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Posts posted by GuestHouse

  1. I've spent twelve years working in an office of over three hundred Thais, nearly all graduates and a number with higher degrees. I'm currently working with three Thais (all with masters degrees).

    It never ceases to surprise me when gaps in their education and general knowledge show-up.

    I also work with Malaysians, Singaporeans and Japanese. What is clear is they have a far broader education than the Thais.

    I agree with those above who say we should not judge all Thais by these observations, but I think we can make an assessment of Thailand's educational system.

    Thailand's newspapers have a remarkably low readership. Book reading in Thailand is practically non existent (in comparison with Singapore, Japan, the Philippines) and way way behind Europe.

    I do not believe this is any racial/cultural trait, nor do I believe it is an accident.

    Thailand's educational system has been manipulated by the Thai military who have opposed at ever level any changes to bring critical thought into the education system.

    Years of learning by rote, produces people who don't question and who are bored to death of education.

    Of course we can all find Thais who read and are open minded, capable of clear critical thought. But take a ride on any Thai bus, any Thai train - virtually nobody has their head in a book or a newspaper. Perhaps a comic or more likely texting on their mobile.

  2. You are clutching at staws Noel. The man has been pardonned.

    Now he's written a book which, having read it, I believe offers an insight into a personal experience that spreads the word not to traffick drugs and spreads the word on the harsh punnishments awaiting drug traffickers in Thailand.


    A time served convict with a Royal Pardon, uses his rights to write a book. He makes some money and people learn about the personal consequences of being caught drug smuggling in Thailand.

    Do you have an counter argument that says this book discourages people from trafficking drugs to Thailand?

    Or are you simply relying on your dislike of the author?


    And people wonder where those fanatics rioting over cartoons come from.

  3. how can you compare Charriere with a drugdealing twit

    Both convicted fellons. I make no other comparisson, but raise the question, would those who would deny Fellows the right to write a book, also have dennied Charriere?

    I made another comparisson too.

    The raving against this book because it offends personal beliefs in right and wrong is akin to the burning of cartoons.

    Self-rightous nonsense.

    Fellows was sentenced to life imprisonment, which in Thailand is intended to mean ‘life’.

    He was given a royal pardon after serving less than twelve years.

    He was given a Royal Pardon - I'm not going to argue with Royal Pardons.

  4. It's pure ignorance and predjudice.

    You hear it hear sometimes here on TV too. Guys berating all western women as being man haters/overweight/money grabbing/(insert negative of your choice).

    Conversely you'll hear guys praising Thai women as all being fabulous/sexy/caring etc.

    Of course neither generalization is correct and anything but a judgment made on the basis of a real knowledge of an individual is ignorance and predjudice.

    What you have experienced is an extreme, unencessary and I am sure you dealt with it better than I would have... I'd have been punching people.

    But the fact is, we all make similar (if not as extreme) comments from time to time, perhaps not in the same degree, perhaps we make possitive comments and think that's OK because we are being possitive.

    It's, as Trink might have said huMAN NAtURE...

    I'd say the biggest problem my wife has is guys hitting on her, OK you might say, living in Italy what do you expect?

    But she made a very telling observation. In Italy, every guy has a 'Ciao Bella', cars pipping horns, she'll occasionaly gets a guy asking her if she has time for a coffee. She remarks this is nothing that worries her. She puts it down to Italians and sees it as harmless flirting.

    But when we lived in the UK and when we visit the UK she takes a whole different view. She tells me she genuinely fears for her safety in the UK on account of the number of real creaps that take to following her around supermakets/the town centre etc. We have friends in the UK who's Thai wife/girlfriends have had to file police reports over creaps stalking them.

    I think that kind of behaviour bothers me more than ignorant comments.

  5. I see the self-righteous are out in force on this thread.

    Not only out in force but dragging Garry Glitter and Pedophiles into the picture too. Well I guess if you are going to get up on your soap box you might as well tackle all the world’s wrongs in one go.

    So what exactly is wrong with a convicted drug dealer writing a book?

    He is not making money out of his crime, he has written a book about his experiences during the punishment for a crime. What he has to say is obviously of interest, if it were not the book would not sell.

    What would you rather he do, go back to trafficking drugs?

    Would you ban all ex prisoners from writing books? Would you have banned Charriere from writing his story? He packed it with as much fiction as fact but left us with what is recognized as a world classic.

    Or would you rather ban somebody writing a book on the basis that is upsets your own idea of what is right and what is wrong - maybe you would do the same with cartoons too?!

    A convicted, sentenced and TIME SERVED drug trafficker, he has written a book about his experience. Maybe, just maybe, someone reading that book will be deterred from drug trafficking – if so it will have done more to fight that crime than any amount of self-righteous indignation.

    You can Google “Charriere” if you wish.

  6. I think you are going to have to sit this one out until the birth. You might like to start by enquiring at one of the international hospitals with respect to having DNA tests.

    But I don't think you are going to get a pre-natal test. The old test for Down's syndrome (Amniosynthesis Test [sp]) used to be prenatal but came with significant risks and was only done when absolutely called for.

    You are also going to have to think about what if the test proves it is your child - What then?

  7. I love bees.

    I used to keep them when I was a boy, much to the bemusement of my father who could never understand why a small boy might like bees. They are fascinating in the extreme and asian bees are not dangerous unless you have an allergy to their sting.

    My wife had cottoned on that I plan to keep bees when we eventually settle in one place, she's not keen on the idea, so I'm planning to fence of a part of the bottom field to make it a "wife no go area".... Curiosity will get the better of her I know, but it'll be too late by then, she'sll balk at killing them...

    If your bees a real problem then you probably need to consider getting a bug sprayer or pest removal company to come and clear them out.

    Sad really, they're only bees. :o

  8. I predict with some certainty this is going to get the Naivety Award 2006, and it’s only March yet.

    If you think Thailand is going to change a system that prevents foreigners buying land, you are sadly mistaken.

    Don’t believe what estate agents our bar stool investment analysts are telling you.

    Go read and learn about Thai history and politics.

    Find out how deeply Thais hold onto the notion of their independence from Western control and how deeply they hold the view that this sets them apart in Asia.

  9. The system, expected to be introduced by the middle of next year at the earliest, is aimed at attracting highly-skilled younger workers while making it harder for low-skilled, non-EU citizens, to come to Britain.

    Perhaps the British Government might like to look into why I, and many like me, are so keen to take our education, skills and training overseas.

    The first rule of filling the bath tub is to make sure the plug's in and not leaking before you start.


    While I realize this query relates to a husband holding power of attourny for his wife, I'll just add general warning.


    Don't even think of it. Thai law will not protect you if he signs all your worldly goods to his family, it can and does happen.

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