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Posts posted by ZZZ

  1. Sbk,

    Thanks for that insight in the mind of a western woman. I’m certainly relieved to hear what you are saying and have no problems what so ever with this. Actually this probably puts you on the same wavelength as your Asian sisters.

    The way a man thinks and the way the Asian women thinks has been the way things has been working for thousands of years.

    The way many western women now operate only started about 50 years ago.

    So the problem then is that what western women want and what they have been telling us men the last 50 years are two totally different things, no wonder there is a bit of friction then is it?

  2. Boo,

    I started off saying "Generally this is how it works" to clarify that it was a generalization.

    It is perfectly ok to use generalizations when talking about a large group.

    Do you mean that I should explain how every single western woman thinks and behaves?????

    Maybe you could generalize a bit on what western women are looking for these days because, reading the posts, it seems like most men don’t know anymore and have lost interest.

  3. I think Richard is correct here that anything more than breathing technically requires a work permit.

    I know for sure that money have nothing what so ever to do with it, work can be paid or unpaid and still require work permit, whitch of course can not be issued as you need to earn a certain amount to get a work permit, TIT

    The question is really what you can get away with and that probably depends very much on where you live.

    If you live in Pattaya and own a bar they will take you for changing a light bulb in your bar. If you live in the north you can probably do what you want on your own property.

  4. Generally this is how it works; men enter a relationship mainly for three reasons:

    1. Readily available sex

    2. To get the satisfaction of giving protection and security to someone.

    3. To be taken care of, mainly ego boasting.

    Why western women seem to lose out against their Asian sisters is:

    1. Asian women don’t get headaches as frequently and they also understand the importance of sex to men.

    2. Western women try to project that they are totally self-reliant and don’t need any protection or security provided by a man. Asian women are more self-reliant, there are many times more female entrepreneurs and leaders in Asia than in Europe, BUT they play the game and make us men feel like we are protecting and giving security. Western women make us feel like we are not needed.

    3. With the equality drive being pushed by the feminazis in the western world western women would not dare boasting the ego of any man; she would probably be burned at the stake by her western sisters if caught. Asian women know how easy it is to make a man happy by stroking his ego and they are experts in this, their sisters would very much complain and talk behind their back if they did not “take care” of their man. The Asian (buddist) way of ignoring the bad (confrontations) and only seeing the good helps.

    The way a man thinks and the way the Asian women thinks has been the way things has been working for thousands of years.

    The way many western women now operate only started about 50 years ago.

  5. One reason could be that Thai girls are more “girly” :D than today’s western women who are more on the “matey” :D side.

    If a man wants a girl he would favor the Thai girl, if he wanted a mate he would favor the blokes down the pub. :D

    Left over would be the poor western woman. :D

    Another thing, everyone knows women are smarter than men. :D The difference between Thai women and western women is that Thai women use this and western women flaunt it.

    Note: This is generalizing and just a guess. :o

  6. Land lines always have an area code:

    02 for Bangkok, 038 for Pattaya

    When dialing in Thailand you have to dial this code, including the 0, even if you are in the area.

    the number (02) 1234-567 should be dialed as:

    From anywhere in Thailand, including Bangkok: 021234567

    From US: 0116621234567

    The same thing with cell numbers, include the leading zero when dialing inside Thailand and exclude it when dialing from outside.

    As far as I know numbers starting with 01,06 and 09 are cell numbers, there may be others as well???

  7. I think I saw a book in Thai explaining Farang cooking with recepies of the most common dishes. This was somewhere inside the Villa market, on Sukhumvit near soi 33.

  8. Now there's a surprise eh ?   :D

    What worries me, is that these are the people who are running an entire country . . . . . . . I would like them to (in small teams of say 4 people) try and "run" a 7/11 store, for a month AND make a profit, of course ! ! I firmly believe they couldn't do it - therefor it really worries me, that people like these are running an entire country ! ! ! :o

    Of course they will make a profit, not for 7/11 but for themselves.

    First they will install some good friends at strategical positions so they can get some cheap supplies in from neighboring countries, using other friends as middle men to skim off some of the profits.

    Then another friend will be used to run the place. He will hire workers at minimum salary, and then fine those 50% because they don’t work 25 hours a day 8 days a week.

    When business booms they will expand the store by encroaching on the nearby buildings.

    When they have made enough money for themselves there will be a reshuffle to ensure as many as possible can have a go at it. :D

  9. Back to Grant's question.

    You don't need to buy any "special" fridge for this. You can get any old second hand fridge and just have someone to adjust the thermostat to the desired temperature. This probably means taking out and open up the thermostat but it can normally be done fairly easy.

  10. Get real people most of you are being taken for a ride: no money no honey!!!

    how many of you have partners the same age as you or older?


    You are talking a lot about the age difference. If you think a small age difference negates the "no money no honey" syndrome I think you are sadly mistaken.

    For most Thai to marry a farang is a great hardship due to all the differences; language, cultural, looks, new country.... What makes up for it is the security that money gives.

    Eventually you get used to things and if the marriage is lasting then the "no money no honey" is not really that valid but initially it will be the driving force no matter any kind of age differance.

  11. Yes I know this has been discussed before but without conclusion, so giving it another go.

    Does anyone know where, if, you can have your SIM card (12Call) copied so you don't have to keep swapping the SIM card between your PDA and your phone.

    I know this can be done by AIS for a post paid account but not sure if possible with 12Call.

  12. Desi, I've seen the Sharp plasmacluster in most of the big department stores that have a big hosehold appliances department such as Central, Metro etc.

    I've had a unit similar to the Quattra Ionic Breezer but the problem was that i gave off a strong ozone smell. The Quattra is not very good according to test values where most other airfilters removes 2-3 times as many particles from the air.

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