand for it in their own country.

    When Thai people behave like this they gain money, but they lose people's trust and respect. And that's a much more valuable thing in my eyes. More the fool them, I say.

    • Like 2
  7. When I asked about this letter at Nonthaburi Immigration Office I was informed that they no longer provided this service, and that it would shortly be removed from the website. I was advised to go to the British Embassy, which I did, and obtained the required letter (For my Thai driving licence) It cost THB3,200.00!

    How long ago was this?

    I'd be pretty pissed off reading this thread and finding out that it clearly is still available and that I've just shelled out 3200 baht, not to mention the extra time and effort wasted, for something they should have done there and then for free.

    I would have thought that if immigration were stopping the service altogether then all offices would cease simultaneously.

    Maybe they've just stopped doing it at that particular office.

  8. Shrug it off, the British Embassy charge me 2,500 for a letter confirming my pension, now thats extortion

    I don't think this is a very good attitude to have. That's the going rate in your country so, although it might be excessive, it's part of the law.

    On the other hand I could argue that there are many services that are free in the UK that aren't free here.

    One thing that certainly isn't an issue in Britain is dual charging and the blatant ripping off off foreigners. We have equal opportunity because it's fair.

    If 300 baht is the 'official' going rate here, then I'm more than happy to pay it. The issue here isn't the amount of money that I paid.

    The fact is that somebody may be abusing the system for their own personal gain at my expense.

    I'm not working at the moment and 300 baht could, for example, feed me for a few days here.

    It's bad enough that nearly every local person I come across in the street is trying to scam me in one way or another. It shouldn't be happening in a government office really, no matter which way you look at it.

    • Like 1
  9. Many immigration offices including Bangkok charge an unofficial fee for the certificate of residency.

    Perhaps the oficer that was transferred was putting it in his own pocket.

    They are allowed by law to charge an 'unofficial' fee?

    The way I read the article is that it is supposed to be a free service, unless something has changed since it was written in January.

    In any case, I've written to the email provided to ask for clarification.

    I'm not holding my breath on getting a reply but we'll see.

    Although it's not much money, it's quite excessive for what was literally 5 minutes work for her. 330 baht in total as I had to pay the excessive 30 baht fee for a photocopy of my passport

  10. Today I went to Patong immigration for proof of residency letter so that I can change a motorcycle green book to my name at the department of transport.

    I'd read this earlier and came to the conclusion that this was a free service:


    I was charged 300 baht by the girl for the service and was given no receipt for the fee.

    Have I been ripped off or is this the normal fee now for a proof of residency letter?

  11. They don't travel very well, especially in this heat, which is why I prefer to pick them up from somebody and transfer them straight into fresh milk when I got home.

    Next day delivery might be ok, but I'm yet to find a company that sells them here in Thailand.

    Usually you can find someone willing to give some away for free seeing as though they grow so fast and excess grains are usually just thrown away or eaten anyway. I always offer my excess grains to people for free every couple of weeks.

    Even so, I'd be willing to pay a donation for some.

    I usually have some frozen for backup but not at the moment unfortunately.

    Hopefully someone will offer some...

  12. You can buy them over the internet.

    Here in Thailand?

    I'd prefer to pick live grains up from somebody if possible but will look into that.

    Do you have a website link by any chance?

  13. Does anybody in Phuket know where I can get some milk Kefir grains or have any to share? I'm willing to pay for them and collect.

    I'm in Patong but I have a motorcycle so I could drive anywhere in Phuket really.


  14. I got this informations from my visa agent. I know him since 7 years. He have plenty of experience in these things. So, believe it or not. I do. Two times a week he escort groups trough the entire visa run process.

    Ubonjoe gave in some threads the same advise, although he didn't mention a specific amount of money.

    Yes, i did all my previous TR double entry visa extend on the Immigration. Extend 30 days for every entry.

    For my last trip, i didn't take the proof of these requirements since it was only the second visa from Vientiane on the current passport. Next time i will go to Savannakhet which will break the chain on back to back visas from Vientiane. But this is not the reason why i will go to Savannakhet. The reason is, the recently trip to Vientiane was messed up. The embassy was completely overcrowd. Then the same thing next day at the border. I got a queue number above 670.

    Eventually, i stay already 7 1/2 years in Thailand on TR visa. Nothing wrong with that, since i don't work anything and never do overstay.

    Check this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/755832-problems-with-tourist-visa-in-vientiane-laos/

    Actually it says the same thing...

    A friend/neighbor came back from Vientiane last week. After a visa run. He got his Tourist visa but also two stamps in his passport:


    The holder of this passport travels to Thailand under a tourist visa several times which may result in the refusal of a visa in the future

    .2. Proofs of Residence and financial income are required next time

    Ok thanks for the reply. I'll have to take this into consideration when I go to Vientiane next in January.

    Shouldn't be a problem for me though as my current visa is from Penang.


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