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Posts posted by ZZZ

  1. Certainly looks like there is a competition, but it's taken care off:

    Noticed that the where can I meet Thai students thread was shut down by moderator after 5 posts but the where to meet falang girls is still running after 150 posts.

    I would like to see both threads. Looks like unfair competition to close the Thai students thread.

  2. You can get digital radio via satellite. Many free channels but if you want the lot there is a subscription fee of US$10 per month.

    Mainly music but also BBC, CNN Fox and talkSPORT from UK.

    The receiver is around US$100. It's a small portable with a very small dish antenna. The antenna comes with an extension cable and needs to be outside, directed towards the satellite.

    Buy a receiver in Thailand at:

    Radio 100

    1/20 Viset Road,Moo 9

    Chalong Bay

    Phuket 83130


    Telephone:+66 (0)76 - 280 769

    Fax: +66 (0)76 - 330 869


    Mediasat Co. Ltd.

    Worldradioshop Thailand

    Kata Big Rock

    20 Soi Patak 2, Patak Rd.

    T. Karon, Muang, Phuket 83100


    Tel.: ++66 (0) 1 606 31 43

    Fax: ++66 (0) 76 333 213

    E-Fax: ++1 419 821 25 14

    [email protected]


    For more info and programming guide check:


  3. The roof insulation will mainly help during the night as there will be less heat stored. This will reduce the night time aircon cost. It will probably not make that much off a difference during daytime if you normally have the windows open for a fresh breeze.

    If you have the windows closed and use the aircon daytime the best would be to install double glazing windows. Just put a hand on the window in an airconditioned room and what you will feel is the outside temperature, massive temperature loss and high aircon cost.

  4. Some info from:


    It is important to understand that statins do effectively lower cholesterol levels. There is no argument that these drugs work but they in no way shape or form treat the cause of the problem. They are nothing more than a potentially toxic band-aid. When you chose not to address the cause of the problem, the underlying condition that is causing the risk factor (high cholesterol) will crop up and eventually cause other diseases.

    the bottom line is that statin drugs are not the answer if your cholesterol is elevated. Statins are potentially dangerous to your health. So much so, that attempts to change any of them to over-the-counter status have failed. This is because statin drugs are linked to a number of serious and potentially life threatening side effects including, but not limited to:


    Muscle aches

    An increase in cancer risk

    Immune system suppression

    Serious degenerative muscle tissue condition (rhabdomyolysis)

    Potential increase in liver enzymes so patients must be monitored for normal liver function

    There are two primary strategies that work well over 99 percent of the time if properly implemented. They are:

    Daily cardiovascular exercise

    Low grain diet

  5. FYI

    From Pattaya mail 25th Feb:


    The U.S. Consulate is happy to announce that the dates for the annual Internal Revenue Service visit (IRS) have been finalized. IRS representative Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney will be visiting Bangkok. She will be available to provide individual consultations from Thursday, March 17 through Friday, March 25.

    Mrs. Kinney is scheduling 15-minute individual consultations for the following dates: Thur.-Fri., March 17-18, and again from Mon.-Fri., March 21-25. Appointments will be available from 7:30 - 11 a.m. and from 1 - 3 p.m.

    In order to schedule an individual consultation, please call American Citizens Services (ACS) in Bangkok at 02-205-4049.

  6. This Swedish guy had a bit of a track record. They interviewed his dad and got the story. He was a very promising ice hockey player in the Swedish major league. He then suddenly quit as a player and became one of the most respected referees in the major league.

    One day he nicked the referees cash box, with about $10,000, and took off to Rio. In Rio he got messed up with drugs and other problems and finally got back to Sweden again. In Sweden he worked up several hundred thousand dollars worth of bad debts with credit card companies.

    To escape his problems in Sweden he went to France and joined the foreign legion. After 5 years in some of the worst trouble spots he resigned from the legion and went to Pattaya for a holiday. The rest of the story is told in above messages.

  7. When reading the text below it's scary to see how many doctors will prescribe potentially dangerous drugs after just on cholesterol test.


    "In Britain, general practitioners, practice nurses and health visitors are starting to use desk-top cholesterol testing machines, the majority of which have been loaned by drug companies. A suggestion in the Lancet is that this is designed merely to enhance the drug companies' profits by increasing sales of cholesterol-lowering drugs, and questions their ethics. There is also the question of the psychological harm that could be done to people in view of the United States experience of the inaccuracy of such machines."

    "Cholesterol measurements are not very accurate - less than eighty percent - even when conducted in a laboratory. A survey showed that on the same sample, laboratories could differ by as much as 1.3 mmol/l. When it is tested with a doctor's desktop machine the accuracy will inevitably be lower.

    To put it in perspective, let us assume that you are around thirty years old and your cholesterol level is a perfectly respectable 6.0 mmol/l. You hurry to the surgery and are anxious about the result. This could raise it by twenty-five percent to 7.5. If it is sent to a laboratory giving the high readings it could be raised by a further 1.3. Your perfectly normal 6.0 is now a high 8.8!

    In fact, so many variables affect cholesterol levels that a one-off test is a waste of time, and an unnecessary worry for the patient that can do more harm than good. Bear that in mind if you are subjected to a cholesterol test. "

  8. Perfect place to go to if you want to go to Kuta Beach or Samui but only have a few hours.

    Take the SkyTrain to Ratchthewi then walk back 5min to the khlong, take the first khlong taxi to the end station, less than 10min, <5Baht, then walk 15min.

    Or take the 30min boatride from Saphan Taksin to the end station on the guided tourist boat. Only about 10Baht and and quite enjoyable. From the end station it's about 10min walk if walking thru the temple grounds.

  9. Not that everything on the web should be taken for fact but there are several sites there mentioning the cholesterol lowering properties of dragon fruit (and other fruits and veggies). Have not found any info on who/when/where this was discovered. The site: http://www.loweringcholesterol.net/ have a lot of info on alternative cures.

    Point is that any doctor will tell you that high cholesterol is a symptom of a bad diet and a cholesterol lowering drug will only remove this symptom, not the underlying problem. The high cholesterol level is just one out of thousands of problems associated with a bad diet.

    Pharmaceutical companies are in the business of making money, not to make pills that cure people. It’s not an accident that the vast majority of pharmaceuticals in the market are designed just to relieve symptoms, not to cure deceases. It makes much more business sense for the pharmaceutical companies to keep us sick so we have to get the pills to treat the symptoms. Also, most pharmaceuticals comes with known and unknown side effects that requires more pills to treat more symptoms. Altogether a brilliant business concept.

  10. If you are just looking for information you should read Pattaya Mail (www.pattayamail.com). There is an average of two suicides reported every week. A Google search on pattayamail and suicide will give you about 1300 hits, should be enough to get you started.

    Most of them are drug related or involves someone with a terminal illnes. A lot of people go here with their savings and make the most out of it before they depart to the unknown.

  11. Slightly off topic.

    Does anyone have first hand information regarding renting out your apartment as a foreigner. I know everyone doing it says just do it and collect the rent.

    What are the actual regulations. Is a foreigner allowed to do this without forming a company?

    What are the tax implications?

    As you will be earning money in the country will you need a work permit or any other form of licensing?

    First hand knowledge would be apresiated on this.

  12. In most cases it's actually not the foreigner paying more, it's the Thai getting in for a lower price.

    Thailand is a big tourist destination and a lot of the venues are there only because of the foreign tourists. With out being able to charge whatever they charge the tourists (foreigners) these venues would not be here in the first place.

    The locals get in for a lower price, without this lower price most of them would not get in at all. At least some revenue is generated from the local population and that actually brings down the price the visitor will have to pay.

    This is normal practice in most big tourist locations. The difference is that in Thailand they are honest about it and put it on the price list. Just check around in other tourist places like Florida and you will find that the same deals exist for the locals there but it's not out in the open.

    As for government run places, Thais have paid taxes for the building and upkeep of these so they should get a discount. These kind of discounts are also available in most western countries where locals can get access to place like local museums cheeper by discount cards.

    In the end its up the individual if they want to pay the price. To not visit a place you really would like to visit just because they let locals in for a lower price is your own loss.

  13. "It should be noted that the law does NOT define work as doing something in return for financial or any other reward."

    Does anyone know what the law DO define work as?

    As some people pointed out it would be illegal to drive any vehicle, roll your own cig, take part in handicraft cources......if work is defined as just doing it.

  14. Any license is accepted in US except when renting a car you are supposed to have an international drivers permit as well as your local license (Thai or whatever).

    As far as the EU regulation that you should get a license in the country where you live. Had a friend who tried to renew his license back home but was told he had to do it in Thailand as he lives there. Turned out they ment he had to do it via his embassy in Thailand, so he could still get his EU license. Not sure if this is applicable for UK.

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