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Posts posted by jonaz

  1. Hypothetically , would the police actually bother going to somebody's place of work or abode to apprehend somebody on more than 90 days overstay after a tip off?Or would they not bother?

    At this moment in time apprehended people only get a fine or blacklisted?

    Yes they would, and before people start moaning, I have stood and watched it happen. To be fair, the Thai guy that made the call is well connected, but within fifteen minutes the police were on the premises and detained a guy.

    The guy that was detained deserved it - he was certainly one of the infamous low-life farang of legend - and he drew attention to himself.


    Thanks. Just what I wanted to hear. Was he just fined or blacklisted?

    In his case - IDC and deported.

    Just deported or blacklisted too? Do you know?

  2. What <deleted> comes to a foreign country and knowingly overstays his or her visa?? Deserves what's coming to them....

    See post No. 23. I wish someone would answer my question about whether it's possible to go to a land border, pay the fine, go out in a wheelchair and turn around to come in to get a 30 day stamp?

    Please, have some compassion.

    I had no problem activating the 2nd part of my triple entry tourist visa the other days at Ban Laem.

    The lady in front of me was told by the guy that runs the visa run business that she would only get 7 days. She needed 2 weeks because that's when her flight home was booked back to Canada. She provided proof and was granted 15 days.

    I think the back to back 30 days is over but email the visa run company for confirmation

    Fly in before August 12th and you'll get your 30 days I think

  3. Hypothetically , would the police actually bother going to somebody's place of work or abode to apprehend somebody on more than 90 days overstay after a tip off?Or would they not bother?

    At this moment in time apprehended people only get a fine or blacklisted?

    Yes they would, and before people start moaning, I have stood and watched it happen. To be fair, the Thai guy that made the call is well connected, but within fifteen minutes the police were on the premises and detained a guy.

    The guy that was detained deserved it - he was certainly one of the infamous low-life farang of legend - and he drew attention to himself.


    Thanks. Just what I wanted to hear. Was he just fined or blacklisted?

  4. I have a triple entry tourist visa of which my 1st entry is due to expire. I am due to go to the border this Thursday to activate the 2nd entry. I have 2 previous back to back tourist visas in my passport. I had planned on doing the Bangkok visa run to the Cambodian border.

    Are they already enforcing this at the Northern borders or just in the South. Or will this begin only after August 12th?

    In short...am I likely to be refused re-entry at the land border this Thursday, given my situation or will I be ok this time around?

    I don't think there has been any reports of problems on the northern borders, so i think you will be ok before 12th August.

    Thanks. I hope so. I have to try I suppose. I thought the very least would be that they would let all current visas expire and just not issue another one to those who have exceeded their limits. I certainly wasn't expecting this.

    Even though I know that you aren't guaranteed entry with a visa,I'd expect to be refused at the embassy before I'd paid for my flight , planned my trip and paid my well earned money to the Thai embassy for a visa which isn't valid

  5. I have a triple entry tourist visa of which my 1st entry is due to expire. I am due to go to the border this Thursday to activate the 2nd entry. I have 2 previous back to back tourist visas in my passport. I had planned on doing the Bangkok visa run to the Cambodian border.

    Are they already enforcing this at the Northern borders or just in the South. Or will this begin only after August 12th?

    In short...am I likely to be refused re-entry at the land border this Thursday, given my situation or will I be ok this time around?

  6. For 60K in Pattaya/Jomtien you can rent a palace on the sea-front, and wont have to pay a fortune for a tuk-tuk to get into town either. Just 10B on a bahtbus. Food and drink are cheaper here also.

    You might like Wong Amat also (I dont). No shortage in any of those places of buildings with the modern interiors you like (I dont).

    Have a look at a few agents' websites. Though if I was spending that sort of money I would come here first, rent for a couple of weeks and have a good look around before deciding. There is a lot of choice, and don't be afraid to negotiate hard.

    Beats me why anyone goes to Phuket.

    If I had 60k to spend on a place per month I would rather be in Phuket than here in Pattaya to be honest. Phuket is a much nicer place all round, the downside being that it is more expensive.

    If you want a nice view from your condo then forget Pattaya. There isn't a nice view here that compares to anywhere in Phuket.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy living in Pattaya but the truth is that Pattaya is a s**thole really. It's sin city and truly lives up to its bad name.

    Unless you're looking for that kind of thing (seedy) then there are many 'nicer' places in Thailand to live.

  7. You have to be offered a job before you apply for a Work Permit. You can work with a Non Imm O Visa if you have a Work Permit. You cannot with a Tourist Visa.

    The Multi Non Imm O means you can come and go as many times as you want, each stay is a maximum of 90 days.

    Take advantage of being in th UK as that is one of the very few places that issue that Visa for Visiting freinds.

    Do not try the Embassy in London. Go to Hull. You can apply by post and get your passport back within a week.

    Hi. Am I right in thinking that I can get a Non Imm O visa from Hull to visit my Thai girlfriend for 1 year (with 90 day stays) even though we are not yet married? When "Visiting Friends" is the reason, are there any questions asked about who these friends are?


  8. There's a report in the Daily Mail today that we've signed Cudicini from Chelsea for £1m. He's a better keeper than Gomes in my opinion and I recckon he'll start a lot of games.

    Also looks like Palacios will complete his move today for £14m. A huge amount of money for a player bought by Wigan for less than £1m a year ago. Let's hope he is the kind of holding midfielder we're looking for!

    And Appiyah is back training with Spurs and looks set to be offered a deal.

    Redknapp is known for his wheeling and dealing in the transfer market and has stayed true to form with these signings. Certainly with Cudicini who's a steal for that price.


  9. Well of course they are Human Beings. I've met policemen I like as well.

    I just don't have too much admiration for them professionally, sorry, but there are other ways out of poverty and there are a lot of people who manage to live in poverty.

    It's a shortcut for lazy people--and in my limited experience a lot of these are very lazy people.

    Lazy in what sense? You man lazy in the sense that they don't propel themselves acidemically as is perceived to be the way forward in the Western world?

    Most in bars don't have the same opportunities as most of us Westerners.

    Not everyone's ideals are the same as well. I for one am not lazy, nor am I academically gifted. I won't be pressured into being someone that I am not though and am quite happy being myself on a day to day basis....sometimes lazy, more often not.

    Very lazy people are still human beings you know.

  10. Amidst all of my experiences here in Thailand, one in particular touched me deeply and changed my way of thinking.

    I had taken bar girls home, also gogo dancers and even massage parlour girls just for the sake of getting my end away. I thought of them as no more than business aquaintences, treating them like Princesses one day only to discard them the next day for another beauty who would satisfy my desires.

    Then I met a girl who changed my perceptions of Thai (bar) girls. Previously I had thought of Thai girls as nothing more than business pleasure. Play the game and tell them what they want to hear, only to say goodbye the next day and meet another the same night.

    The other night I met another girl that changed my way of thinking. I can't say why specifically, she just did.

    A part of it is me feeling sorry for the way that some North Eastern Thai girls are forced into the sex industry in order to escape a life of poverty. Yet they still seem to be happy, smiling people that are fun to be around (not everyone but most.)

    Back home in the West Prostitutes are frowned upon. Dirty, sleazy animals that you don't want to be associated with.

    For some reason Thai bar girls aren't thought of in the same way, although you wouldn't take one back to meet your family and tell them what she was really doing for a living when you met her. I suppose it's kind of accepted. Men go to Thailand for cheap beer, sun and sex.

    This one girl has changed my way of thinking though. I won't go into details as to why, only to post my conclusions.

    These people are human beings the same as you and I. Although our ideals are different sometimes, most are still nice people and deserve more respect than most Westerners give them.

    The Western way of thinking is that because a girl has had so many sexual partners her that she is no longer worthy of being a viable other half. This is crazy. I know of at least 3 or 4 village "bikes" back home that have settled down with guys despite having many, many sexual partners. What's the difference??

    The difference is that MONEY has been exchanged for their services and that is somehow different than buying a girl a load of drinks in a bar, buying her a meal, paying for her taxi fare back to your place, sleeping with her and then paying for her taxi fare home (which often costs more!)

    In actual fact, Thai Bar, GoGo, Massage girls are HUMAN BEINGS just like you and I and deserve to be treated as such.

    Your thoughts please?

  11. I'll leave the answer to your... errrrrm, question to the boys of the forum :D

    Good luck !!!

    Ah I see how you become a Senior Member in this forum. As many posts as possible, meaningless or not!!?

    Thanks anyway for your un-helpful response. :o

    I'll go myself tomorrow and post my findings for you all for future reference. :D

  12. There is only one way to find out my friend...

    Errr...There are TWO ways I think. Either go there and find out first hand OR ask the decent people of this forum who actually KNOW THE ANSWER and won't just give a reply.....^^^^^^^^ just for the sake of giving a reply!

    If you don't have the answer and need to talk to someone then get a goldfish (or a BG).....Jeez!! :o

  13. I often ride (and walk) down Rat-U-Thit road and there are many massage parlours offering their services. There are vast amounts of girls sitting in the street, often shouting "Massage",etc. at passers by.

    They are mostly in uniform of the establishment that they work for which makes it hard for me to guess what services they offer (because they look more "professional" in a uniform.)

    That brings be to my questions:

    Are these massage parlours offering...erm....massages only? Or do they offer EXTRA services like Christin Massage? :o

    And secondly - There seem to be an awful lot of ladies that for the most part of the day just sit outside in the street, mostly doing nothing but shout at passers by offering their services. Surely they ALL can't earn much money doing this? :D


  14. Can anyone recommend a taxi service with reasonable rates that operates in South Pattaya?

    I need to fly from U-Tapau airport on Sunday and the Taxi service that my hotel uses has quoted me 600 baht.

    I was hoping I could get one a little cheaper than that (or maybe it's the going rate?)

    I only payed 200 baht to get the coach from Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya and that's over 100km further!

    Thanks in advance for any responses!


    I usually pay 400 baht for a songtaew from central Pattaya to east Pattaya. If you could let me know which taxi charges only 600 baht to Utapau i would be gratefull. You can tell me next time i walk past you on the beach. I know who you are as I have seen you drinking your bottle of chang whilst sitting on a beach bench :o

    I didn't take any notice of the taxi firm's name. My hotel (Hillside Resort) arranged it for me and I just got in and paid the driver. If you call them they will tell you the name I'm sure.

  15. When I arrived in Phuket I got the shared Minibus from the airport for 150 Baht to Patong.

    Does anyone know if there is a similar service to get from Patong back to the airport?

    If not does anyone know a reasonably priced taxi firm?



  16. 600-700 Baht is the going rate for U-tapao.

    Main reason being the 0% chance to pick up a fare over there!

    I think Bangkok Airways operates a minivan service to there, lot cheaper but of course the times will be connected to their flights. Also not sure you can use it if not flying Bangkok Airways...

    My flight is with Bangkok Airways! I'll try and contact them to find out more. Thanks for your replies everyone.

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