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Posts posted by deepskyfreak

  1. Probably quite true I live almost in the heart of Red Country, Nongbulamphu, and many folks are going to head to BKK. I am just keeping my mouth quiet up here. The Red party line rules and there is no other viewpoint.
    Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

    so is that red democracy???

    no, an elite-sponsored communist revolution :)

  2. Soon we will have UDD protesters in every part of Thailand, not only Ratchaprasong and Silom.

    I have just returned this minute from a very unwise trip to Pratunam. The whole main road seemed to be a 'no mans land'. As we departed some razor wire barricades near the new train station were being dismantled and then there was tear gas and gunfire. I noticed that behind police/army lines, some people were breaking up paving slabs, I can't think they were red shirts, and it leads me to think there is a counter mob of some sort.

    We have to clearly distinguish between the rural people who were hopeful that the UDD protest would bring about change and an improvement for their lives, and the thugs who rule the streets now. I believe that the departure of "soft-line" UDD leaders clearly shows that the hardline core has gone too far astray. Men who collect paving slabs and brainlessly destroy fire engines, smash cars and windows are not protesters who want a goverment change. They don't even know the meaning of government. Looting will be the next thing we will see, then martial law and orders to shoot looters with live ammo. The death toll will be dozens, if not hundreds. All because some UDD leaders did not want reconciliation and elections in November. Congratulations. Now even Thaksin (don't forget that he is a criminal fugitive!) calls for reconciliation. Chavalit calls for talks and shakes hands again wth Prem. They miht be old, but they have enourmous influence and backing.

    I hope that the UDD hardliners wake up and don't try to sacrifice women, children, elderly for the sake of saving face. If not, then let the slaughter go ahead. Bad thing: The military boys are young, inexperienced and scared. They will shoot anyone who is moving. They do not have the knowledge and capability to pick out the real thugs and trouble-makers. It would need special forces to arrest the leaders, even if it costs the lives of some their thug guards. The UDD ad the chance to act constructive - they did not want to. Sad for Thailand. :)

  3. How could they be so silly and organize a swinging party in a hotel room... :o Get a soundproof flat or a house in a rice field. Stupidity must be punished. Well, the arrested might even have some fun in police custody - some prison cells are rumored to have swinging parties going on there as well. At least immigration detention grapevine tells... TIT

  4. old wanderer,

    brilliant remarks! your are one of the few farangs who really seem to get it.

    most folks here in TH don't know what's going on round them.

    someone else recommended to read bbc to learn about the protest and updates - i recommend: do not do exactly that...

    bbc is just as blind as 90% of farangs living in TH.

    before you all hate me for the farang remarks - i'm farang just like you folks. and i enjoy (most of the time) TH since 1993.

    Cheers! :o

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