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Posts posted by ZZZ

  1. Just about all yoghurt found in the supermarkets (Nestle, Foremost) is live. If you can't make your own yoghurt from it there is usually some other problem or a bad jar. UHT milk don't work but powdered milk works fine if you can't get fresh milk.

    "Gourmet" brand yoghurt is good, homemade is better.

  2. Francois advice should work but if you mess with the registry you really have to know exactly what you are doing or you WILL have big problems. Make sure to back up the registry before making any changes.

    Changing the virtual memory is safer but will only give so much more disk space until you run out again.

    Eventually you should, as someone suggested, get Partition Magic or Partition Manager and repartition your drive to make the C: drive larger.

  3. One of the largest files on your C: drive is probably the pagefile.sys, this is your virtual memory and can be around 1Gb.

    You should be able to change your setup so this will reside on your D: drive. Go to System, performance, settings, Advanced and change the virtual memory setup.

  4. So far when roaming the short number has always worked so have not received an SMS with an alternate number as you did with DTAC.

    I have looked at the 12Call website ( http://www.one-2-call.com/One2Call/otc/e/index.jsp) but could not find anything there.

    This website (12Call) must be the worst website in the history of internet. I have never seen a major corporate website that was so slow, lacking any useful information and with the most anoying animations and graphics.

    Anyway, if anyone have the number to call would apresiate if you let me know, if not I will just give the call centre a call when I get the opportunity.

  5. Botox is produced by Clostridium botulinum, this is a spore-forming, obligate anaerobe whose natural habitat is soil, from which it can be isolated without undue difficulty.

    Botox or Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous substance known. A single gram of crystalline toxin, evenly dispersed and inhaled, would kill more than 1 million people.

    Don't think I would like to try this at home.

  6. If the phone is not "IDD" it's usually via a local exchange in the condo. The disadvantages with the local exchange are:

    They can charge you anything for the calls.

    If someone call in they may have to go via operator or dial extension number.

    There could be a limited number of lines.

    There could be problems using a computer on the line, not working at all or frequent cut off.

  7. Would like to have my laundry back the same day. No ironing required so would be happy to use a laundromat that also provides dryers.

    This will also take care of the problem when your laundry is done together with someone elses towels that have not been washed for 3 month. Sometimes the laundry returned really stinks!!

  8. Mini Office on soi Post Office, approximately opposite the post office, will hold your mail for free. They post a list outside if you have any mail to pickup. Not 100% safe but I used it for three years without anything got missing (as far as I know). They also have safety deposit boxes and do most things the post office will do, no waiting in line.

  9. 12Call have international roaming, including GPRS. I have used it many times in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, works fine. The charge in Singapore is 0.35Bath/kb. You need to select MobileOne, SingTel or Starhub when in Singapore.

    To switch on the roaming service just call their call centre (1175) or, if you want to visit the most horrible website I have ever seen, go to their website. The site takes forever to load, is full of sound and animations and most of the english pages are missing or dead links.


    You need to get some special instructions if you want to call out from outside Thailand. Think you need to dial:

    *131*CountryCodeAreaCodeNumber# to make a call, check with call centre.

  10. ThaiPauly,

    I'm about your age and had the same (similar) problem. It was a bad pain one side of the lower back down one leg. The pain was worse if lying down or sitting and not to bad if walking but still bad enough to constantly be on my mind.

    About a week ago I decided to do something about it and now it's just about gone, at least I don't even think about it for most of the time.

    What I've done is (parts of it have been mentioned by others):

    1. Three times per day I do some exercises, about 5min each time. Make sure to take it easy, do not over do it. Do all the exercises slowly and avoid twisting your back when changing positions.

    AA. Lie down on your stomach and lift opposing leg and arm, repeat with the other leg and arm, repeat 50-100 times. This feels good, strengthens muscles and straitens your back.

    BB. Do a push up but leave your lower body on the floor arching your back backwards. Hold the position as long as you are comfortable, repeat a few times.

    CC. Lie down on your back, pull up your knees towards your chest and hold them down with your arms, this could be a bit painful to start with. Then rock gently backwards and forwards 25-50 times, then sideways 25-50 times.

    DD. Stand up and lean against a wall with the feet about 30cm away from the wall. Slide down the wall with a straight back until the angle at the knees is about 90 deg. Hold the position as long as you can, hurts like ###### in the legs when not used to it.

    EE. Stand up with you feet about 30cm apart, slowly turn your upper body left to right with the arms swinging loosely with the body, about 50 times. Don’t over do the twisting.

    2. Be very conscious about how you move during the day. Try to avoid twisting your waist, use your legs or your head if you have to turn around. This is especially important if carrying anything. It’s good to turn your waist in a controlled exercise like above but otherwise it’s very easy to turn to quick and this could cause you pain for the rest of the day. After a while this will become second nature but try to think about how you move for the first few days.

    3. When sitting down always use a lower back support and be conscious about how you sit. Head above shoulders, shoulders above hip and straight back. This goes for watching TV as well, make sure you have the right posture in the couch use pillows to support the lower back.

    4. This point may be the most important as it involves one third of your day. My pain was worst when I got out of bed, during the day it usually got a bit better. Try to sleep on your back. I know this could be difficult, I used to sleep on my side or stomach. To make it easier put a pillow under your knees, this will give you a better angle of your lower back and it will also stop you from turning around in bed. After starting to sleep like this I have no problems in the morning and I sleep a lot better.

    I’m not a doctor and can not guarantee anything but the 4 steps above have just about cleared my back pain in less than a week. Hope it works for you.

  11. I tried to upgrade several times with various problems. Then, about six months ago, a new BIOS became available for my laptop. After installing the new BIOS SP2 installed without any problems at all.

    Suggest you check your laptop manufacturers website for BIOS upgrades. Many computers will not work without a new BIOS that can handle SP2.

  12. A few notes on international drivers’ license:

    Thailand only recognizes International drivers licenses issued under the 1949 years convention. There is another license issued under the 1968 years convention which is NOT valid. Some countries accept both, many countries issue both, make sure you tell them where you are going when get one.

    Most Asian countries will only accept the 1949 years convention, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Laos. Indonesia is one of the few accepting both.

    1949 years convention licenses are only valid for one year, 1968 years convention license is valid for three years.

    The vast majority of international licenses offered on the internet are not accepted, they will only get you in trouble.

    An international license is only valid together with the national license, always carry both when driving.

    It’s advisable to go to the Land Transport office (where they issue drivers licenses in Thailand) and have them check and stamp the International License. Think they charge 20 Bath for this service and then there will be no problems with the police.

    You are only allowed to drive on your international license in Thailand for 6 months, after this you have to get a local license.

    If you have had a Thai national license for over a year you can get an international license issued on this license and use this when driving anywhere outside Thailand. In Thailand the International license is only issued by the Land Transport office, this is where they issue the normal drivers license.

  13. The laser whitening is the same as the old method of using a peroxide compound but the laser will accellerate the effect of the bleaching compound. The effect is the same but it takes only an hour when using the laser and several weeks if only using the peroxide compound.

    It will not effect any fillings or dental work so if you have any of these in the front of your mouth the dentist will match the laser whitening to be the same as your dental work, unless you select to have them replaced as well.

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