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Posts posted by gerryBScot

  1. Hi my MBP has died and needs replacing. Any suggestions for a replacement? main use is in the classroom for video and audio; use the office suite extensively, some photo processing, would like to run Photoshop on it. any good offers out there? would like something that is robust/ rugged as it will get a lot of use and will move around a lot. any ideas?

  2. thx firegirl for sharing and starting this thread and indeed to the others for contributing. It has reminded me to feel grateful I am sober this morning and can function like a normal human being. what's terrifying is that we often go out and drink again after the circumstances firegirl has described. it really is insanity. god luck today to all sober drunks and more strength to our loved ones.

  3. It's my eleventh birthday today which I shall celebrate quietly at home with my family. I was up at 0430 to go birdwatching this morning. No one had to tell me what I did last night. I didn't drive home legless. My wife and kids are relatively happy people and if they are getting support to be able to live with me then I don't know about it. I didn't wet the bed last night and the house wasn't stinking of piss and shit this morning. It wasn't like this 12 years ago. I quit drinking and have been able to stay stopped because of AA.

    If they said to me today:" look Gerry there's been mistake, you're not an alcoholic, you can drink" I'd like to think I'd stay stopped cos my life is so much better.

    In a forum it's easy to be rational and logical about something like alcoholism and about the choices a drunk has. Pull yourself together man/woman take control of your life. ...... just what you want to hear when you're in year six of a vodka drip and have a preference for the solitude of your own room where you can develop your negatives and piss and shit in a bucket because it's too much of an effort to go. .....

    At this stage you don't care if AA is run by Al Qaeda.

    AA brings people back from this and much worse. We are by no means perfect. But we are a good option if you want to try quitting drinking.

    Thanks for love.

    Sent from my GT-S7270L using Tapatalk

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  4. I used a UK ETD issued by HMG in BKK a year ago.

    You apply for it in person at the embassy ; At least you did last year. Not processed by VACAC.

    It is not a temporary passport. it is what it says it is. It will only be issued if the current one is cancelled and I don't think HMG will cancel it because you ask them to. It's gotta be lost or stolen or damaged.

    My ETD was issued for a specific journey which was endorsed in the observations section and which also specified precise dates that corresponded to my flight reservation.

    I could only use the ETD for this journey. They will endorse multiple destinations if you have the tickets up to sixth months - that's the maximum validity. However if you need to make another trip before your new passport arrives and it's not been endorsed on the ETD on issue you'll need a new ETD.

    In fairness to the embassy they issued my ETD with a minimum of delay on the same day.

    You then have to get your Thai visa copied into it by the relevant immigration office; you'll need a reentry permit too if you're coming back and want to preserve your visa.

    You'll probably need a visa to enter the country you are traveling to. Normal waivers don't apply when travelling on an ETD. For instance I was travelling to the Philippines with my wife, a Filipino. I normally don't need a visa as I get a year on arrival on production of our wedding certificate. I was advised to get a visa if entering on an ETD. I'm told this is standard most situations where you travel on an ETD.

    Hope this helps.

    Sent from my GT-S7270L using Tapatalk

  5. thanks for this. i'm particularily interested in getting away from the desk top model and like the idea of a range of smaller devices like ipads, smartphones and laptops. still researching. What about concrete walls ....... live in a two storey house made of concrete. wireless seems to work adequately in terms of individual non-networked devices cnnecting to router. is networking going to be a problem as every wal here is solid concrete.

  6. When it comes to ICT I'm a bit of a dinosaur but a recent modem upgrade and an introduction to network storage has rocked this beast to his core. I understand I don't actually need a desk top PC or even notebook with a big hard drive. I would welcome the benefit of you guys who actually know about this stuff before I commit money to it and run the risk of buying bits that don't work. I could run everything off a wireless router and network storage and connect everything to it that way....phones,notebook, ipad and even the TV. I've been looking at QNAP network storage devices recently and like the idea of being able to connectt he TV and watch a movie without the rigmarole of copying to a disk and connecting that etc. would welcome any comments from you techie guys about going forward with a home network. many thanks.

  7. Yeah smilesfly well done and good luck. Not many get that moment of clarity when they see things as they really are.

    Be careful in your first few days. This is when a hopsital detox or some sort of medical supervision could really help especially if you have a history of DTs and palpitations. This business of withdrawal can and does kill but in terms of a life it is only really a few days. So if you have the resources, no reason not to book yourself in somewhere nice for a clinical detox.

    The problem is that two weeks later you may either feel so good or so crap or so ornery that, errrrrr, you might fancy a drink. Welcome to alcoholism. Many of us find a long term solution in AA. There are other ways too. Good luck and let us know how you fare, good, bad or ornery.

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  8. Yes I am aware my printer is not wireless and as Lopburi says am planning to plug it into my router. My principal connection is by notebook; as I switch between home and work I like the idea of being able to print wirelessly. But I am starting to understand that this is a huge area and thanks to DogNo1 have learned about NAS or network storage and didn't actually appreciate there were so many possibilities, beyond a simple storage device. I like the idea of being able to watch movies on my TV directly via a network connection. As I said I am a dinosaur but hopefully still teachable! Many thanks for your assistance and advice, keep it coming.

  9. I'm a bit of dinosaur and can't connect my D-Link 2750u ASDL 2+ router to an electronic storage device. From trying to do this I have learned that it is also theoretically possible to connect my printer to the router, a HP LaserjetP1102.

    I'm thinking maybe I need a better modem and following another thread looks like the Asus N55U might just be the ticket. Basically I want to run storage,a printer and smartphones and a tablet over the wi-fi. Now I am pretty non-technical so if I splash out on a new modem will this be easy to st up and get everything working?

    Any advice welcome.


  10. It's been 8 years since I quit a two pack a day habit following a thirty year period of active smoking. I had to get into the grips of heart disease to do something about it. I finally did it cold turkey as my doctor advised my heart condition could be adversely affected by any medication. I can say I wanted to smoke every day for the first two years. However I was a really hard smoker - I loved plain (no filters) Camels and Gitanes and roll-ups. I had the most awful cravings for a cigarette and at times I literally was on my knees begging for divine intervention. Obviously some days were better than others.

    I was undoubtedly helped by the restrictions on smoking in public places. I don't think there is any getting away from having cravings. Just sit with them, they will undoubtedly pass. Focus on not taking the first cigarette - if you don't have that first one, you can't take the second and the third, you cannot begin; thinking about one being too many and twenty not enough.

    And don't spend too much time thinking or debating. Get active and go to places where you can't smoke.

    WHatever cravings you experience they will wondrously leave you at some point as they did even me. I noticed they had gone one day and I haven't really looked back. I reckon I can smell tobacco smoke 50 yards away! It's a joy not to reek of nicotine and smoke and to be able to taste and not have to spit out all the phlegm and my heart symptoms have significantly improved too. I always liked that bit in the Allen Carr book where he suggests you go immediately to page whatever, which is the beginning of the chapter headed The Benefits of Smoking - I won't spoil it for you but you should go to that page and read it carefully!

    Good luck! You can do it!

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